
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

The blood of sisters

As the clash between Lilith and Eve intensified, their swords weaving intricate patterns of steel in the air, flashes of memories flooded their minds. They were transported back to their childhood in the paradise of their innocence, where they had sparred together under the watchful eyes of their parents.

Eve's heart ached as she remembered the laughter that had filled their training sessions, the bond they had forged as sisters and companions. Tears welled up in her eyes as she fought back the conflicting emotions swirling within her. How had it come to this? How had their love and shared dreams been shattered so cruelly?

With each strike, memories resurfaced—the sound of their blades clashing in perfect harmony, the joyous shouts as they playfully tested each other's skills. Those moments were etched deep within their souls, and now, they fueled the battle that threatened to tear them apart.

As Lilith's sword came crashing down, Eve deflected the blow with a surge of determination. Their gazes locked for an instant, and amidst the chaos of the battlefield, a flicker of recognition passed between them. It was as if a sliver of their former connection had momentarily broken through the walls of anger and betrayal.

"Eve," Lilith whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of regret and longing. "Do you remember? Our promise? We vowed to always be together, to protect each other no matter what."

Eve's heart swelled with bittersweet nostalgia. She recalled the innocent pledge they had made as children, unaware of the darkness that lay ahead. A tear slid down her cheek as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Lilith, I remember. But we can still choose a different path. We can break free from the chains that bind us."

Lilith hesitated, her grip on her sword momentarily loosening. Conflicting emotions warred within her, torn between the allure of power and the lingering bonds of sisterhood. She gazed into Eve's eyes, seeing the vulnerability and hope reflected in them.

"I... I wish it could have been different," Lilith murmured, her voice heavy with regret. "But I cannot turn back now. The choices I have made... I must see them through."

With renewed determination, Lilith lunged forward, her strikes becoming more aggressive and relentless. Eve met her blows with equal ferocity, their swords clashing in a symphony of pain and regret. The battlefield around them faded into insignificance as they battled, their souls entwined in a dance of light and darkness.

As the battle raged on, the memories of their shared past merged with the present struggle. Each strike brought them closer to the truth that lay buried beneath the layers of anger and despair. Their swords became conduits of their conflicted emotions, expressing the depth of their connection and the devastating consequences of their choices.

In the midst of the chaos, Eve's heart cried out for reconciliation, for a way to bridge the chasm that had opened between them. But Lilith, consumed by her desire for freedom and power, seemed unwilling to yield. The battle between them escalated, their movements fueled by both love and hate, grief, and determination.

It was a battle to the death—a culmination of their diverging paths and the consequences of their choices. The outcome would not only determine their own fates but would shape the destiny of all those embroiled in the war between Adam and the alliance.

As their swords clashed one final time, an explosion of raw emotion reverberated through the air. Lilith's blade veered off course, leaving her momentarily vulnerable. In that instant, Eve made a choice that defied the pain and anguish that consumed her.

Lowering her sword, Eve stepped back, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. She refused to strike the final blow against her sister, unwilling to let their bond be severed by the darkness that had consumed Lilith.

"Lilith," Eve's voice trembled with an unwavering conviction. "This isn't the end for us. I refuse to let our story end in tragedy. There is still goodness within you, buried beneath the choices you've made. I will find a way to reach you to bring you back from this darkness."

Lilith, her breath ragged and her body tense, stared at Eve with a mix of disbelief and defiance. "You... you would spare me? After everything I've done?"

Eve nodded, her eyes shining with unwavering resolve. "Yes, Lilith. I believe in redemption, in the power of love to conquer even the darkest of paths. We were sisters once, and that bond could not be erased. I won't let it be destroyed by hate."

For a moment, the battlefield seemed to hold its breath as if waiting for Lilith's response. Her grip on her sword loosened, and a flicker of vulnerability danced across her features. The weight of her actions and the pain she had inflicted were etched deeply upon her.

"I... I don't know if it's possible to undo what has been done," Lilith's voice was laced with uncertainty, her gaze drifting away as she wrestled with her inner turmoil. "But I am tired, Eve. Tired of the darkness, tired of the emptiness. Perhaps... perhaps there is a chance for redemption."

Eve approached her sister cautiously, her heart heavy with both grief and hope. She reached out a hand, offering it to Lilith. "Come with me, Lilith. Let us find a way to heal the wounds we have caused, to rediscover the light within ourselves."

Tears welled up in Lilith's eyes, and she hesitated for a moment before finally accepting Eve's hand. As their fingers intertwined, a surge of warmth spread through their bodies, a flicker of their bond reigniting. It was a small glimmer of hope in the midst of the darkness that had shrouded them for far too long.

Together, Eve and Lilith turned away from the battlefield, leaving behind the remnants of their past transgressions. The war still raged on, but for now, their focus shifted inward, towards the journey of healing and redemption they were determined to undertake.

The alliance watched in awe and disbelief as the two sisters walked away, their swords sheathed, their steps united. The battlefield fell into a momentary lull, as if even the forces of war recognized the significance of this unexpected turn of events.

Lord Cedric, Lady Siona, Commander Roderick, Chancellor Elara, Seraphina, Chieftain Kael, and Elder Odessa exchanged glances, their expressions filled with a mix of relief and renewed purpose. The battle was far from over, but if Eve and Lilith could find redemption, perhaps there was still hope for a brighter future.

With newfound determination, the alliance regrouped, their spirits lifted by the unexpected turn of events. They would continue to fight, not just against Adam's forces, but also to reclaim the lost souls and shattered bonds that lingered amidst the chaos.

The journey ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainty, but united by their shared purpose and the belief in the power of redemption, the alliance set forth, ready to face whatever trials lay in their path.

And as they marched forward, the wind carried with it a whisper of hope, a promise that even in the darkest of times, the light of redemption could

shine through. The alliance rallied, their determination fueling their every step. Lord Cedric, Lady Siona, Commander Roderick, Chancellor Elara, Seraphina, Chieftain Kael, and Elder Odessa led the charge, their hearts set on not only defeating Adam's forces but also on saving those who had been led astray.

In the midst of the battle-scarred city of Kinshasa, the clash of swords and the echoes of magic filled the air once again. The alliance warriors fought with renewed vigor, their resolve strengthened by the glimmer of hope that Eve and Lilith's reconciliation had brought.

Eve and Lilith, hand in hand, moved with a shared purpose. Though their journey to redemption would be arduous and uncertain, they had vowed to support each other every step of the way. They sought not only to mend their fractured bond but also to confront the darkness that had corrupted Adam and found a way to restore balance to the realms.

As the battle raged on, their presence did not go unnoticed. Whispers spread through both armies, murmurs of disbelief and astonishment at the sight of Eve and Lilith standing together. It sparked a flicker of doubt among some of Adam's followers, questioning their allegiance to a cause steeped in darkness.

In the midst of the chaos, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Adam, his eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and frustration. He had observed the unexpected turn of events and the defiance displayed by Eve and Lilith. He realized that his hold on them was slipping, that their unity posed a threat to his grand plan.

Adam stepped forward, his voice carrying over the battlefield, filled with both fury and desperation. "Eve, Lilith, you dare defy me? You think your reconciliation will change anything? You are but pawns in a game far greater than you can comprehend!"

Eve's gaze hardened, her grip on her sword tightening. "Adam, your reign of darkness ends here. We will not be pawns any longer. We will fight to bring balance and justice back to the realms."