
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasía
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103 Chs

Azrael Awakened

Eve's eyes blazed with a mixture of anger, sorrow, and determination. She could feel the weight of Azrael's words, the echoes of suffering that resided within them. But in that moment, all she saw before her was the embodiment of the destruction that had torn apart countless lives.

Eve: Don't you dare compare your quest for vengeance with my mission to protect the realms. You may have suffered, but your actions have caused unimaginable pain to innocent lives.

Azrael's gaze remained steady, unyielding in its resolve.

Azrael: And what of the innocent lives your kind has taken? The ones who had no part in your grand battle for balance? Have you spared their suffering?

Eve: You're twisting the truth to justify your atrocities. Your desire for justice is tainted by your thirst for revenge.

Azrael's wings fluttered, the air around them charged with tension.

Azrael: Is it revenge, or is it justice? Does the line between the two truly matter in the face of the suffering that has been wrought upon our worlds?

Eve's fists clenched, her voice edged with desperation.

Eve: What you're doing won't bring peace. It's only perpetuating the cycle of violence and destruction. You're becoming the very thing you despise.

Azrael: And what of you? You've fought just as ruthlessly, ending lives in the name of your so-called balance. Is your hands any less stained?

Eve's eyes burned with a fierce determination.

Eve: I'll accept the consequences of my actions, but I won't stand by while you continue this madness. I'll protect what's left of the realms, even if it means standing against you.

Azrael's expression softened, a strange mixture of sorrow and understanding.

Azrael: Then so be it. If you truly believe in your cause, then you leave me no choice. Our paths are intertwined, Eve. In the end, only one vision of justice shall prevail.

As their words hung heavy in the air, the clash of ideals seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of their existence. Two beings, each driven by their convictions, faced off in a battle that extended beyond mere physical combat. The fate of the realms hung in the balance, and the decision they made in this moment would shape the course of history.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, the sudden appearance of Captain Anderson and her team was a beacon of hope. The smoke screen had created a temporary shield, allowing them to extract Eve and Kai from the immediate danger posed by Azrael. They were carried to safety, away from the clutches of the being who had sought to end their lives.

Eve's mind raced as she tried to piece together the situation. Who were these newcomers? Why had they intervened? She looked to Kai, his expression a mix of gratitude and recognition. Captain Anderson was not a stranger to him, and this added a layer of intrigue to the unfolding events.

Kai: Eve, this is Captain Anderson. She's a Federation warrior, and she's been part of our journey since the beginning. She helped us before, and it seems she's here to help us again.

Eve's eyes narrowed as she took in the information. The puzzle pieces began to fall into place, as she realized that the Federation, with its warriors from different realms, had a vested interest in stopping the chaos that had unfolded.

Captain Anderson: We've been tracking Azrael's movements for some time now. When we saw the situation escalate, we knew we had to act. The fate of the realms is at stake.

Eve nodded, her focus returning to the gravity of the situation. Azrael's transformation, his new form, and the destructive power he possessed were unlike anything they had encountered before. The battle was far from over.

Eve: Thank you for intervening, but we need to be prepared. Azrael is more powerful than ever, and stopping him won't be easy.

Captain Anderson's expression was resolute, her voice steady.

Kai's eyes gleamed with determination, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the battle with Azrael raged on.

Kai: let's retreat and gather reinforcements. We have no chance in surviving at this point.

Suddenly as the portals opened one after another, a diverse array of warriors emerged, each representing different races, cultures, and realms. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking, a testament to the unity that had been forged among these warriors from across the multiverse. They streamed onto the battlefield, their presence a clear indication that the call for aid had been answered in full force.

Kai and Eve stood in awe, their eyes wide as they took in the remarkable scene before them. Warriors clad in gleaming armor marched forward alongside agile ninjas, while towering giants and ethereal angels moved with purpose. The air was charged with determination, the collective resolve of those who had answered the call to stand against Azrael.

Kai: This... this is incredible.

Eve: Look at this, Kai. They've all come together, united by the same goal, to kill this son of bitch.

Captain Anderson: These warriors represent the combined might of countless realms. They've seen the devastation caused by Azrael and are willing to fight for a better future. We reached out to our allies, and they responded without hesitation.

Kai clenched his fists, his heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and determination. He had witnessed the destruction and despair that Azrael had wrought upon their worlds, and now he was witnessing the collective strength that had been brought together to counter it.

Kai: We're not alone in this, Eve. We have allies from every corner of existence standing by our side. We can't let their trust and sacrifice go to waste.

Eve nodded, her eyes reflecting the same determination as Kai's.

Eve: You're right, Kai. We can't afford to falter now. Azrael might be powerful, but we have the power of unity on our side.

As the warriors continued to pour onto the battlefield, their ranks swelling with each passing moment, the energy shifted. It was a stark contrast to the despair that had clouded the earlier events, a tangible feeling of hope and resilience taking its place. The collective will to protect their worlds, their loved ones, and their futures was a force to be reckoned with.

The field stood as a tense tableau, the two opposing armies facing each other, their eyes locked in a silent standoff. The air was heavy with anticipation, a palpable energy that seemed to stretch time itself.

On one side stood the united force of warriors, each representing their own realms and races. They stood tall, their weapons at the ready, their expressions a blend of resolve and defiance. Among them were humans, elves, giants, angels, and many more, each brought together by the call for unity against Azrael's tyranny.

On the other side, Azrael's summoned creatures and warriors arrayed themselves. These beings were an eerie mix of angels and monsters, their dark wings casting an ominous shadow over the battlefield. The power that emanated from Azrael was undeniable, a testament to the immense strength he had harnessed for his cause.

In the midst of this tense confrontation, the weight of a decision loomed heavily over Kai, Eve, and their allies. The clash of ideals, the desire for justice, and the will to protect their worlds had culminated in this moment—a moment where the fate of existence seemed to hang in the balance.

The silence was broken by a soft but resolute voice. Captain Anderson stepped forward, her presence commanding the attention of both sides.

Captain Anderson: We stand here at a crossroads. On one path lies destruction and chaos. On the other, there's a chance of peace.

Her words hung in the air, a reminder of the choices that lay before them. The warriors on both sides exchanged glances, the weight of their decisions evident in their eyes.

Kai: We can't let Azrael's desire for vengeance perpetuate a cycle of destruction. We have a chance to end this, together.

As the seconds ticked by, a low rumble resonated through the air, carrying with it a sense of urgency. The tension was palpable, the anticipation electric.

Eve: Our worlds have been torn apart, our loved ones lost. But this battle isn't just about us anymore. It's about every realm, every life that has suffered under Azrael's reign.

Azrael: (voice echoing) And what do you hope to achieve? Do you truly believe that a mere alliance of warriors can challenge the fate I've set in motion?

Azrael's words reverberated, his voice carrying an unsettling mix of confidence and arrogance. It was a stark reminder of the formidable power he wielded.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the battlefield, a collective breath was drawn. And then, as if orchestrated by some cosmic force, the tension broke. Weapons were raised, wings unfurled, and the air became charged with the energy of impending battle.

In that moment, the clash of ideals, the weight of histories, and the hope for a better future converged. And as the first clash of forces erupted, the fate of countless realms hung in the balance, awaiting the outcome of a battle that would define the course of existence itself.