
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

The final battle

Lilith, her resolve strengthened, stood beside Eve, her voice filled with newfound determination. "You twisted our bonds, Adam, but we refuse to let your darkness consume us any longer. We will find a way to undo the damage you've wrought."

A surge of power radiated from Adam as he unleashed his wrath upon them. But Eve and Lilith, fueled by their shared determination, fought back with unwavering resolve. Their swords danced in harmony, their movements a testament to their shared history and their commitment to reclaim their destinies.

As the battle raged on, the alliance warriors fought alongside Eve and Lilith, their united front becoming a beacon of hope on the battlefield. The tides began to turn, the scales of power slowly shifting in favor of the alliance.

With each strike, with each spell cast, a path to redemption was paved. The battle was no longer just a clash of forces; it became a symbol of the indomitable human spirit, the unwavering belief in the power of love, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

As the alliance rallied together, their hearts filled with determination, they charged forward with renewed vigor. Lord Cedric, Lady Siona, Commander Roderick, Chancellor Elara, Seraphina, Chieftain Kael, and Elder Odessa led their respective factions, their eyes fixed on the goal of defeating Adam and restoring peace to the realms.

But something had changed within Adam. The time for games and manipulation was over. A dark cloud of malevolence enveloped him, amplifying his powers and fueling his rage. With a wave of his hand, the battlefield transformed into a chaotic frenzy of destruction.

The alliance warriors fought valiantly, unleashing their skills and magic with unwavering resolve. However, it soon became apparent that Adam's power was far beyond their comprehension. He moved with blinding speed, striking down their forces with ruthless precision. His attacks were swift, his movements calculated, and his spells unleashed with devastating effects.

One by one, the alliance leaders and their warriors fell before Adam's relentless onslaught. Lord Cedric's mighty sword was shattered, Lady Siona's powerful magic was countered effortlessly, Commander Roderick's tactical maneuvers were rendered useless, Chancellor Elara's enchantments were dispelled, Seraphina's agility was matched, Chieftain Kael's strength was overpowered, and Elder Odessa's wisdom seemed futile.

The battlefield, once filled with the hope and determination of the alliance, now lay strewn with fallen comrades. The slaughter was one-sided, and despair threatened to consume those who remained. It seemed as though all was lost.

Eve, witnessing the devastation and feeling the weight of her own mortality, refused to give in to despair. She knew that defeating Adam would not be easy, but she also knew that their cause was just and worth fighting for. With a newfound determination, she rose to her feet, her eyes locked on the formidable foe before her.

Summoning every ounce of strength and magic within her, Eve channeled her rage, sorrow, and determination. Flames danced around her, swirling in a magnificent display of power. The name sword, bestowed upon her by the alliance, blazed with an otherworldly light.

With a resounding battle cry, Eve lunged at Adam, her movements fluid and precise. The clash of their swords echoed through the air, each strike carrying the weight of their shared history, their past grievances, and their unwavering will to triumph.

Though outmatched in power, Eve fought with a ferocity born from a desire to protect those she held dear. She moved with an agility that defied her immortal age, parrying Adam's attacks and retaliating with her own. Fire engulfed her blade, enhancing her strikes with searing heat.

For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though Eve could turn the tides. Her sword clashed against Adam's with a force that shook the very ground beneath them. But Adam, fueled by his dark desires and unyielding determination, fought back with renewed intensity.

With a powerful blow, Adam disarmed Eve, sending her weapon flying through the air. She stumbled backward, her breathing labored, her body bruised and battered. It seemed that all hope was lost, that Adam's darkness would prevail.

But in that moment of vulnerability, a surge of energy coursed through Eve. It wasn't just her own strength that fueled her, but the collective spirit of the fallen alliance warriors. Their sacrifices, their unwavering belief in the cause, empowered her to rise once more.

With a primal scream, Eve tapped into the depths of her being, channeling all the magic and rage within her. Flames erupted from her hands, engulfing her in a fiery aura. In a blaze of fury, she & Lilith charged at Adam.

As Lilith and Eve fought side by side, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that they were no match for Adam's overwhelming power, they mustered every ounce of strength and skill they possessed. With their combined efforts, they unleashed a torrent of strikes and spells, aiming to overpower their formidable adversary.

However, despite their valiant efforts, it became clear that their combined strength was not enough to defeat Adam. He effortlessly deflected their attacks, countering with brutal precision. The sisters' resolve wavered, a glimmer of despair creeping into their eyes.

