
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Unexpected visit

Lilith sat in her office, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread as she read through the report detailing the imminent revival of Azathoth. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and she knew she had to act swiftly. Just as she was lost in her thoughts, the door creaked open, revealing a figure clad in a flowing black cloak, their face concealed behind an enigmatic mask.

From Lilith's perspective:

Lilith: (Startled) Who are you? What is the meaning of this intrusion?

Mysterious Man (Black): (Cold and detached) Lilith, you have dedicated your life to justice and righteousness. I have come to discuss matters that transcend such ideals.

Lilith: (Eying the mysterious figure warily) What do you know about Azathoth? How did you acquire this information?

Black: (Unyielding gaze) My knowledge is vast, Lilith. I have traversed realms beyond human comprehension. Azathoth, a name that instills fear into the hearts of mortals, will soon awaken from its slumber.

Lilith: (Gripping the report tightly) How can you be so apathetic? The revival of Azathoth will bring chaos and destruction upon the world. We must do everything in our power to prevent it.

Black: (Utterly detached) Justice is a fleeting concept, Lilith. In the grand scheme of things, it holds no sway. I am concerned only with the outcome, regardless of the means to achieve it.

Lilith: (Determination flickering in her eyes) But justice is the foundation upon which we build our society. We cannot forsake it for the sake of expediency.

Black: (Voice devoid of emotion) The impending revival of Azathoth transcends the confines of mortal perception. We stand on the precipice of an existential threat, and our actions must reflect the gravity of the situation.

Lilith: (Clutching her chest, her voice trembling) I understand the magnitude of the threat, but sacrificing our principles in the process is not the solution. We must find a way to confront Azathoth while staying true to our values.

Black: (Impassive) Your idealism is commendable, Lilith, but it blinds you to the harsh realities of the world. The path ahead is treacherous, and sacrifices will be demanded.

Lilith: (Steel in her voice) I refuse to abandon my beliefs. We must find a way to defeat Azathoth while upholding justice and preserving the lives we strive to protect.

From the Mysterious Man's perspective:

Black stood before Lilith, his demeanor composed and distant, his focus unwavering on the impending threat that loomed over them all.

Black: (Unperturbed) Lilith, the time has come for us to set aside the comforting notions of justice and morality. Azathoth's revival is nigh, and it will shake the very foundations of existence.

Lilith: (Searching for answers) How did you come by this knowledge? What is your purpose in all of this?

Black: (Eyes hidden behind the mask, voice devoid of warmth) Knowledge is my domain, Lilith. I have traversed dimensions, delved into forbidden tomes, and sought wisdom in the darkest corners of existence. Azathoth's awakening is a pivotal event that demands our attention.

Lilith: (A trace of urgency in her voice) But justice and righteousness are the pillars upon which our society is built. We cannot disregard them in the face of imminent danger.

Black: (Unmoved) Justice is a human construct, a fleeting illusion that dissipates in the face of true power

Lilith's heart raced as she listened to Black's proposition. The mysterious man in the black cloak had just revealed that he possessed the power to awaken Eve, a figure of great importance in their shared past. However, his request for a hefty sum of 100 million to be sent directly to his bank account left Lilith conflicted.

From Lilith's perspective, she saw the weight of responsibility and the potential implications of awakening Eve. She understood that Eve held immense power and knowledge that could greatly impact the world. Yet, the price demanded by Black raised questions about his true intentions and motives. Was he simply seeking personal gain? Was there a hidden agenda behind his offer?

Lilith's mind raced as she weighed the options. On one hand, awakening Eve could potentially bring about positive change and help in their ongoing battle against Shadow. On the other hand, blindly trusting Black and succumbing to his demand for a large sum of money seemed risky and potentially dangerous.

From Black's perspective, he saw Lilith's hesitation and understood her concerns. He remained stoic and unmoved by her internal struggle. To him, justice and morality were mere obstacles in the pursuit of his ultimate goal. He believed that the ends justified the means and was willing to go to great lengths to achieve his desired outcome.

From Black's perspective, he saw Lilith's hesitation and understood her concerns. He remained stoic and unmoved by her internal struggle. To him, justice and morality were mere obstacles in the pursuit of his ultimate goal. He believed that the ends justified the means and was willing to go to great lengths to achieve his desired outcome.

Black reiterated the significance of Eve's awakening, emphasizing the potential for salvation and victory over their enemies. He painted a vivid picture of a world transformed by Eve's power, where their enemies would be vanquished and their goals realized. The cost, in his eyes, was a small sacrifice for the greater good.

