
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

New Enemies & Return

Within the shadowy depths of the realm, a colossal castle stood as a grim sentinel, its imposing spires piercing the darkness like jagged teeth. Towers rose towards the sky, their blackened stone walls looming over the desolate landscape below.

The castle seemed to exude an aura of malevolence, its very presence casting a pall of fear and unease over the surrounding area. Dark clouds gathered ominously overhead, swirling around the fortress like vengeful spirits.

From its towering ramparts, the castle commanded a commanding view of the shadow realm, its bleak and desolate landscape stretching out as far as the eye could see. Jagged mountains rose in the distance, their peaks shrouded in mist, while twisted forests of gnarled trees cast long shadows across the barren plains.

Within the castle's walls, sinister corridors twisted and turned like the coils of a serpent, leading deeper into the heart of darkness. Torches flickered dimly along the stone walls, casting eerie shadows that danced and shifted with every gust of wind.

At the heart of the fortress lay the throne room, a vast chamber adorned with dark tapestries and grim decorations. A massive throne of blackened iron stood at its center, flanked by sinister statues and ominous symbols of power.

Here, amidst the gloom and shadows, the ruler of the realm held court, his presence casting a long shadow over all who dared to enter. It was a place of darkness and despair, where only the strongest and most cunning could hope to survive.

As the heavy doors of the throne room creaked open, the air grew thick with tension and fear. A figure emerged from the darkness, towering over his kneeling knights with an aura of power and malice that seemed to fill the very air around him.

Chaos, the ruler of the shadow realm, strode forward with a commanding presence, his dark cloak billowing behind him like the wings of a predatory bird. His eyes burned with an otherworldly intensity, casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit chamber.

The knights dared not meet his gaze, their heads bowed in submission as they awaited their master's judgment. The weight of their failure hung heavy in the air, a palpable sense of dread permeating the room.

With a voice like thunder, Chaos spoke, his words echoing off the stone walls with a chilling finality.

Chaos: "You have failed me, my knights. You have failed in your mission to bring about the destruction of the earth."

His voice carried the weight of centuries, each word dripping with disdain and disappointment.

Chaos: "But fear not, for punishment awaits those who dare to disappoint me. You shall pay for your failure with your lives."

The knights trembled at his words, knowing that their fate was sealed. They had crossed their master, and now they would face the consequences of their actions.

As Chaos raised his hand, a dark energy began to crackle around him, promising swift and merciless retribution for those who had dared to defy him.

As the knights knelt before Chaos, each one trembling with fear and desperation, they began to introduce themselves, their voices trembling with the weight of their failure and the looming threat of their master's wrath.

Soren - the Bladewalker, spoke first, his voice barely above a whisper as he begged for forgiveness.

Bloodslicer - the Cybernetic Cellmancer, followed suit, his mechanical enhancements trembling with fear as he pleaded for mercy.

Vagox - the Dragon Malice, bowed low, his draconic form quivering with dread as he sought redemption.

Stygian - the Ultra Black, stood tall but with a tremor in his voice, his shadowy aura flickering nervously.

Ravenlord, his dark cloak billowing around him, joined the chorus of pleas, his eyes downcast in shame.

Balix - the Dragon Soul, his scales glinting in the dim light, lowered his head in submission, regret etched on his features.

Ophanim Moonshadow, her celestial wings folded tightly against her back, whispered a prayer for forgiveness.

Dante - the Lastborn Lord, his noble demeanor faltering, bowed his head in humility, seeking absolution for his failure.

Jared - the Demon Cursed Prince, his demonic features twisted with anguish, knelt before Chaos with a heavy heart.

Lorin, his voice barely audible above the others, added his plea for mercy, his eyes filled with remorse.

Penny the Crowd, her form flickering as if uncertain, joined her fellow knights in begging for forgiveness.

Lord Droknar, his regal bearing marred by fear, bowed before Chaos, his words choked with emotion.

Demon Eyes Dondiago, his gaze haunted by past deeds, sought redemption with a fervent plea for forgiveness.

Thalia, her demeanor somber and solemn, joined her voice to the chorus of repentance, her words filled with remorse.

