
The immortal authors end

The main character fights and collects some shit.

20OneAndOnly06 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

CHAPTER 5: gruesome death

Lucian leaned against his car, thinking about Rune. He anxiously awaited her message, wondering what course of action lay ahead. After what felt like an eternity, a notification finally chimed on his phone.

The message contained valuable information:

Name: Orion Caldwell

Wife: Maria Caldwell

Son: Noah Caldwell

Orion's workplace: Commerce Avenue, first floor, Room 6

Maria is currently a housewife

Noah attends Hoxwood Elementary School, from 7 am to 2 pm, arriving home by 2:30-3 pm

Orion leaves for work at 6 am, dropping off his son at school, and returns home around 8 pm

Lucian read the message repeatedly, committing every detail to memory before deleting it. With a sense of purpose, he climbed into his brother's car, ready to embark on his mission. First, he needed to scout Orion's workplace, followed by his son's school, and finally, his house.

Arriving at Commerce Avenue, Lucian's gaze fixated on the towering skyscraper that housed Orion's workplace.

"Pretending to be a worker and assassinating him won't suffice without an escape plan," Lucian mumbled to himself, considering alternative strategies. He knew Orion had a quick temper and a bold demeanor, which he could exploit to his advantage. To enrage him and provoke a foolish act, Lucian realized he needed to target Orion's family—a man's greatest vulnerability.

His next destination was the elementary school

It was still around 11 am, meaning Noah should be in school. Rune had provided Lucian with pictures of Orion, his wife, and his son, enabling him to identify Noah. The thought crossed his mind to send his 'colleagues' to kidnap the boy.

Noah, a small boy with blond hair and brown stripes, inherited a mix of his parents' features. Comparatively, Orion was a brute—a broad, bald man in his thirties. On the other hand, Maria, Orion's wife, was petite and slender, with golden brown hair that grazed her shoulders.

"Now, let's locate this cave man's residence," Lucian thought as he drove toward the outskirts of the city where Orion's house stood. The building was neither small nor grand, residing somewhere in between. Lucian immediately noticed the absence of a garage, indicating that Orion parked his car outside.

The idea of planting a bomb in Orion's car briefly crossed Lucian's mind, but he swiftly dismissed it. The risk of destroying the ring he needed to retrieve was too great. Uncertain about the ring's durability, Lucian wasn't willing to gamble on it

After surveying the brownish-red building, Lucian returned to the main hub where he needed to meet Deron. It was crucial to discuss the matter with him and strategize their approach.

As Lucian pulled up to the hub, he found Deron waiting outside, his eyes filled with anticipation. Lucian stepped out of the car, his expression focused and determined.

Deron caught the car keys with a playful grin. "Took you long enough"

"No worries, I drove it like a saint," Lucian replied sarcastically, his eyes glancing over the vehicle.

"Let's go to my place," Lucian commanded.

"Yes, sir," Deron replied, acknowledging his brother's authoritative tone.

As they drove towards Lucian's apartment, he filled Deron in on every detail, from Eve's involvement and the information she provided about Rune, to Rune's request to assassinate Orion.

"So, now we have to kill that Onion guy, or whatever his name was?" Deron inquired, struggling to recall the correct name.

"I have to kill him; you will assist with preparations," Lucian clarified, emphasizing the distinction. "First, I need you to kidnap Noah Caldwell. I will send you the necessary information soon. And then, find a way to lure his wife out of the house tonight."

Deron nodded, fully understanding his brother's instructions. "You want to kill him tonight?" he asked, a hint of concern evident in his voice.

"Yes, I will. I need you to prepare some traps inside his home. Something like gas or small explosives that can momentarily blind him if activated," Lucian explained. "I will gather the necessary equipment from my armory and wait until he leaves his workplace. Once he's on the move, I'll quickly drive to his house, and by then, everything should be ready."

"Understood," Deron affirmed, his commitment unwavering.

Lucian's voice grew serious as he added, "Furthermore, have a team fully equipped and on standby. In the event that I encounter difficulties, I'll need all the help I can get."

