
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasía
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24 Chs

CH 6 : The Priestess of Miracles

Slamming into the wall, Martin fell to the ground, he started coughing blood. The wicked adventurer stood over Martin a grin on his face, "Are you willing to hand over the sword now?".

Noticing the rest of the adventurers arriving, Martin slid his leg under the robust man with all his might kicking his ankle, forcing him to lose balance and fall in front of his comrade, taking advantage of this moment, Martin got up and squeezed his body through the small alleyway opening that was about half-yard wide, and it kept on getting narrower.

Getting up the robust man's eyes turned bloodshot, locking his eyes on Martin who was about one-third of the way through the alleyway. The robust man charged into the small gap forcing his way inside, but he was too big to get through. Seeing their captain going berserk, his comrades tried to calm him down.

One of them who had body enhancement still active pulled him from the opening saying "Captain we are too big to squeeze through, and even if we did that alleyway leads to the eastern- district, and we all know that we aren't welcomed there". Hearing his words while his eyes are still fixed on Martin he bellowed, " You little bastard, you got away this time but I'll be coming for you, so make sure you don't die till then, cause I will kill you with my own two hands, I swear on my name Perv Asshat the commander of the Booty Adventurer's Team".

Hearing those words Martin felt relieved that they have stopped giving chase, but at the same time, a confused look appeared on his face, "What the hell were his parents thinking naming him that?", reaching the other end of the alleyway he collapsed on the floor.

Body enhancement is one type of magic that can be used in close combat. Where the user forcibly increases his physical ability by boosting it by 30% using magic. As for the recoil on his body due to this sudden increase in strength, it will be absorbed by the purple-colored magic layer that is surrounding him, but the layer is too thin, so there is a limit to how much it can absorb, having both the user's magical capacity and efficiency as well as his physical capability plays a significant role to how much it will last.

Meanwhile, in heaven, a group of gods were having a heated discussion:

"I still don't believe that she was able to kill The Immortal."

"HEY, lower your voice when saying that name, the walls have ears", continuing after calming down, "Me too, he earned that name for a reason."

"What if he was in a weekend state after his reincarnation."

"What do you mean?"

"After all, he moved through the world barrier that must have made a massive toll on his body."

The world barrier is a barrier that separates heaven, the over-world, and the underworld keeping the balance between them, that's why the gods and even the demons of the underworld aren't able to interfere directly with the over-world that sits between both of them. If they wish to spread their influence in the overworld, they must use their believers.

"Enough of talking about someone who is already gone, we have more important things to discuss."

"He is right, what do you think we should do about her?"

"She pisses me off, the way she looks down at us, and treats us as if we are her subordinates just because she is sitting on that seat, I want to teach her a lesson."

"How many times I've told you not to be rash, let us lay low for the time being, and see what's going to happen."

Back at the over-world, there was a church in the western part of the eastern district, and a commotion coming out of one of the rooms inside.

"Hurry up get me some mana potions I'm running out of mana, and some bandages."

"Right on it priestess."

"Who could do this to such a young boy."

"Why do you think it's a person, it could be a monster?"

"Look at his state, monsters use their sharp claws and teeth, but there aren't any cuts on his body, he got hit by someone using body enhancement, a normal punch wouldn't have such an effect."

The priestess's name is Lucie, a young and beautiful woman with golden hair and crystal blue eyes, although she was young, she saw her fair share of gruesome experiences. Being a talented healer and even being called a genius, she was scouted to join in multiple raids and battles becoming an adventurer. Having a righteous personality she felt obliged to help the people, following that she entered the church and became a priestess healing the people in need. The people started calling her the priestess of miracles, that's because many miracles have been done under her hands.

Laying on the bed, Martin woke up due to all of that commotion, opening his eyes he saw a bright light-green glow atop his chest. Startled Martin tried to get up, seeing this the priestess hurriedly pushed him gently back, "Don't move, you're in a critical condition". Trying to talk, "Where am -", Martin started coughing out blood.

The priestess replied, "Don't speak, it's fine, we are treating your wounds, some kids found you unconscious beside an alleyway a few blocks down the street and carried you here."

Applying the bandages, she continued, "This is the church built for the goddess of justice, we usually get patients, but this is the first time someone came here in such a state, you had internal bleeding caused by internal injury."

Tying the last bandage priestess Lucie felt a huge load off her shoulders, and a sigh of relief slipped through her lips, "Your treatment is done for now, but don't move or the internal wounds will open back again, have some rest, try sleeping a bit more, I need to rest up myself, I've consumed so much mana, as for your stuff it's on the table beside your bed". Following those words, she gave Martin a warm smile that appeared on her tired face and left the room.

Mana is the main source of magic, it is formed of magicouls that flow inside the body through the magic circuit and are stored inside the magic core, but there is a limit to how much a magic core can hold, although magic cores differ for each person at birth, its capacity and efficiency in producing magicouls can be improved using external tools. As for mana potions as their name implies contain mana when consumed, it regenerates a portion of the consumer's mana.

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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