
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Battles for the realms

As Satan, Seraphina, and Kai joined the battle, their presence shifted the tides of the conflict. The wounded Erza and Eve, struggling to stand, found a renewed surge of strength as their allies fought alongside them.

Zero, his attention momentarily diverted, turned his gaze towards the horde of monsters surrounding them. To his surprise, he realized that the once formidable hoard of creatures now lay motionless, defeated. The combined might of Satan, Seraphina, and Kai had swiftly eradicated the threat, leaving only silence in their wake.

Zero's eyes narrowed behind his fox mask, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his otherwise composed expression. The unexpected turn of events disrupted his carefully calculated plans, forcing him to reassess the situation.

Satan, radiating an aura of commanding power, spoke with a voice that resonated through the battlefield.

Satan: "Zero, your path of destruction ends here. We won't allow Azathoth's revival or any more suffering to occur."

Seraphina, her voice filled with determination, joined Satan's declaration.

Seraphina: "You've caused enough pain and chaos. It's time for you to face the consequences of your actions."

Kai, his gaze unwavering, unleashed a surge of energy that crackled with electricity.

Kai: "Your desire for battle and destruction has clouded your judgment. We won't let you harm anyone else."

Zero's composed demeanor wavered, a flicker of emotion crossing his otherwise stoic face. The weight of his choices and the consequences of his actions bore down upon him, though he refused to show any signs of vulnerability.

Zero: "You may have thwarted the monsters, but you still stand in the way of Azathoth's revival. I will fulfill my duty, even if it means facing all of you."

The battlefield became charged with tension as Zero, Satan, Seraphina, and Kai prepared for the final clash. The air crackled with a sense of anticipation, each combatant acutely aware of the stakes involved.

In that moment, the clash of ideals, the struggle for power, and the pursuit of their respective goals converged. The destiny of their world hung in the balance, their actions carrying the weight of both tragedy and hope.

With their wounds still fresh and their resolve unwavering, Erza and Eve rallied alongside their allies. Together, they faced Zero, knowing that the outcome of this battle would determine the fate of their world and the lives of those they held dear.

As the battle raged on, the clash between Zero and his adversaries intensified. It was a fierce and brutal confrontation, with each strike and spell carrying the weight of their determination and desperation.

Amidst the chaos, the combatants found moments to exchange words, their voices blending with the sounds of clashing weapons and erupting magic.

Zero, his katana cutting through the air with deadly precision, addressed his opponents with an icy tone.

Zero: "Your resistance is futile. I am the instrument of Azathoth's revival, and nothing will stand in my way."

Satan, his voice filled with unwavering resolve, responded as he conjured flames to engulf his fists.

Satan: "We fight for the survival of our world, Zero. Your misguided loyalty will be your downfall."

Seraphina, her movements graceful yet powerful, retorted with a fiery determination.

Seraphina: "Your path leads only to destruction. We won't allow you to bring chaos upon us any longer."

Kai, his lightning-infused strikes crackling with raw energy, added his voice to the fray.

Kai: "Your power may be formidable, Zero, but we fight for the sake of peace. We won't let you achieve your twisted vision."

The battlefield became a symphony of clashes, explosions, and cries of pain as the combatants pushed themselves to their limits. Each moment was filled with a mix of desperation, rage, and a glimmer of hope.

Erza, her spear a blur of swift and precise strikes, unleashed her voice amidst the chaos.

Erza: "You underestimate our strength and our resolve, Zero! We will stop you, no matter the cost!"

Eve, her spells weaving a tapestry of elemental fury, shouted with fierce determination.

Eve: "We fight for those we've lost, for the innocent lives you've taken! Prepare to face the consequences!"

With every strike, every spell, and every yell, their determination grew stronger. Bloodied and battered, they refused to yield, knowing that the fate of their world hung in the balance.

In this explosive clash of power and will, the battlefield became a stage for their unyielding resolve, their screams echoing through the air, intertwining with the sounds of combat.

