
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Fate intertwine.

Zadkiel's cold eyes locked onto the sky, a mixture of pain and defiance etched on his face. As he struggled to stay on his feet, he spoke, his voice filled with a mixture of bitterness and awe.

Zadkiel: "You... you were willing to give up everything, even your lives, to stop me. How ironic. The ones who fought against nothingness... ended up becoming nothingness themselves."

Zadkiel, his breath labored and his voice filled with a mix of pain and anger, retorted. "Don't you understand? I sought to erase everything, to free us from the shackles of existence. But you... you clung to your precious ideals, even in the face of death."

Eve, her tattered armor serving as a testament to her survival, appeared behind Zadkiel with a sarcastic smile. The revelation that Erza had sacrificed herself to save Eve filled the air with a mix of disbelief and determination.

Eve: "Oh, Zadkiel, how disappointing. It seems you couldn't even finish the job properly. Lucky for you, I'm still here."

Zadkiel, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face, chuckled in response. "Fate has a peculiar way of preserving those who are meant to suffer. But this time, I will make sure there are no more surprises."

Eve, her eyes gleaming with determination, removed her armor, exposing her battle-worn body. She cracked her knuckles, preparing herself for a brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Eve: "Let's put an end to this, Zadkiel Eden. It's time to settle our score once and for all."

Zero, acknowledging the gravity of the moment, dropped his sword and assumed a fighting stance.

Zero: "Very well, Eve Eden. If it's a battle you seek, then it's a battle you shall have."

Their names declared, Eve and Zero locked eyes, the weight of their past and their shared bloodline hanging heavy in the air. Eve, fueled by the power of her fallen siblings, felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins.

As the battle commenced, their bodies moved with unparalleled speed and precision. Each strike was met with a counter, and each blow exchanged left marks of blood and pain on their battered forms. It was a dance of violence, a fight to the death between two warriors who shared a twisted bond.

Throughout the fight, Eve could feel the presence of her deceased siblings, their souls guiding and empowering her. Their collective power flowed through her, fueling her every move. With every strike, she drew upon their strength and fought with the resolve to kill Zadkiel.

The battlefield became a canvas of brutality, with Eve and Zadkiel delivering bone-crushing blows and enduring incredible pain. Their movements were a symphony of violence, a clash of fists and determination that echoed through the desolate landscape.

As the fight raged on, it was clear that Eve had tapped into an extraordinary power. Her attacks became more ferocious and precise, fueled by her rage to avenge all the Innocent people who died. Zadkiel, despite his own formidable skills, found himself pushed to the edge by Eve's relentless assault.

The battle between Eve and Zadkiel, fueled by their shared bloodline and desire for victory, unfolded in a flurry of blows and evasive maneuvers. It was a test of endurance, skill, and the strength of their convictions.

In this final duel, they fought not only for their own lives but also to honor the memories of their fallen kin. It was a fight that would determine the fate of their bloodline, their destinies intertwined in a clash of darkness and resilience.

The outcome of their bloody and brutal battle remained uncertain, as each warrior pushed their limits. The echoes of their clashes reverberated through the air, a testament to their unwavering resolve in the face of darkness and despair.

The battle between Eve and Zadkiel reached its climax as their bodies bore the scars of countless blows. Blood dripped from their wounds, painting the ground beneath them in macabre patterns. Fatigue weighed heavily upon them, but neither warrior was willing to yield.

Eve's eyes bleed as she channeled the strength of her fallen siblings. Their souls surged within her, empowering her with an otherworldly force. She unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast strikes, each one aimed at breaking through Zadkiel's defenses.

Zadkiel, his cold demeanor unshaken, met Eve's assault with calculated precision. His movements were fluid and controlled, as if he had anticipated her every move. With each block and counter, he aimed to crush her spirit and prove his dominance.

Their fierce exchanges of blows echoed through the desolate battlefield. The sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing filled the air, harmonizing with their labored breaths. They fought with the desperation of those who had lost everything, seeking retribution and vindication in the midst of chaos.

In a display of sheer willpower, Eve pushed herself beyond her limits. Her attacks grew more potent and relentless, fueled by the memory of her fallen siblings and her burning desire to avenge their deaths. She refused to succumb to the pain that coursed through her body, fighting with an unyielding spirit.

