
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Fire of the soul

Black: "To all of you, my friends, I ask for your support. I ask you to trust in my abilities and fight alongside Satan against the monster horde. Together, we can overcome this trial and protect what we hold dear."

Seraphina and Kai, though tearful, nodded, their faith in Black unshaken.

Seraphina: "Black, be careful out there. We'll do everything we can to support you."

Kai: "We believe in you, Black. Come back to us, victorious."

With his allies' support, Black stepped forward, his heart filled with determination. He prepared himself to face Thanatos, fully aware of the risks but unwavering in his resolve to protect the realms.

As he headed towards the looming figure of Thanatos, his comrades rallied behind Satan, ready to face the relentless horde of monsters. The battlefield erupted into chaos, the clash of swords, the roar of magic, and the cries of warriors filling the air.

Black knew the path he had chosen was fraught with danger, but he remained steadfast. He would face Thanatos alone, with the hope that his sacrifice would pave the way for victory. The fate of their realms hung in the balance as the battle unfolded, each warrior fighting with unwavering resolve and the belief that their united efforts would bring about triumph.

As Black approached Thanatos, the air crackled with tension. The powerful enemy turned his attention towards Black, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

Thanatos: "So, you dare to challenge me, little warrior? Prepare to witness the true power of decay."

Black tightened his grip on his weapon, his eyes locked on Thanatos.

Black: "I am not here to witness your power, Thanatos. I am here to put an end to your reign of destruction."

With a burst of energy, Black lunged at Thanatos, his movements swift and precise. He unleashed a barrage of strikes, each aimed at finding a weakness in his opponent's defenses. But Thanatos effortlessly dodged and parried, seemingly unaffected by Black's attacks.

Thanatos: "Is that the best you can do, mortal? Your efforts are in vain."

Black's determination only grew stronger as he adapted his strategy. He shifted his focus to defense, skillfully evading Thanatos' onslaught. Despite the overwhelming power of his opponent, Black refused to back down.

Black: "I won't let you destroy everything we've fought for. I'll find a way to defeat you!"

With every clash of their weapons, the impact reverberated through the battlefield. The ground trembled beneath their feet as they continued their intense duel. Black's movements were calculated and precise, his eyes searching for an opportunity to exploit.

Thanatos: "You fight with admirable resolve, warrior. But your efforts are futile. Decay consumes all."

Thanatos unleashed a wave of dark energy, aiming to engulf Black and bring an end to the battle. But Black swiftly formed a barrier of pure willpower, protecting himself from the devastating attack.

Black pushed forward, his attacks fueled by his unwavering belief in the righteousness of their cause. Blow after blow rained down upon Thanatos, each strike a testament to Black's indomitable spirit.

The battle between Black and Thanatos became a spectacle of contrasting forces. Black's resilience and unwavering determination clashed with Thanatos' overwhelming power. They danced through the battlefield, their movements a mesmerizing display of skill and will.

As the battle raged on, the tides of the larger conflict began to shift. Satan and the remaining warriors fought valiantly against the monster horde.

In the face of overwhelming odds, Black fought with everything he had. He knew that his plan had a slim chance of success, but he refused to waver. The fate of their realms depended on his ability to prevail against the seemingly unstoppable Thanatos.

As the battlefield trembled with the echoes of their clashes, the outcome of this epic confrontation remained uncertain. But one thing was certain—Black's unwavering determination would leave an indelible mark on the annals of their history, forever etching his name as a true warrior who fought for the survival of their realms.

As their swords clashed and Black's weapon was destroyed, Thanatos taunted him, believing that he had the upper hand.

Thanatos: "You see, Black? Even without your weapon, you are no match for my power. Prepare to meet your demise."

Black, undeterred, discarded the remnants of his sword and faced Thanatos with unwavering determination.

Black: "I don't need a weapon to defeat you."

With lightning-fast strikes and agile movements, Black engaged in a deadly martial arts battle with Thanatos. Their fists and feet became a blur as they exchanged blows, each strike carrying immense force.

Thanatos: "You think your skills can match my power? How naive!"

Thanatos unleashed devastating strikes, each capable of obliterating anything in its path. Black skillfully dodged and countered, his movements displaying a blend of grace and raw power.

Black: "I've faced enemies far stronger than you, Thanatos. Your power means nothing without the skill to wield it."

The intensity of their battle intensified with each passing moment. The ground beneath them cracked and shattered from the sheer force of their attacks. Blood stained the battlefield as they traded powerful blows, neither willing to yield.

Thanatos: "You may have some skill, but it's futile against my overwhelming might!"

Black: "We'll see about that, Thanatos!"