Mortissia - Regent of Requiem, her dark presence looming over the others, humbled herself before Chaos, seeking clemency.

Okiku - the Doll, her porcelain features betraying no emotion, knelt before her master with a silent plea for mercy.

Teka, her feline grace overshadowed by fear, added her voice to the chorus of contrition, her eyes downcast in shame.

Shalltear - the True Vampire, her crimson gaze burning with regret, begged for forgiveness with a heavy heart.

Thelara, her elven grace marred by sorrow, joined her fellow knights in seeking redemption for their failure.

Neko - the Cat Girl, her ears twitching nervously, bowed low before Chaos, her voice trembling with fear.

Lucian DragonHeart, his draconic heritage overshadowed by guilt, knelt before his master with a heavy heart.

HowlsHeart Moonshadow, his lupine form trembling with fear, added his voice to the chorus of repentance, seeking absolution.

Cassella Stardust, her celestial radiance dimmed by despair, sought forgiveness with a heartfelt plea for mercy.

Daemon, his demonic visage twisted with anguish, joined his fellow knights in begging for forgiveness, his heart heavy with regret.

Caligo, his shadowy form blending into the darkness, bowed low before Chaos, his voice barely above a whisper as he sought redemption.

Kitsune - The White Dragon Fox, her mystical aura tinged with sorrow, added her voice to the chorus of contrition, her eyes filled with remorse.

Together, the knights pleaded for forgiveness, their voices blending into a symphony of remorse and desperation, as they awaited their master's judgment.

As Chaos gazed upon his kneeling knights, his eyes ablaze with fury and disappointment, he raised his voice in a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the vast throne room.

Chaos: "You miserable wretches! You dare to come before me with your feeble excuses and pitiful pleas for mercy? You, who have failed me in the most crucial of tasks, who have brought shame upon yourselves and upon the very name of Chaos!"

His words reverberated with power, shaking the very foundations of the castle as he unleashed his wrath upon them.

Chaos: "Do you think your apologies will suffice to atone for your incompetence? Do you think your tears will wash away the stain of your failure? You are nothing but weaklings, unworthy of the titles you bear!"

His voice thundered like a tempest, each word laced with venom and contempt as he laid bare the depths of their transgressions.

Chaos: "You have squandered my trust, betrayed my confidence, and spat upon the honor of our cause! And for what? For your own pathetic desires? For your own selfish ambitions? For your own cowardice and incompetence!"

His rage knew no bounds as he castigated them for their shortcomings, his voice rising to a crescendo of fury and condemnation.

Chaos: "You are unworthy of the power you wield, unworthy of the privileges you have been granted, unworthy of the very air you breathe! You disgust me, each and every one of you!"

As the knights trembled before Chaos, their heads bowed in shame, they began to shift the blame onto Azrael, the fallen warrior who had met his end at the hands of Eve. Their voices quivered as they spoke, their words laced with fear and desperation.

Soren, the Bladewalker, spoke first, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with a palpable sense of dread. "My lord, Azrael's failure to eliminate Eve was the root cause of our defeat. He underestimated her strength and allowed himself to be vanquished."

Bloodslicer, the Cybernetic Cellmancer, nodded fervently in agreement. "Yes, Chaos, Azrael's incompetence was a grave error that cost us dearly. He failed to anticipate Eve's power and paid the ultimate price for his arrogance."

Vagox, the Dragon Malice, added his voice to the chorus of excuses. "Indeed, my lord, Azrael's lack of foresight allowed Eve to grow stronger and rally her forces against us. His failure set the stage for our defeat."

Chaos listened to their words with a simmering rage, his eyes burning with fury as he contemplated their excuses. He raised his hand to silence them, his voice a low growl of barely contained fury.

"Enough!" he thundered, his words reverberating throughout the throne room. "I care not for your feeble attempts to shift the blame onto Azrael. His failure is but one of many in a long line of disappointments."

With a swift motion, Chaos gestured for silence, his eyes blazing with an intensity that sent shivers down the knights' spines.

"You are all equally guilty in the eyes of Chaos," he declared, his voice cold and merciless. "There will be no forgiveness for your failures, no redemption for your shortcomings. You will suffer for your incompetence, as is the price of failure in the service of Chaos."