
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Ideal shattered

Azrael: Didn't you say you will protect everyone and not let any of your comrades die.

Azrael: I want to hear you say those words again!!!

Azrael: as bodies of your dead comrade Grow cold in your arms, take in their deaths for being unable to save nor protect anything.

Azrael listened to Eve's words, his expression inscrutable. As she spoke of her promises and failures, he watched her with an intensity that seemed to strip away the layers of her emotions. Her admission of guilt and sorrow seemed to resonate with something deep within him, a haunting familiarity that flickered in his eyes.

Azrael: (his voice cold and measured) Promises... Such fragile things. Easily broken, easily forgotten.

He paused for a moment, his gaze unwavering, as if searching for something in her words.

Azrael: (his tone hardening) Yes, you should have been stronger. You should have been able to protect them. But you weren't. And now they lie here, their lives snuffed out like candles in the wind.

There was a hint of bitterness in his voice, a lingering resentment that colored his words.

Azrael: (his voice growing more intense) You see, Eve, your promises and your failures mirror mine. We are not so different, you and I. We both bear the weight of our choices, the consequences of our actions.

His eyes remained fixed on her, unyielding.

Azrael: (his voice lowering) I may bring destruction, but I also bring change. The old order must crumble to make way for the new. It is the way of the world.

He stepped closer to her, his presence commanding.

Azrael: (his voice almost a whisper) You may call it madness, but I call it justice. The world must be remade, and I am the instrument of its transformation.

Azrael's words hung in the air, a challenge and a declaration of his unwavering resolve. His eyes bore into hers, unrelenting in their intensity, as if daring her to defy him.

Eve's voice rang out with a fiery determination, her words cutting through the heavy atmosphere like a blade.

Eve: You are seeking to change the world only through power of the blade.

As her eyes blazed with an intense red light, her grip on her sword tightened, knuckles white against the hilt.


The intensity of her energy seemed to flare, radiating from her like a beacon of defiance against the dark backdrop of destruction.

Azrael's gaze remained locked onto Eve's, a peculiar mix of curiosity and intrigue sparking within his eyes.

Azrael: (his voice low and measured) And what, pray tell, is your definition of peace?

His question hung between them, a challenge for her to voice her beliefs amidst the chaos and despair.

Eve's stance remained resolute, her eyes holding Azrael's gaze with an unyielding determination.

Eve: Peace is not achieved by imposing one's will upon the world, by causing pain and suffering in the name of change. True peace arises when all beings can coexist without fear, when compassion and understanding reign over hatred and conflict.

Her voice echoed with a passionate fervor, her words carrying the weight of her conviction.

With a resonant power, Azrael summoned a black sword into his right hand. The dark aura that enveloped the blade seemed to mirror the intensity of the situation, a weapon of immense potential that held the weight of his determination.

As the hilt of the sword met his grasp, the air around them seemed to grow heavier, charged with an anticipatory energy. The clash of their opposing ideals crackled like electricity in the charged atmosphere, ready to manifest in the clash of steel and magic.

Eve's eyes remained locked onto Azrael's, her own fiery determination mirrored in the intensity of her gaze. She tightened her grip on her own sword, her knuckles whitening as she prepared to face this formidable opponent.

The wind around them seemed to hold its breath, as if the very world were watching in anticipation of the impending confrontation. Two forces, each driven by their own visions of peace and justice, poised to collide in a battle that would shape the fate of their world.

The clash began with a burst of speed and aggression, both Eve and Azrael moving with a finesse that spoke of years of training and combat experience. Azrael's sword, wreathed in darkness, sliced through the air with a deadly precision, each swing carrying a raw power that left a trail of distortion in its wake.

Eve, her eyes blazing with determination, met Azrael's strikes with a skillful blend of offense and defense. Her movements were fluid and calculated, her sword a natural extension of her body. She parried Azrael's attacks with deft maneuvers, narrowly avoiding the deadly edge of his blade.

Their clash extended beyond mere swordplay. In moments of close combat, they exchanged punches and kicks, each strike fueled by their unwavering resolve. The sound of steel meeting steel echoed through the desolate landscape as their weapons clashed, sparks flying in the wake of their collision.

Azrael's black wings extended, adding an additional layer of complexity to his attacks. He used them to his advantage, soaring into the air and then diving down with the force of a meteor, sword aimed at Eve with unyielding intent. Eve responded with a flurry of acrobatic moves, flipping and twisting to evade Azrael's onslaught.

Despite her fierce determination, Eve found herself gradually worn down by Azrael's overwhelming power. His strikes were relentless, his movements unerring, and each impact sent shockwaves through her body. Blood trickled from cuts and bruises, a testament to the brutality of their duel.

But Eve refused to relent. She drew upon every ounce of her strength, every bit of training she had undergone, to continue the fight. Her attacks became more focused, her movements sharper, as she sought any opportunity to gain an upper hand.

Eve crashed through the shattered remnants of buildings, the force of Azrael's throw propelling her like a ragdoll. She hit the ground hard, the impact jarring her body. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she managed to push herself back onto her feet, her eyes narrowing with renewed determination.

Azrael descended upon her with a speed that defied reason, his sword slashing through the air in a deadly arc. Eve raised her own blade just in time to parry the strike, the clash of steel resonating with a thunderous sound. Their weapons locked for a brief moment before they separated, both warriors moving with a grace that belied the ferocity of their intent.

The battle continued in a blur of motion, a cacophony of clashing steel and fierce grunts. Eve's movements were fueled by sheer willpower, her determination to protect her ideals giving her strength beyond her limits. Azrael, an embodiment of power and skill, pressed the attack with relentless force.

They weaved between ruins and rubble, each strike aimed at disabling their opponent. Azrael's blows were precise and calculated, his black sword leaving trails of darkness in its wake. Eve's responses were equally fierce, her attacks a mix of agility and precision, each move a testament to her mastery of combat.

Blood spattered the ground as wounds opened on both sides. Eve's breath came in ragged gasps, her body aching from the punishment it had endured. Azrael's expression remained impassive, his movements unwavering as he pushed her to her limits.

In a moment of close combat, Azrael unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks that Eve barely managed to deflect. She responded with a swift knee to his abdomen, followed by a sweeping kick that knocked him off balance. Seizing the opportunity, she launched a rapid series of strikes, each one aimed at exploiting his momentary vulnerability.

Azrael's wings flared, sending a shockwave that pushed Eve back. Before she could regain her stance, he lunged at her with his sword, his strikes coming in a blinding flurry. She blocked, dodged, and countered, her movements becoming a dance of survival.

But Azrael's power was overwhelming. With a final, mighty swing, he sent Eve's sword flying from her hand, leaving her defenseless. He grabbed her by the throat, his grip unyielding as he lifted her off the ground. Her vision blurred, her strength failing her, she struggled to break free.

In that moment, Eve's resolve burned brighter than ever. Despite the odds, despite the pain, she summoned every last bit of strength within her and channeled it into a final, desperate move. With a fierce battle cry, she drove her knee into Azrael's chest, using the momentum to break free from his grip.

Gasping for breath, Eve retrieved her fallen sword and continued to faced Azrael.