Satan, Seraphina, Eve, Erza, and Kai united their strength and fought against Zero with unwavering determination. The battlefield became a chaotic dance of blades, magic, and martial arts as they clashed with their formidable adversary.

Satan, his demonic powers surging through him, unleashed torrents of dark energy towards Zero.

Satan: "Your reign ends here, Zero! The darkness you serve will consume you!"

Seraphina, her angelic grace shining through her movements, channeled celestial light to counter Zero's attacks.

Seraphina: "I fight for the light and hope you've forsaken! Prepare to face the consequences of your actions!"

Eve, her mastery of elemental forces at its peak, unleashed storms of fire, lightning, and ice upon Zero.

Eve: "Your path of destruction ends now, Zero! We won't let you bring ruin to our world!"

Erza, her spear a deadly extension of her will, struck with precision and unwavering resolve.

Erza: "I fight for the fallen and the lives you've taken, Zero! Your reckoning has come!"

Kai, his lightning-infused strikes crackling with power, weaved through the battlefield with incredible agility.

Kai: "Your path of chaos ends here, Zero! We won't let you succeed in your destructive mission!"

With synchronized attacks and relentless determination, they pushed back against Zero's overwhelming power. The clash of their weapons and the unleashing of their spells reverberated through the air, creating a symphony of destruction.

Amidst the chaos, their voices pierced through, filled with conviction and defiance.

Satan: "We will not falter! Our strength is fueled by our purpose!"

Seraphina: "The light will prevail, Zero! Your darkness cannot extinguish it!"

Eve: "We fight for the future, for a world free from your tyranny!"

Erza: "We stand united against you, Zero! Our determination knows no bounds!"

Kai: "Your power is nothing compared to our unity! We will protect what is precious to us!"

Their battle cries echoed, their words carrying the weight of their resolve. They fought as one, pushing their limits and refusing to back down. In this climactic clash, the outcome hung in the balance, and the fate of their world rested on their shoulders.

As Zero remained unfazed by their relentless assault, their hearts sank as they witnessed the revival of Azathoth. The monstrous entity emerged from its slumber, its malevolent presence enveloping the battlefield. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble in its wake.

Satan's eyes widened with a mixture of disbelief and dread.

Satan: "No... Azathoth has awakened..."

Seraphina, her wings trembling with unease, raised her voice against the impending darkness.

Seraphina: "We must stop Azathoth's rampage! We cannot let it unleash its destructive power upon our world!"

Eve, her determination unyielding, infused her spells with even greater intensity.

Eve: "We have to find a way to defeat Azathoth! Our combined strength is our only hope!"

Erza, her resolve unshaken, tightened her grip on her weapon and faced the looming threat.

Erza: "Even if it seems impossible, we must find a way to overcome this. Failure is not an option!"

Kai, his eyes burning with determination, braced himself for the ultimate battle.

Kai: "Azathoth or not, we will fight until our last breath! We won't let darkness prevail!"

Together, they turned their attention to the colossal form of Azathoth, ready to face the embodiment of chaos and destruction. The odds were stacked against them, but their resolve burned brighter than ever.

As they prepared to engage in a battle of unimaginable scale, their voices echoed with a resounding unity, cutting through the chaos.

Satan: "This is our final stand! We will not let our worlds fall into ruin!"

Seraphina: "With every ounce of our being, we will vanquish the enemy! Its kill or be killed!"

Eve: "We fight not just for ourselves, but for the future of all existence! Azathoth will be defeated!"

Erza: "No matter the cost, we will protect everything we hold dear! We must fight!"

Kai: "This battle will test our very limits, but we will not waver! Together, we can overcome anything!"

As their voices melded into a powerful chorus, they charged towards Azathoth, ready to face their greatest challenge yet. The clash of titanic forces would determine the fate of their world, and they were resolved to give it their all, no matter the cost.