Zadkiel, though weakened by Eve's relentless assault, refused to falter. His eyes gleamed with a twisted determination, as if relishing the brutality of the battle. He met Eve's strikes with calculated counters, aiming to find a gap in her defenses and deliver a fatal blow.

The clash of their fists and the thunderous impact of their kicks echoed through the desolate landscape. They moved with a deadly elegance, their battle transcending the realms of mortals. Each blow was filled with the weight of their tragic history, their shared bloodline a constant reminder of the darkness that entwined them.

As the battle neared its climax, Eve's movements became more erratic. The overwhelming power she had tapped into threatened to consume her, blurring the line between righteousness and bloodlust. The forbidden technique she had invoked exacted its toll, draining away her reason and unleashing a primal hunger for victory.

With a final surge of energy, Eve launched a devastating assault, her fists striking with unmatched force. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing the ground beneath them to tremble. In that moment, the weight of her grief and determination converged, seeking to bring an end to this battle.

But Zadkiel, in a display of uncanny resilience, managed to evade Eve's devastating blows. He stood before her, bloodied and battered, yet defiant. A twisted smile curled upon his lips as he prepared to deliver the final blow, a testament to his unyielding resolve.

As the two warriors faced each other in the eye of the storm, their breaths mingled with the dust and debris that hung in the air. Time seemed to stand still, the weight of their choices and actions hanging heavy upon their shoulders.

As Eve, on the brink of exhaustion and with her body battered and broken, narrowly evaded the final blow from Zadkiel, a defiant smile crossed her face. Blood trickled down her forehead, mingling with the dirt and grime.

With a voice tinged with both sorrow and triumph, she spoke her last words to her formidable adversary. "Zadkiel, you sought nothingness, the erasure of everything. But in your pursuit, you failed to see the strength in kindness, the power of love and pride. We are more than just beings destined for destruction. We are warriors who fight for what we believe in, for a world where hope can flourish."

Her words hung in the air, lingering as a testament to the unwavering spirit of a warrior who had faced insurmountable odds. With a surge of newfound strength, Eve summoned her remaining energy and launched one final, devastating attack.

The clash of their forces reverberated through the desolate battlefield, creating a shockwave that echoed across the realms. In that moment, the culmination of their bitter struggle reached its crescendo. The dark tragedy that had enveloped their lives clashed with the flickering light of hope that Eve embodied.

As their powers collided, a blinding explosion engulfed the surroundings. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, tearing through the remnants of the ruined city. Debris soared through the skies, a chaotic dance that mirrored the intensity of their battle.

And when the smoke cleared, all that remained was a scarred battlefield, littered with the remnants of their clash. Zadkiel, the embodiment of destruction and chaos, lay motionless upon the ground, his body finally stilled.

Eve, her strength spent, stood amidst the wreckage. Bloodied and weary, she gazed upon the fallen form of her adversary. A mixture of sorrow and relief washed over her, for she had accomplished what seemed impossible—she had brought an end to the battle.

With her last ounce of strength, Eve let out a final breath, her soul finding solace in the knowledge that she had fought with all her might to protect what she held dear. Her body, drained of life, crumpled to the ground, joining the fallen warriors who had bravely stood beside her.

But to her shock, the fallen form vanished, revealing the true adversary standing over her, alive and unscathed, casting a shadow of uncertainty over Eve's victory.

Zadkiel: Not a single wish ever gets granted in this twisted world. You'll soon find yourself like me.

Eve: There's still a chance for you to return to who you once were.

Zadkiel: Silence! I've warned you about speaking as if you understand everything. You've fallen so low that you're nothing but empty words. Your words are worthless and meaningless!

Zadkiel: The Eden clan is shunned by all, the ones who orchestrated Adam's descent into darkness, who commanded our brother to slay our father and annihilate our siblings. It wasn't solely the gods who sought our demise, but also those who bowed to their will. To me, they are the lowest of the low, deserving of nothing but my wrath. They are all targets of my vengeance!

Silence envelops them.

Zadkiel: For now, I'll spare you. But use this time wisely to discern who your true enemies are.

Zadkiel: Your still too weak, you don't have enough hatred, and you never will.

With that, he vanished like the wind.