
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

The devil appears

Seraphina's eyes narrowed as she and Kai confronted Satan, their weapons poised for battle. The air around them seemed to grow colder, tainted by the aura of darkness that emanated from the King of the Underworld.

Seraphina: (Demanding) Why are you here, Satan? What's your purpose in all of this?

Satan's gaze fell upon Seraphina and Kai, his expression unreadable for a moment. A flicker of something unfamiliar passed through his eyes, a distant memory clawing at the edges of his consciousness.


In the depths of his mind, a haunting image materialized. His homeworld, a place of fire and shadow, consumed by chaos and destruction. The sensation of loss and agony gripped him, the memories of a time long past surfacing with a vengeance.

End of Flashback

Satan: (His voice dripping with malevolence) To take from another is to truly understand the nature of evil. It's a dance of cruelty that demons have perfected since the moment of our creation. We revel in it, bathe in it, and revel in the darkness that courses through our veins.

Kai: (Sternly) That doesn't answer our question. Why are you here, now, in this world, in this battle?

Satan's lips curled into a chilling smile, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly malice.

Satan: (His voice chillingly calm) You seek answers, do you not? I, too, sought answers once. But in the abyss of my own existence, I realized that seeking purpose is a fool's errand. I am here for myself, to claim my own desires, and to indulge in the wickedness that is my birthright.

Seraphina: (A note of desperation in her voice) You can't possibly mean that. There's more to life than just embracing darkness and evil.

Satan's gaze shifted to the battlefield, where the clash between divine and demonic forces raged on. His voice grew colder, his words dripping with disdain.

Satan: (Mocking) And what is life but a fleeting dance of suffering and despair? You cling to hope and righteousness, but it is a fragile façade that will crumble beneath the weight of reality.

Kai: (Resolute) We won't let you spread your darkness any further.

Satan's laughter echoed through the air, a cacophony of malevolence that seemed to seep into every corner of the battlefield.

Satan: (Chuckling darkly) You, warriors of light, are mere insects in the grand tapestry of existence. Your futile struggles amuse me, but they are ultimately insignificant.

Seraphina: (Defiantly) We won't be swayed by your words.

Satan's gaze bore into Seraphina's, a glint of something almost... contemplative in his eyes.

Satan: (His voice a whisper of darkness) Your conviction is admirable, Eden. But remember this, as you stand on the precipice of oblivion: in the end, it is the darkness that claims us all.

With those haunting words, Satan turned away, his figure dissolving into the shadows as he disappeared into the heart of the battlefield, leaving Seraphina and Kai to grapple with the weight of his malevolent presence.

Satan's form seemed to blur as he moved, a whirlwind of malevolence that tore through the battlefield with deadly precision. His every strike was a symphony of darkness, a dance of cruelty that left devastation in its wake. Asura, Lila, Dragotha, and Death found themselves caught in the maelstrom of his wrath, their defenses crumbling beneath the onslaught of his power.


Asura's wrathful aura clashed with Satan's darkness, the very air crackling with intensity as their energies collided. But even Asura's formidable power paled in comparison to the raw malevolence that emanated from Satan. With a swift movement, Satan's hand shot out, his fingers curling around Asura's throat like a vise. Asura gasped, his eyes widening in shock as he struggled against the suffocating grip. But there was no mercy in Satan's eyes, only a twisted delight in the suffering of others. With a brutal twist, he snapped Asura's neck, and the god of wrath fell lifeless to the ground.


Lila's scythe shimmered with ethereal energy as she launched herself at Satan, a deadly waltz of death and darkness. But Satan's movements were fluid and unhurried, his form an elusive shadow that danced effortlessly around Lila's attacks. With a sinister grin, he caught the blade of her scythe in his hand, his fingers closing around it like a vice. Lila's eyes widened in horror as Satan wrenched the weapon from her grasp and turned it against her. In one swift motion, he drove the scythe through her heart, and a strangled gasp escaped her lips before she crumpled to the ground.


The ancient dragon's roar shook the very earth as he lunged at Satan, his massive form a force of nature itself. But Satan was unyielding, his movements a chilling dance of shadows that deftly avoided Dragotha's onslaught. With a mocking smile, Satan seized hold of Dragotha's jaw, his fingers digging into the dragon's scales with unnatural strength. Dragotha's roar turned into a pained bellow as Satan's grip tightened, his bones creaking and cracking under the pressure. And then, with a sickening snap, Dragotha's jaw was torn from his skull, and he crumbled to the ground in a heap of broken flesh and bone.


Death's skeletal form radiated an aura of cold inevitability as he faced Satan, his scythe glinting in the dim light. But even the embodiment of mortality could not escape Satan's relentless onslaught. Their weapons clashed in a macabre symphony, the clash of steel against darkness ringing through the air. Yet, with every strike, it became clear that Death was outmatched, his ethereal form unable to withstand the sheer force of Satan's malevolence. In a final, brutal blow, Satan shattered Death's scythe and drove his own weapon through the heart of the Grim Reaper. Death crumbled into dust, his existence snuffed out by the very darkness he once served.

The battlefield was a tableau of destruction, a grim testament to Satan's overwhelming power. Asura, Lila, Dragotha, and Death lay lifeless, their forms broken and battered by the merciless hand of the King of the Underworld. The air was thick with the weight of their defeat, a chilling reminder of the unstoppable force that stood before them. And as the echoes of their final moments faded into the wind, Satan's laughter echoed through the air, a cruel and haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it.