Just as Adam prepared to deliver the final blow, a streak of lightning cut through the air. In a flash of blinding speed, Lucian appeared before them, his hands wielding two gleaming swords. His eyes locked onto Adam, filled with determination and love.

"Eve," he called out, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. "I couldn't stand idly by while you faced such a powerful foe alone. I am here to fight by your side, to protect you."

Eve's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and concern. She had wanted to spare Lucian from the horrors of this battle, to keep him safe. But seeing him standing there, ready to risk everything for her, she knew that his love and bravery were a force she couldn't ignore.

With renewed determination, Eve nodded to Lucian, her voice filled with a mix of determination and love. "I am grateful for your presence, my love. Let us face this together, for the sake of our future."

The trio of warriors, united in their shared purpose, launched a fierce assault against Adam. The battlefield became a flurry of blades and spells, with Lucian's lightning speed complementing Eve and Lilith's well-honed techniques. They fought as a seamless unit, anticipating each other's movements and striking with unwavering precision.

Their coordinated attacks pushed Adam back, forcing him to defend against their relentless onslaught. Sparks flew as swords clashed, and waves of energy rippled through the air with each spell cast. The ground beneath them trembled, bearing witness to the clash of titanic forces.

Eve and Lilith felt a renewed surge of hope. With Lucian by their side, their attacks became more focused and potent. They pushed themselves beyond their limits, drawing upon every ounce of their strength and harnessing their bond as warriors and as lovers.

However, despite their formidable efforts, Adam's power remained unyielding. He parried their strikes with ease, his dark energy pulsating with malevolent strength. The sisters' hearts sank as they realized the daunting reality of their situation.

But Lucian, fueled by his love for Eve and his unwavering determination, refused to back down. He fought with a fiery resolve, his blades dancing in a whirlwind of speed and precision. His strikes were calculated and relentless, seeking vulnerabilities in Adam's defenses.

In a surprising turn of events, Lucian managed to land a powerful blow, momentarily staggering Adam. The triumphant expression on Lucian's face was quickly replaced by concern as Adam retaliated with a devastating counterattack. The force of the blow sent Lucian sprawling, blood staining his armor.

Eve's heart clenched at the sight of Lucian's wounded form. With tears streaming down her face, she channeled her rage and sorrow into a surge of raw power. Flames engulfed her fists as she unleashed a barrage of fire-infused strikes upon Adam, her every move fueled by a desire to protect those she loved.

But as the battle raged on, it became evident that their combined efforts, even with Lucian's valiant intervention, were not enough to defeat Adam. He was a force beyond their comprehension, his power seemingly limitless.

With a solemn expression, Adam raised his hand, summoning a dark vortex of energy. The swirling tempest began to grow, drawing in the surrounding debris and consuming everything in its path. The battlefield trembled as the power surged, overwhelming the senses of those present.

Eve's heart pounded in her chest as she realized the gravity of the situation. She knew that they were outmatched, their strength insufficient to withstand the devastating force about to be unleashed. Fear mingled with determination within her as she glanced at Lucian, his wounded form struggling to rise.

"We can't give up," Eve whispered, her voice filled with a resolute conviction. "We may not be able to defeat him alone, but together, we can stand against his darkness."

Lilith, her face etched with a mixture of pain and determination, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Eve. We can't let despair consume us. We fight for our people, for the ones we love."

The alliance members, witnessing the desperate struggle, joined the sisters' resolve. Lord Cedric, Lady Siona, Commander Roderick, Chancellor Elara, Seraphina, Chieftain Kael, and Elder Odessa stepped forward, rallying their remaining forces. The battlefield became a symphony of battle cries, a testament to the unwavering spirit of humanity.

United, in their determination, the alliance launched a coordinated assault against Adam. Swords clashed, spells collided, and warriors fought with every ounce of their being. Despite the overwhelming odds, they refused to back down, drawing strength from their shared purpose and the bonds forged in the fires of war.

Eve, her eyes blazing with a fierce resolve, channeled her inner fire, her magic intensifying to unprecedented levels. Flames erupted from her body, engulfing her form in an ethereal glow. The power surged through her veins, granting her an otherworldly strength.

With each strike, Eve's blade carved through the darkness, leaving trails of flickering flames in its wake. She fought with an intensity born from the depths of her soul, her movements infused with a mix of fury, sorrow, and love. Her determination to protect those she cherished burned brighter than ever before.

Lilith fought by Eve's side, her graceful movements a testament to her honed skills. With each swing of her weapon, she carved through Adam's forces, her strikes harmonizing with Eve's fiery onslaught. The sisters fought as one, their synergy unmatched, their bond unbreakable.