
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Fire of the soul part 2

The battle raged on, the clash between Kurayami and Thanatos escalating to a fever pitch. Their movements were a blur of violence and skill as they engaged in a fast-paced, bloody, and brutal struggle.

Amidst the chaos of their combat, their voices intertwined, their words laden with fury and desperation.

Kurayami: "You cannot escape the darkness! It will consume you!"

Thanatos: "Your darkness is a fleeting shadow, easily extinguished!"

Their voices merged with the sounds of clashing swords and explosive magic, creating a symphony of destruction. They screamed and yelled at each other, their words punctuated by grunts of effort and the impact of their blows.

Kurayami: "I am a warrior! I will defeat you!"

Thanatos: "I am the reaper of souls! Your darkness holds no power over me!"

Their words carried the weight of their deepest convictions, each warrior determined to prove their supremacy. As they fought, the environment around them bore witness to their brutal confrontation.

The once serene landscape was now scarred by their battle. Trees were uprooted, rocks shattered, and the ground itself trembled beneath their feet. The air crackled with raw energy, charged with the intensity of their clash.

In the midst of their fierce combat, Kurayami and Thanatos continued their verbal sparring, their voices cutting through the chaos.

Kurayami: "You cannot comprehend the depths of my darkness!"

Thanatos: "Your darkness is a mere illusion! I am the bringer of true oblivion!"

Their words were fueled by a mixture of rage, determination, and the desire to prove their superiority. Each warrior fought with unwavering resolve, refusing to yield an inch.

Their battle was a dark tragedy unfolding before the eyes of onlookers, a testament to the primal instincts that drive beings to the brink of annihilation. It was a clash of wills, of unrelenting power and unyielding determination.

As Kurayami and Thanatos continued their deadly dance, their every move was accompanied by the screams of their weapons and the crackling of magic. They pushed each other to the limits of their abilities, testing the boundaries of their strength and resilience.

Their fight was a grueling test of endurance and skill, a brutal display of the price one pays for power. Blood stained the ground, wounds marred their bodies, but still, they pressed on, locked in a battle that would determine their fates.

In the midst of their relentless struggle, Kurayami and Thanatos defied the boundaries of pain and exhaustion. With every strike, every spell cast, they fought with an intensity born from their shared desire to emerge victorious.

Their battle, a clash of titans, a dance of death and destruction, continued to unfold with an undeniable sense of tragic grandeur. It was a spectacle that would be remembered in the annals of history, a testament to the indomitable spirit of warriors consumed by darkness.

The battle continued with relentless ferocity, the clash of fists and kicks resonating through the air. Kurayami and Thanatos, both weaponless, engaged in a brutal hand-to-hand combat that pushed them to their limits. Their bodies, battered and bruised, fought on with a primal instinct for survival.

Amidst the chaos and violence, their voices echoed, strained with exertion and laced with a strange sense of exhilaration.

Kurayami: "Is this the best you can do, Thanatos? I expected more from you!"

Thanatos: "You dare to challenge me? I will show you the true meaning of pain!"

Their words carried a mix of taunting and determination, their voices competing with the sounds of bone-cracking strikes and grunts of pain.

As the battle raged on, Thanatos unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, overpowering Kurayami with his relentless assault. Kurayami's body absorbed the punishment, his strength waning, but a spark of resilience ignited within him.

With a surge of unexpected strength, Kurayami fought back, retaliating with swift strikes that caught Thanatos off guard. In a shocking twist, Kurayami managed to deliver a fatal blow, ending Thanatos' reign of terror.

As their bodies hovered on the precipice of death, Kurayami and Thanatos shared one last exchange, their voices strained and filled with a mix of pain and twisted excitement.

Kurayami: "You... thought... you could break me... Thanatos? This battle... it was exhilarating!"

Thanatos: "You... were a worthy opponent... Kurayami... I... relished every moment!"

Their voices intertwined with the sounds of their labored breaths, creating a haunting melody amidst the chaos. The realization of their impending demise seemed to fuel their final words.

Kurayami, his voice barely above a whisper, spoke with a twisted satisfaction.

Kurayami: "To die... in the midst of such... a thrilling battle... it is a fitting end."

Thanatos, his voice tinged with a grim acceptance, responded with equal intensity.

Thanatos: "Indeed... This was a battle... to be remembered... until the end."

With their final words uttered, Kurayami and Thanatos succumbed to their injuries, their bodies falling to the ground in a tangled heap. The battlefield, a tableau of violence and destruction, bore witness to their tragic demise.

In the aftermath, silence descended upon the scene, broken only by the distant cries of the remaining combatants.