The conversation continued, each word dripping with tension and conflicting emotions. Lilith grappled with her principles, torn between the desire to do what was right and the allure of the power that awakening Eve could bring. Black, ever the enigmatic figure, remained steadfast in his conviction and offered no reassurances.

Lilith felt a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as the mysterious man in the black cloak handed her a small note. She couldn't help but feel the weight of his presence, his intense gaze piercing through her. With trembling hands, she took the note, her eyes never leaving his masked face.

Lilith unfolded the note, her eyes scanning the neatly written number. She could sense the gravity of the situation, the significance of that contact information. It represented a connection to the enigmatic figure standing before her, a doorway to unknown possibilities. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the decision she was about to make.

Lilith felt a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as the mysterious man in the black cloak handed her a small note. She couldn't help but feel the weight of his presence, his intense gaze piercing through her. With trembling hands, she took the note, her eyes never leaving his masked face.

Lilith unfolded the note, her eyes scanning the neatly written number. She could sense the gravity of the situation, the significance of that contact information. It represented a connection to the enigmatic figure standing before her, a doorway to unknown possibilities. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the decision she was about to make.

Black watched as Lilith's fingers trembled slightly as she took the note from his hand. He observed the mixture of emotions flickering across her face, her eyes locked onto his concealed features. It pleased him to see her uncertainty, to witness the realization of the power he held.

As Lilith unfolded the note, Black observed her reactions closely. He could almost taste the apprehension in the air as she absorbed the information. The number on that paper held the key to her desires, the means to unlock a path that could change everything. He knew he had her attention, but the final decision was still hers to make.

Lilith's lips parted slightly, her voice breaking the silence. "What... What do you want in return?" she asked, her tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

Black leaned closer, his voice a low, sibilant whisper. "The price, my dear Lilith, depends on the magnitude of your request. Power demands sacrifice, and the cost will be proportional to what you seek."

Lilith's brows furrowed as she considered his words. The weight of responsibility pressed upon her, the knowledge that her decisions could shape the course of events. She knew there would be consequences, but the allure of what he offered was undeniable.

Their eyes locked once again, an unspoken understanding passing between them. They were players in a grand game, each driven by their own motives and desires. The note with the contact information represented a crossroads, a choice that would forever alter their paths.

As Lilith pocketed the note, the significance of their encounter hung in the air. The conversation had laid the groundwork for future negotiations and actions, a web of intrigue and possibility. Black's true intentions remained shrouded in mystery, but Lilith knew that the path ahead would be fraught with both peril and potential.

Their interaction marked the beginning of a delicate dance, where trust and deception intertwined. The depth of their conversation hinted at the complexities yet to come, as Lilith would soon find herself navigating a world where the line between ally and adversary blurred, and where the price of power would be measured in more than just currency.

Lilith couldn't shake off the intensity of the encounter with the mysterious man named Black. The weight of his words and the enigmatic nature of their conversation lingered in her mind. As she walked away, she found herself torn between caution and a growing curiosity.

Days turned into weeks, and Lilith found herself mulling over the possibilities presented by Black. The allure of awakening Eve, the power it could bring, and the implications it held for the world consumed her thoughts. She couldn't deny the tantalizing prospect of such a formidable force at her disposal.

Late one night, with the moon casting its pale glow upon her, Lilith finally decided to make the call. The number on the note felt like a secret code, a gateway to a realm unknown. Her hand trembled as she dialed the digits, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

From Black's Perception:

Black had anticipated Lilith's eventual decision, knowing that her thirst for power and the desire to shape her own destiny would eventually lead her to contact him. He waited patiently, his mind focused on the intricate tapestry he was weaving, each thread carefully calculated.

When the call came, Black answered with a voice that dripped with an undertone of concealed power. Lilith's voice on the other end betrayed a mixture of nervousness and determination. They danced around each other, exchanging words laden with veiled meanings and unsaid intentions.

Lilith posed her request, outlining the magnitude of her desire. Black listened, his mind already assessing the cost, weighing the risks and rewards. He knew that this would be a pivotal moment, a decision that would shape not only Lilith's fate but his own as well.

With deliberate precision, Black offered his terms, his voice unwavering and cold. He made it clear that there would be no compromises, that the price would be steep and irreversible. Lilith hesitated for a moment, contemplating the consequences, but the allure of power proved too strong.

A deal was struck, their agreement binding them together in a dangerous dance of shadows. The path forward was now set, the wheels set in motion for the fulfillment of Lilith's desires. But little did they know that their pact would have far-reaching consequences, unraveling a chain of events that would test their limits and redefine their very identities.