
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Prince of the underworld part 2

The battle reached its crescendo, the clash of their swords echoing like thunder. Sparks flew as their blades met, their powers locked in a titanic struggle. Eve's determination burned bright, refusing to be extinguished by Lucifer's darkness.

With a final surge of strength, Eve launched a devastating blow, empowered by the memory of Lucian's sacrifice. The force of her attack shattered Lucifer's defenses, sending him sprawling above the ground into the surface.

As the dust settled, Eve stood victorious, her chest heaving with exhaustion and grief. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the blood and dirt that adorned her weary visage. She had avenged her fallen companions.

Kneeling beside Lucian's lifeless form, Eve placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, whispering words of gratitude. She vowed to carry on his legacy. She began to walk outside to single the troops to enter the fort, but the moment after she shot the flare, a giant fireball launched at her, then everything went black.

As Eve awoke from her unconscious state, she was greeted by a horrifying sight. Fort Derawar lay in ruins, consumed by flames that danced in the night sky. Her heart clenched with a mixture of dread and determination as she surveyed the devastation. She couldn't help but wonder about the fate of the troops outside, their lives hanging in the balance.

But her respite was short-lived, for before her stood Lucifer, his presence radiating malevolence. A smirk twisted across his face as he questioned how she could still be alive. He mocked her, belittling her as nothing more than a fortunate survivor, relying solely on luck to endure.

Without warning, Lucifer lunged forward, grabbing Eve's hand and sadistically crushing two of her fingers. Agonizing pain shot through her body, and she recoiled in torment. Lucifer reveled in her suffering, relishing in her weakness as he taunted and insulted her relentlessly.

Finally released from his sadistic grip, Eve clutched her sword tightly, determination burning in her eyes. She knew she had to escape his clutches and find a way to fight back. She turned and fled, her footsteps echoing through the chaos, while Lucifer watched dumbfounded at her defiance.

But Lucifer was not one to be deterred. He pursued Eve, closing the distance with alarming speed. With a violent kick, he sent her crashing into a burning house, the flames licking at her back. She managed to escape the collapsing rubble, her body bruised and battered, but her spirit unbroken.

Lucifer closed in on her, his malicious laughter filling the air. He continued to berate her, reveling in her perceived disgrace and weakness. Eve's heart swelled with anger and determination. She desperately fought back, throwing anything she could find at him, but he brushed it off with contemptuous ease.

In a fit of rage, Lucifer delivered a brutal kick to Eve's stomach, causing her to double over in agony. Blood spilled from her lips as she gasped for air. Lucifer, amused by her feeble attempts, reveled in her weakness. He declared that despite her flaws, he found her disgraceful nature intriguing, a twisted affection for the pathetic.

But Lucifer's sadistic amusement quickly turned to shock as a figure emerged from the smoke. It was Lucian, his presence, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. He intercepted Lucifer's sword, deflecting the fatal blow intended for Eve. With an explosive swing of his blades, Lucian sent Lucifer sprawling away.

Eve's eyes widened in disbelief and relief as she witnessed Lucian's survival.

Lucifer's voice boomed with anger and disbelief. "How... how are you still alive? The poison should have killed you!"

A faint smile played on Lucian's lips as he mustered his strength. "I found a way to temporarily stop my heart, halting the poison's circulation. It was a risky move, but it bought me the time I needed."

Lucifer's rage grew, his voice laced with frustration. "That shouldn't be possible! You should be dead!"

"I'm afraid you underestimated me, Lucifer," Lucian responded, his voice calm and collected. "I'm not so easily defeated."

Eve pleads with Lucian to let her fight alongside him, her voice filled with concern and urgency.

Eve: "Let me fight with you."

But Lucian shakes his head, his expression resolute.

Lucian: "I need to fight Lucifer alone."

Eve: "Why? Are you crazy? Fighting him alone is suicide."

Her voice is filled with disbelief and frustration.

Lucian: "I'm aware, but... I need my honor back."

Eve's eyes widen in shock at his words.

Eve: "Honors can go to hell with all I care!"

She responds with bitterness, unable to understand his insistence on facing Lucifer alone.

Lucian: "One cannot become a true Warrior without honor, because honor is the essence of a Warrior that makes them stronger."

His voice is firm, his conviction unwavering as he explains his reasoning.

With a heavy heart, Eve realizes that Lucian's sense of honor is driving him to face Lucifer alone, regardless of the risks.

A surge of lightning emanated from Lucian as he unleashed a wave of energy. His swords moved with blinding speed, slicing through the air and leaving trails of light in their wake. Lucifer countered with a swirling dark aura, a malevolent tempest that surrounded him.