As Satan, Seraphina, Eve, and Kai felt the absence of Kurayami's life force, they pressed on in their battle against the monstrous horde. Their determination grew stronger as they witnessed Lilith's body being used to revive Azathoth. The urgency to stop Azathoth's revival fueled their every move.

The horde of monsters, sensing the threat posed by the group, swarmed around them, attempting to impede their progress. However, just when the situation seemed dire, a figure emerged with an awe-inspiring entrance. Erza Eden, wielding a spear with unwavering resolve, joined the battlefield, her presence instilling a renewed sense of hope.

But the battlefield held another unexpected twist. A mysterious figure with a commanding aura stepped forward. Wearing a black coat and a Fox mask, this individual was Zero—the orchestrator of the 2nd Eternal War, the murderer of Lilith and Kurayami. Unfazed by the carnage around him, Zero brandished a katana sword and launched a vicious attack on Erza and Eve.

Zero's overwhelming power tipped the scales of battle in his favor, turning the confrontation into a one-sided, brutal struggle. The clash between Erza, Eve, and Zero became a relentless, fast-paced dance of swords, magic, and martial arts. Lightning crackled through the air as they cast powerful spells, while fire engulfed their surroundings, creating an inferno of destruction.

Amidst the chaos, their voices rang out, blending with the sounds of their clashes and screams.

Erza, her voice filled with determination, yelled above the fray.

Erza: "Zero, your path of destruction ends here! I won't let you succeed in reviving Azathoth!"

Zero, his voice calm and detached, responded with an emotionless tone.

Zero: "Darkness or light, it matters not. The only thing that remains is my mission to revive Azathoth."

Eve, her voice burning with righteous anger, interjected amidst the chaos of battle.

Eve: "Your mission is twisted, Zero! We fight to protect life and bring about a brighter future!"

Their words, shouted amid the clashes of their weapons and the intensity of their magic, emphasized the clash of ideologies on the battlefield. Erza and Eve poured their hearts into their attacks, driven by grief and the unwavering desire to protect what they held dear. Zero, on the other hand, fought with a calculated precision, devoid of emotions, and focused solely on his mission.

In this relentless struggle, the battlefield became a stage of destruction and desperation. Their powerful spells illuminated the darkened sky, unleashing waves of lightning and torrents of fire upon each other. Erza, Eve, and Zero pushed their physical and magical limits, their souls ablaze with passion and determination.

Amidst the chaos and violence, their fight would determine the fate of Azathoth's revival and the course of their world. The clash of swords, the crackle of lightning, and the roar of fire echoed through the battlefield as Erza, Eve, and Zero engaged in a high-stakes battle for their beliefs and their very lives.

As the battle raged on, Zero's overwhelming power became evident. With each strike of his katana, he displayed a mastery of swordsmanship that seemed unmatched. Erza and Eve fought valiantly, their determination unwavering, but they struggled to match Zero's relentless assault.

Amidst the chaotic clash of weapons and the cacophony of magic, their voices intertwined in screams and shouts, a testament to their unwavering resolve.

Erza, gritting her teeth and pouring her energy into every attack, roared defiantly.

Erza: "Is this all you've got, Zero? Show me the strength you so proudly wield!"

Eve, her voice filled with a mixture of desperation and determination, responded through clenched teeth.

Eve: "I won't let you destroy everything we've fought for! Prepare to face the consequences of your actions!"

Zero, his voice cutting through the chaos with an eerie calmness, spoke as he evaded their strikes effortlessly.

Zero: "Your passion is commendable, but futile. The world will be consumed by Azathoth's power, regardless of your resistance."

With each passing moment, the battle grew bloodier and more brutal. The clash of blades echoed through the air, accompanied by the screams of pain and the release of devastating magic. Erza, Eve, and Zero pushed their bodies to their limits, their movements becoming a blur of speed and precision.

Wounds adorned their bodies, dripping with crimson as they fought relentlessly. The ground beneath them was painted with the evidence of their struggle, a vivid testament to the brutality of their confrontation.

Yet, amidst the chaos and violence, a sense of tragedy and darkness permeated the air. Erza and Eve fought not only for their own survival but also for the salvation of their world. Zero, driven by his emotionless pursuit of Azathoth's revival, was unyielding in his relentless assault.

As they clashed, the weight of their choices and the consequences of their actions hung heavy in the air. Their once shared paths had diverged into opposing forces, colliding in a clash of ideals and power. The battle was not only physical but also symbolic, representing the collision of hope and despair, light and darkness.

The fast-paced, brutal battle continued unabated, their shouts and screams merging with the sounds of violence. The clash of swords and the release of destructive spells filled the air, creating an atmosphere of turmoil and tragedy.

In the midst of this epic confrontation, the fate of their world and the lives of countless innocents hung in the balance. Only one could emerge victorious, while the others faced an uncertain and tragic end.