
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasía
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110 Chs

Darkangel vs Ryoa

"well look at what you become a complete mess" Ryoa said watching from a roof overlooking the President's residence

back at the Presidents house Darkangel was slaughtering A.A.N.M division 10

"Darkangel is a fitting name for him, isn't it" Fang said as he watched Darkangel from the sidelines

"he's a monster actually" Monster said in awe

Darkangel swept one of the soldier off his feet and his head off next he stabbed three of them in the throat another soldier trained his gun on Darkangel but he just made himself a. bigger target since Dark threw his sword at his chest, took his gun and began shooting some of the soldiers with it until he ran out of bullets the Lieutenant and Commander decided to step and try to fight Dark

"your not gonna help him?" Ghoul said as she walked up to Fang

"does it look like he need help" Fang said

"no not really" Ghoul said

"I guess he can resist the urge to use all of his strength, oh well it amusing anyway" Ezreal said

Dark used one of the dead soldiers body to as a distraction by throwing the body at the Commander and Lieutenant when they caught the body they immediately jumped to the side as Dark cut it in half then tried going after the Lieutenant but as he took a stepped he heard a *click* sound and he looked down to check what it was, he saw a small mine on the floor and he thought he could use it to his advantage and before he stepped off of it he threw his weapon in the air but the mine still exploded, destroying his body and half of his chin but it ended up blowing his head sixty feet up in the air

"what a smart plan" Ezreal sarcastically said as she watched his body regenerate

after his body regenerated he pressed a small button on the back of his mask and his uniform started regenerating starting from his mask and ending at his feet them as he was just 39 feet in the air he was able to catch up to his sword and changed the color from glowing red to a dim purple changing the weight of it from 70 pounds to 236 pounds

when he was about 19 feet in the air he was able to balance himself before throwing his sword at the Lieutenant but he was able to dodge it on instinct and he didn't bother to look up cause he saw Dark throw it in the air but instead he focused on the sword and how hard it landed in the ground, he thought that the Darkangel was dead and started inspecting the sword but as he was about to try and lift it up the Darkangel landed in front of him and grabbed the sword, the Lieutenant tried pulling his gun out but Dark ended up cutting his head in half then the Commander started charging him

"I guess their not trained well enough to not act on anger, just from his face alone you could tell he's pissed off" Ezreal said as she watched Darkangel cutoff the Commander's arm then his leg and then Dark slowly slit his throat

Darkangel left his sword in the commander's throat and took both of his guns but they weren't reloaded so he threw one at one of soldiers before dropping the other, he rushed the soldier he threw the gun at and hit him in the stomach with his knee then proceeded to beat him till his jaw was crushed and as he was about to move on to the next soldier someone threw a machete at him but they missed

"retreat, now you don't hold a candle to him" Ryoa said as he pulled out his sword

"who the hell are you?" one of the soldiers said

Ryoa showed them a badge and they immediately started retreating but Dark rushed them and Ryoa stopped him by kicking him in the stomach

"pick up your weapon there's no way your winning against me even without it" Ryoa said

"..." Darkangel stood quiet as he walked towards his sword

"he might actually be a challenge for him especially right now" Ezreal said before she flew down to them

"the hell?, he's look like... no way" Ryoa said as he charged Darkangel

now that Dark saw his face up close, he was able recognize who he was and instinctively go all out most of the times Dark would attack him it would only be basic attacks and Ryoa would either block or dodge them but Ryoa deflected this and kneed Dark in stomach then kicked his face

"I guess there's no point in that anymore" Ezreal said as she placed her hands on Jean's ears

after Dark was released from it he immediately started backing away and tried to recollect his thoughts and stretching his arms

"have we met before?" Darkangel said as he pointed to him

"I'm not sure but if you removed your mask it would be easier for me to recognize you" Ryoa said as he charged at him again

"is that so?" Darkangel said as he charged him

when they were close enough they both attacked each other and only Ryoa was able to quickly move after the impact and hit Dark in the side with end of his handle and it broke one Dark's ribs but before Ryoa could move his arm away from him Dark grabbed him and tried to kick him in head but Ryoa blocked it with his other arm and swept his feet from the floor then Dark stopped himself from falling and kicked him in the side now Ryoa was on the floor gasping for air as Dark hit him in the lung

Darkangel was able to stand up again and finally catch his breath but 12 red dots were focused on his chest and head

"come on we're done" Archangel said as she tackled Darkangel causing the snipers to miss the shot

"it was only just getting better"  Ezreal said as she flew closer to Darkangel

after Ryoa was able to catch his breath and stand he noticed that there was a lot more than there now and decided it was best for him to retreat as well as Team Twelve since their mission was complete

"were you holding back or are you just getting weaker" Ezreal said as she sat on Darkangel's head

"how come you didn't tell us there were more soldiers, was it to show the rain or your capabilities?" Fang asked staring at the sky above the president's house

"neither, I was just bored and they were there" Dark said before he heard some noise coming from the sides of the building

they kept getting louder and louder 30 seconds past and a *click* sound was heard then all of division thirteen flew up from three sides and they put away their grappling hooks

"an ambush" Famg said in shock

"I'll sit this one out you guys go ahead and break a leg" Darkangel said as he sat down

"are you okay?" Archangel asked

"yeah, aren't you a homicidal maniac why aren't you fighting?" Ezreal said

"I'm fine but I don't want it to rain over here so I'll just sit this one out" Darkangel said as he relaxed his head on the AC unit

"is she the same girl from 750" Ezreal said in a surprised tone

"yes she is" Darkangel said as he closed his eyes

the same noise came from the other sides of the building and Division eight flew up from behind Dark after they landed on top of the building Archangel used one of the automatic guns the soldiers had and began spraying most the soldiers near Dark so she began killing the soldiers of division eight on her own

after she got down to the last soldiers one of the Lieutenants stopped her attack but she just stabbed him in the neck and sliced open his head then the Commander tried to kill Darkangel but Ark threw both of her knives at his neck and it started burning his bones by dropping some gasoline inside his body and light it on fire

the last soldier that was alive had his mouth open in shock and Archangel kicked half of his head off

"that's... ugh" Ezreal said

"what's up with the crows" Serpent said as she watched them circle around in the sky before landing on the corpses

"you didn't know?, it's the same as Darkangel but their crows and they only come when Archangel  kills people" Ghoul said

"come on let's go back to HQ" Archangel said as she jumped to a different roof

after they've past a couple buildings they headed into the sewers and followed a more complex route

"it smells like shit" Fang said as he tried covering his nose

"is he really about to start bitching, I bet it doesn't even smell that bad" Ezreal said