The clash of their forces sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, shaking the remnants of Fort Derawar. Explosions erupted, and screams of battle filled the air, but Lucian and Lucifer remained focused on each other. Their swords clashed in a symphony of steel, sparks flying with each collision.

Lucian's strikes were precise and swift, fueled by his unwavering determination and the memory of Eve's suffering. Lucifer, consumed by rage and a desire to kill Lucian, he fought back with equal ferocity. His demonic strength and dark magic were on full display, deflecting Lucian's onslaught with raw power.

The intensity of their battle was mirrored by the darkened sky above them. Clouds swirled ominously, adding an eerie atmosphere to the chaos unfolding on the ground. Debris flew through the air as their clash shattered structures and shook the very foundations of the battlefield.

Eve watched from the sidelines, her heart pounding in her chest. The weight of their struggle was palpable, and she knew that the fate of this battle hung in the balance. Every strike, every parry, brought them closer to their ultimate destiny.

The ground trembled beneath their feet, cracks forming as their power clashed. Flames danced around them, casting an otherworldly glow on their determined faces. It was a battle of lightning against darkness, hope against despair, and neither combatant was willing to yield.

Lucian's left eye bore the mark of Lucifer's attack, blood streaming down his face, but he refused to falter. Each strike he delivered was fueled by his love for Eve and his unwavering belief in a future free from evil's grip.

Lucifer's once cocky demeanor had been replaced by a burning rage. His attacks grew wilder and more erratic, fueled by frustration at the resilience of his opponents. But Lucian remained steadfast, his unwavering spirit a beacon of defiance.

With a final, desperate assault, Lucifer launched himself at Lucian. The clash of their swords unleashed a cataclysmic explosion, shattering the remnants of Fort Derawar and sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. Debris flew in all directions as both warriors were sent hurtling through the air, their bodies battered and bloodied.

As Lucian and Lucifer crashed to the ground, the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the earth. Dust and debris billowed into the air, obscuring the battlefield in a hazy cloud. The silence that followed was heavy, broken only by the labored breaths of the two combatants.

Slowly, Lucian pushed himself up, his body aching and battered. He could feel the weight of his injuries, but he refused to let them deter him. With a determined glare, he locked eyes with Lucifer, who struggled to rise from the wreckage.

Lucifer's voice was strained as he spoke, his anger still burning in his eyes. "You... you will never defeat me, Lucian. I am the Prince of the underworld, and I will always return."

A grim smile tugged at Lucian's lips as he wiped the blood from his face. "Your arrogance blinds you, Lucifer. The darkness may be powerful, but it can never extinguish the light."

Pushing through the pain, Lucian summoned the last reserves of his strength. With a burst of energy, he charged towards Lucifer, his swords gleaming with determination. The air crackled with tension as their final clash loomed.

Lucifer, his body battered and bruised, summoned a surge of dark energy to meet Lucian's charge. The ground trembled beneath their feet as their powers collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield once more.

Their swords clashed with a resounding clang, the force of their blows echoing through the desolate landscape. Each strike was filled with all their might . It was a culmination of their current rivalry, the final showdown to decide the fate of this battle.

With every swing, Lucian poured his heart and soul into his attacks, fueled by the memories of loved ones lost and the hope for a better future. Lucifer fought back with a ferocity born out of desperation, his demonic powers surging to their peak.

The clash of their swords created a dazzling display of light and darkness, each strike accompanied by bursts of energy that illuminated the battlefield. The sheer intensity of their battle was awe-inspiring, a testament to their indomitable wills.

As their fight raged on, both Lucian and Lucifer sustained further injuries. Blood stained their clothes and dripped onto the ground, blending with the wreckage and chaos around them. Yet, neither showed any signs of relenting.

With a surge of determination, Lucian unleashed a final assault. His swords sliced through the air, leaving trails of light in their wake. Lucifer, in a desperate bid to counter, channeled the depths of his dark powers, unleashing a torrent of destruction.

The clash reached its peak, the very fabric of the battlefield seeming to tremble under the force of their power. It was a battle that transcended the physical, one that tested the limits of their resolve and pushed them to their breaking points.

And then, in one climactic moment, their swords met for the final time. The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, engulfing the battlefield in a blinding burst of light and darkness. The shockwave rippled outwards, shattering the remnants of the once mighty fort and sending debris flying in all directions.

As the dust settled and silence descended upon the decimated battlefield, only one figure remained standing. It was Lucian, his body battered and bruised, his clothes tattered and stained.

Lucian gazed at the motionless form of Lucifer, his enemy finally defeated.