
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

New mission

Kai and Seraphina, along with the rest of the Wei warriors, watched in awe as the massive airship descended upon the camp. The arrival of the Federation warriors brought a renewed sense of hope and strength to their ranks.

Kai: Look at the size of that airship! It's incredible!

Seraphina: We're fortunate to have them as reinforcements. With their help, our chances of victory increase.

As the airship landed, a ramp extended, and a group of Federation warriors began to disembark. They were clad in distinctive uniforms, their presence exuding a sense of discipline and power.

Federation Warrior: Kai, Seraphina, we have an important mission for you. We have received intelligence that an organization called Shadow is operating within the United States. Their objective is to recreate the Eternal War, a devastating conflict that plagued our world in the past.

Kai: Shadow? I've never heard of them. What is their purpose, and why are they trying to recreate the Eternal War?

Federation Warrior: Shadow is a secretive organization with unknown motives. Their desire to recreate the Eternal War poses a significant threat to global stability. It is our duty to prevent this catastrophe from happening again.

Seraphina: How do we stop them? Do we have any information about their leaders or their operations?

Federation Warrior: Gathering information is part of your mission. We know very little about Shadow at the moment, but it's crucial that you infiltrate their ranks, gather intelligence, and disrupt their plans. We believe they have a stronghold in the heart of the United States.

Kai: Are we going in alone, or will we have support from other Federation warriors?

Federation Warrior: You won't be alone. We are assembling a team of skilled operatives to assist you. Your success in this mission is vital, not only for the Kingdom of Wei but for the entire world.

Seraphina: What about our objectives? Should we prioritize capturing their leaders or disabling their operations?

Federation Warrior: Both objectives are important, but the safety of innocent lives must be our primary concern. If you come across any information about their leaders or their plans, relay it to us immediately. We'll coordinate our efforts accordingly.

Kai: Understood. We'll do whatever it takes to prevent the reemergence of the Eternal War and bring down Shadow.

Seraphina: We won't let them succeed. We'll uncover their secrets and put an end to their dangerous ambitions.

Kai & Seraphina get on the Airship that will Take them above the clouds, as they get to their destination, they see a city

The Commander tell that is The U.S capital city, Washington DC.

The Commander then give them clothes to wear to blend in with the civilians.

Kai & Seraphina ask if we are still in war with the U.S but Commander say the war ended 2 days ago so its fine.

Kai: wait! We don't even have Parachutes.

Seraphina: Kai looks above you!

Kai: what am I supposed to be looking at, I don't see anything...

Seraphina kick him off the Airship

Kai: Seraphina, what are you... Ahhh!

[Sound of wind rushing past as Kai falls]

Commander: Are they insane? They just jumped off the airship without parachutes!

[Seraphina gracefully dives after Kai]

Commander: They better know what they're doing. We can't afford to lose them on this mission.

[The airship continues its course, leaving Kai and Seraphina behind]

Kai: (as he's falling) Seraphina, you crazy... what was that for?

Seraphina: (falling alongside him) Trust me, Kai. We'll be fine. We're warriors, remember? We'll find a way.

Kai: (grinning) I always knew you had a wild side, but this is taking it to a whole new level!

[As they near the ground, they position their bodies to lessen the impact]

Kai: Brace yourself, Seraphina! We're about to land!

[They hit the ground with a thud, rolling and tumbling but managing to avoid any serious injuries]

Kai: (standing up, brushing off dirt) Well, that was one way to make an entrance.

Seraphina: (standing up, laughing) I told you we'd be fine. Now let's focus on the mission.

[They quickly change into the civilian clothes provided by the Commander]

Kai: (looking at the city) Washington DC... a place filled with history and power. It's hard to believe the war just ended here.

Seraphina: (nodding) We need to blend in with the civilians, gather information, and find any traces of Shadow's presence.

Kai: (determined) We won't rest until we uncover their plans and put an end to their dangerous ambitions.

[They begin walking towards the city, their mission clear in their minds]

As Kai and Seraphina made their way into the bustling streets of Washington DC, they couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and tension. The city was teeming with life, unaware of the shadowy organization lurking in its midst.

Kai: Keep your guard up, Seraphina. We may be among civilians, but we can't afford to let our guard down.

Seraphina: (nodding) I know, Kai. We need to stay alert and observe everything around us. Any small detail could lead us closer to Shadow's whereabouts.

They discreetly moved through the crowd, blending in as ordinary citizens. The city was a labyrinth of towering buildings, busy streets, and a cacophony of sounds. They listened for any whispers or rumors that could provide them with valuable information.

Kai: Look, there's a café over there. Let's grab a table and listen to what people are saying.

They found a spot in the café, strategically positioning themselves to eavesdrop on nearby conversations while appearing engrossed in their own discussions.

Kai: (whispering) I hear snippets about suspicious activities in abandoned warehouses on the outskirts of the city. Could be worth checking out.

Seraphina: And I overheard someone mentioning a secret meeting happening tonight in an undisclosed location. It might be related to Shadow.

Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. They had their leads, and it was time to act.

Kai: Let's split up, Seraphina. You investigate the abandoned warehouses, and I'll dig deeper into this secret meeting. We'll rendezvous at the city outskirts once we gather more information.

Seraphina: Be careful, Kai. Remember what Black taught us. Trust no one, and always be prepared for the unexpected.

Kai: I won't let my guard down. We're warriors, and we'll bring an end to Shadow's plans, no matter the cost.

With a determined nod, they parted ways, disappearing into the city's intricate web of secrets and danger.

Kai stealthily made his way through the city, his senses heightened as he kept a keen eye on his surroundings. He couldn't afford to attract unnecessary attention, knowing that danger could lurk in every shadowy corner.

As he walked down a dimly lit alley, he noticed a figure leaning against a graffiti-covered wall. The person seemed out of place, their demeanor exuding a sense of secrecy.

Kai approached cautiously, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

Kai: (in a low voice) Who are you, and what do you know about Shadow?

The figure straightened up, revealing a middle-aged man with weathered features. His eyes held a mix of weariness and determination.

Man: You must be one of Lilith's warriors. I've been expecting you. My name is Vincent, I am a history professor and I've been investigating Shadow for years.

Kai's grip on his sword tightened, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Kai: How can we trust you? We know nothing about you.

Vincent: I understand your caution. But if you're here to stop Shadow, we're on the same side. I've gathered valuable information about their operations and their leaders.

Kai's instincts told him to proceed with caution, but he also sensed the sincerity in Vincent's voice.

Kai: Fine. Tell me what you know.

Vincent proceeded to share his gathered intelligence, revealing the identities of key Shadow members, their possible hideouts, and their plan to unleash Azathoth upon the world.