
The Illusionist System

After getting killed in a bank robbery, Aaron transmigrates into the body of a child. He's tied to a bed and a scientist comes and begins to inject him with different fluids. Only after he sends him onto another planet, does he find out what these liquids were. They were meant to enhance his strength. But not only that, something like a system suddenly appears in front of him. It says [Welcome to the Illusionist System]

1txd0r1 · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Aaron's body began to heat up. The warmth spread from his arm through all his limps. He started to sweat profusely.

Soon his clothes were completely wet and spots appeared on the bed, showing the quantity of the fluid.

Then suddenly, a sharp pain arose in his head. It felt like his brain was directly attacked by something.

If one took a look at his blood now, one would see why he was so in pain. The medicine he had been injected with wasn't only liquid.

Inside it were small creatures that made their way through the blood stream and attached themselves to the walls. There they began to feast on the intestines of Aaron.

These small creatures were called Illusion Bug. They were practically illusions that were made real through the liquid they were put in. To create ten of them, it took at least two weeks.

Normally people wouldn't do stupid stuff with them, since they were so hard to breed, but Aaron was currently in something like a research laboratory where experiments on humans were normal.

The Illusion Bug also produced an acid which could easily dissolve a hand in a matter of seconds.

They were used to strengthen the inner organs, bur the risk was fat too great to actually do that.

Aaron's new vessel on the other hand had been infused with various liquids before and could resist these bugs.

Although that was indeed the case, Illusion Bugs become stronger with every bite they take.

There were only two ways to kill them. First, one can open the skin and take them out manually and then squish them. The other way is for them to get killed by the acid inside one's body. They will eventually get there and then die.

Right now, Illusion Bugs were attaching onto the brain of Aaron and eating it. The acid they produce also melted some of it away.

The intense pain started to appear all over his body now. Cramps began to form in every part the bugs came to.


Aaron panted heavily as the pain slowly but surely subsided. Six hours had passed in which he had to fight not to succumb to the agony he was in.

The bed and clothes were all wet from the sweat.

He was tired and wanted to sleep, but he couldn't. Something held him awake and before he could find out what exactly it was, the door opened again and the same doctor from before came walking in.

Aaron glared at him with killing intent in his eyes. The man however didn't let it bother him, put on a smile and then said: "Hoho, you've really survived. I'm quite intrigued by your sturdiness. Your willpower too isn't to be underestimated. I really think we should begin the test tomorrow. For now, please follow my instructions."

Next, they ran some tests to see if Aaron really did come out of this ordeal without any consequences. To the surprise of the man, Aaron only grew more resistant to those bugs, he wasn't even slightly injured.

Thereafter, the doctor walked out of the room again. He headed unto his office, which was located opposite to the room Aaron was in. Inside, a small desk with a lamp on top stood beside a bed, so minimalistic, the man could fall out of if there wasn't a wooden bar that stopped him.

He sat on the chair that he placed in front of the desk and opened one of its drawers. A mountain of papers laid inside.

The man rifled through the pile until he found a folder. Its name was "Test No. 48".

He opened the file and searched for the Test-section. It was on page 12. The subheading was "Illusion-Bug-Test", the one Aaron had to experience earlier.

Another part said "Expectations: Low (refer to p. 2)". On the mentioned page, the overall health of Test No. 48 was disclosed. Through these results, the doctor calculated the rate how high the expectations were that the subject would survive.

That was also why he was so shocked when he found out that Aaron came out of the test without any scars he should have. It was actually much more likely that he'd die than survive, so it wouldn't be strange if he survived with something severe like a trauma or even worse.

The man then took a pen and wrote behind Result "Survived - no injuries or anything similar". He also scribbled "Intense pain for 6 hours" under Observation.

After that, he closed the folder again and stood up. He walked out of his room and into the long, white hallway. He turned left and after a few minutes arrived at a door on the of the corridor.

The doctor knocked and after a deep voice shouted: "Come in", he entered the room.

This room was the biggest in the entire edifice. A huge desk, that seemed to fill the whole room, stood before him. Behind it, a comfortable looking chair, a man sitting on it. He looked into the opposite direction where a gigantic window filled the whole wall. Outside, lots of bright dots hovered in the air.

"What is it?", the deep voice of the man in front of him resounded in the great room.

"I'm coming to give you the file of one of my test subjects, master." The doctor now switched from his crazy-sounding voice to a more serious one.

"Which one is it? The one with the poor results in its tests or the one that died after its first test?"

"Neither of them. I've found another subject. I initially thought it wouldn't be valuable. But I just ran the Illusion-Bug-Test on it and it surprisingly survived. The duration of the pain it felt was also only six hours." A smile arose on the man's face as he proudly declared the value his test subject had.

"That actually sounds good. Please let it go out tomorrow to do its last test. And don't forget to put the collar on. I'm awaiting good news. Inform me when something is urgent. Let its file here. Now go."

The doctor put the folder on the desk and said while leaving the room: "Before the last test tomorrow, I gotta run another one or two on him. Besides that, I'll surely inform you if something happens. I'll take my leave now, master."

He disappeared into the hallway. He carefully closed the door behind him and made his way to his subject's room. He would now perform the final tests. They may be even more dangerous than the Illusion-Bug-Test. It wouldn't be a surprise if Test No. 48 died.