By 7 PM, Lucian was fully prepared, armed with an arsenal that would ensure his advantage. He had chosen the Redhawk Alaskan, a powerful 480 Ruger handgun with 30 rounds, alongside an AR500 rifle, expertly modified with a lengthened barrel and equipped with a precision scope. In addition, he secured his handmade cold weapon—a deadly masterpiece consisting of two wooden handles connected by a razor-sharp metal chain.

At 7:40 PM, Orion left the towering skyscraper earlier than usual, unaware of the imminent danger that awaited him. Observing his departure, Lucian swiftly ignited the engine of his grey Mercedes-Benz AMG GT. Within a mere five minutes, he arrived at Orion's residence, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Stepping into the house, Lucian was greeted by a long hallway that led to Noah's room and the master bedroom. At the end of the hallway, the entrance to the guest and living room beckoned. The kitchen seamlessly connected to the living room, forming a cohesive space.

Guided by Deron's information, Lucian proceeded with caution, knowing that a gas bomb was concealed near the entrance to the living room. Every step was measured and deliberate as he ventured into the room, skillfully avoiding any triggers that could activate the trap. His keen eyes scanned the surroundings, assessing potential spots that could provide cover and advantage.

Within the living room, Lucian's gaze fell upon a heart-wrenching sight. There sat young Noah, his innocent face stained with tears, bound to a wooden chair with his mouth tightly taped shut. Lucian approached the distraught child, his movements gentle yet purposeful. He lightly patted Noah's head, offering a fleeting moment of solace amidst the chaos. But in the boys eyes Lucian was something akin to a devil.

Taking another five minutes to survey the house, searching for strategic positions and potential vantage points, Lucian returned to the vulnerable boy. With a heavy heart and grim determination, he retrieved his handmade cold weapon, its lethal metal chain glinting in the dim light. Carefully, he secured the sharp-edged chain around Noah's trembling neck, the child's cries muffled by the tape. Despite his fear, Noah remained motionless, aware of the danger posed by the menacing links.

Lucian's eyes, devoid of emotion, fixated solely on one objective: the elimination of Orion. The means by which he achieved this goal didn't matter. A firm grip tightened around the wooden handles of his weapon, now firmly secured around the sobbing boy's neck.

The sound of keys being inserted into the door reverberated in Lucian's ears as Orion arrived home.

Orion walked in as usual, his voice filled with happiness, "I'm home, honey!" But instead of his family's warm embrace, the devil himself, Lucian, awaited him, consumed by a singular purpose.

Orion thought that something was amiss as the silence greeted him. No response came from his wife, nor did his son, who typically ran to him at the sound of the keys. Standing alone in the hallway, he sensed trouble looming.

Carefully, he inspected Noah's room and the master bedroom on either side, finding no signs of distress. Slowly, he made his way to the living room. What he witnessed caused him to drop the keys from his trembling hands.

Noah was bound to a wooden chair, a chain wrapped around his neck, controlled by the man Orion had failed to assassinate the previous day. Orion hadn't anticipated this man seeking revenge.

"Listen, please don't do this," Orion pleaded, careful not to make any sudden moves.

Lucian looked at him with eyes filled with sorrow and despair. With a visible tightening of his grip on the wooden handles, he began to pull them, causing Noah to cry out in pain. The sharp metal inflicted unbearable agony, forcing the boy to struggle and jerk his head and body, causing the chains to cut even deeper.

"NO! STOP!" Orion cried out, reaching helplessly towards his son. But Lucian's mind had already succumbed to the cold, merciless nature of the killer within him.

Even with his mouth taped shut, Noah's bloodcurdling screams echoed throughout the room, reaching the ears of Deron, who anxiously waited outside with his team, ready for a signal to intervene. The piercing cries shattered his heart.

"The boy is only eleven years old. He doesn't deserve such a cruel fate," Deron thought

The screams persisted for another agonizing moment before abruptly ceasing, leaving only the sound of the severed head rolling across the floor.