Black tapped into his inner strength, channeling it into every strike. His movements became more fluid and precise, his blows landing with greater impact. Each strike seemed to carry the weight of their entire conflict.

Amidst the chaos and violence, their voices rose above the clamor, their words a testament to their determination.

Black: "You underestimate the power of a warrior's spirit! I fight for the survival of our realms!"

Thanatos: "Your fight is in vain! Destruction is inevitable!"

Their battle reached a crescendo, their clashes echoing through the battlefield. The sky crackled with dark energy as the forces of light and darkness clashed in a cataclysmic confrontation.

Black: "I will not let you destroy everything we hold dear! Our realms will prevail!"

Thanatos: "You are a mere mortal, Black. You cannot defy the inevitable."

The battle raged on, both combatants pushing themselves to their limits. Bruised and battered, they fought with an unyielding resolve, their willpower fueling their every strike.

In the midst of their fierce combat, the outcome hung in the balance. Each blow landed with the weight of their respective realms behind it, the fate of their worlds teetering on the edge.

Their screams and grunts mixed with the clash of their bodies, the sound of their struggle reverberating through the battlefield. The darkness and the light converged, their battle etching a tragic tale in the hearts of all who witnessed it.

As the fight continued, the tragic nature of their conflict became evident. These two warriors, once allies in the eternal war, were now locked in a battle for the very survival of their realms. Theirs was a struggle born from pain, fueled by determination, and destined to shape the course of their history.

Only time would reveal the ultimate outcome of their brutal and harrowing duel, but one thing was certain—Black would fight until his last breath, refusing to face defeat.

During their fierce battle, Black and Thanatos found themselves momentarily pausing, their bodies and minds consumed by the intensity of their confrontation.

Black, with a sinister smile and a bloodthirsty glimmer in his eyes, expressed his true desires.

Black: "I care not for this war. What I seek is a life-or-death battle with you, Thanatos."

Thanatos, wielding his sword with determination, echoed the sentiment.

Thanatos: "As long as one of us still draws breath, this fight will endure."

Black composed himself, his gaze locked onto Thanatos, his warrior's resolve unyielding.

Black removed his mask, revealing his true identity, and proclaimed it with pride.

Black: "I am Kurayami Eden, the warrior that will take your life!"

Thanatos and Kurayami locked eyes, acknowledging each other's strength.

Thanatos: "I recognize you as a warrior. I will not hold back."

Both combatants assumed their fighting stances, ready to unleash their powers upon one another.

Kurayami & Thanatos: "Let's settle this!"

With a burst of energy, both Kurayami and Thanatos unleashed powerful fire spells, their voices intertwining with their incantations.

Kurayami: "Feel the scorching flames of my darkness!"

Thanatos: "Burn in the inferno of my wrath!"

Their words were drowned out by the clash of their swords and the crackling of flames. They fought with unparalleled speed and skill, their movements a symphony of lethal grace.

Amidst the chaos of their battle, they continued to exchange words, their voices strained with exertion.

Kurayami: "Your decay may consume, but my darkness will consume even death itself!"

Thanatos: "I am the harbinger of decay, the end of all things! No darkness can withstand my power!"

Their voices blended with the symphony of combat, screams and grunts punctuating their clashes. Their words reflected their determination and the depths of their rivalry.

As they fought, their surroundings were shaped by their immense power. Flames roared, consuming the battlefield, while the air crackled with volatile energy. The very earth trembled beneath their feet, testament to the cataclysmic clash of forces.

Their battle transcended the mortal realm, a tragic spectacle of two warriors consumed by their own darkness. It was a struggle of conflicting desires, an embodiment of the eternal struggle between light and shadow.

Within the heart of the tempestuous fight, Kurayami and Thanatos pushed themselves beyond their limits, their spirits unwavering. Each strike, each spell cast, was fueled by their unwavering resolve to emerge victorious.

Their battle was a dance of death, a mesmerizing display of martial prowess and elemental mastery. They moved with calculated precision, their weapons clashing and spells colliding with devastating force.

In the midst of their relentless onslaught, their voices merged with the chaos, their words drowned in the symphony of violence.

Kurayami: "You cannot extinguish the darkness that resides within me!"

Thanatos: "I shall devour your darkness and reduce it to nothingness!"

Their words were consumed by the clash of steel and the roar of flames. The battlefield bore witness to their cataclysmic struggle, the very fabric of reality unraveling beneath their feet.

As their battle raged on, the environment itself seemed to respond, mirroring their turmoil. The skies darkened, and the ground quaked, as if the world itself trembled in anticipation of their fateful clash.