

"father he is your illegitimate son, how can you make him your heir? I just can't understand" Raymond said, because he couldn't understand why his father will suddenly make his bastard son his heir. Sebastian on the other hand was helpless, because he didn't want to hurt his son but to make up for his past sins he had to do this. With that Richard wright became the cold-hearted CEO of Walkers company. he also win the heart of the woman his step brother Raymond always love. ....... Richard wright became the CEO and replace Sebastian. the fact that Richard wright became the CEO and also manage to win the heart of the woman Raymond was in love with, cause Raymond and his mum to hate Richard so much. they will stop at nothing to make sure that they get rid of him . but will that be an easy task for Raymond and his mum, because they don't know how Cunning the person they were dealing is. read the story to know more about this love triangle.

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5 Chs

Chapter 3

The memories of twenty-five years ago come rushing to Sebastians mind. twenty-five years ago he met this lady Elizabeth wright and the moment he sighted her, he feel in love with her, it was love at first sight. he couldn't get her out of his mind. he tried persuading her to give him a chance to date, but she refused saying that she didn't love him. he was down.

One night he Park his car in front of Elizabeth's apartment waiting for her, he waited for a very long time but she didn't show up. He was disappointed and decided to drink, he didn't know the wine in his car was spike, after a while Elizabeth arrived at her apartment. Immediately she opened the door of her apartment Sebastian pushed the door and entered, she tried sending him out but she couldn't, he closed the door and force himself on her.

The next morning, he woke up and realize what he did and started apologizing, but Elizabeth kicked him out of her apartment. In the evening when he came back to her house he finds out that she moved out. He know he was the reason, and was ready to make amends but he never set his eyes on her again.


Thinking of all that, Sebastian walked up to Elizabeth. His face full of guilt and said." Elizabeth am sorry for everything I did to you. Please forgive me for what I did to you. I never see you after that." He apologized sincerely not minding what people are going to say about him.

Elizabeth on the other hand, look at her son with tears in her eyes and said." Baby, this man here , you are calling your boss is your biological father. I lied to you, son, I just didn't want you to know about him, because he raped me twenty-five years ago." She revealed and Richard give her a tight hug.

" Mom , I already know." He whispered to his mom's ears. Her eyes widen in shock.

Everyone present at the party was shocked by Elizabeth's Revelation and start murmuring and saying.

"He appeared to be a gentleman, but he is actually a wolf in a sheeps clothing. What a shame."

Sebastian's family were equally shocked. Hazel walk to her and ask."son is what this woman is saying true?"

"She is right,mom, what this woman is saying is the truth, I raped her twenty-five years ago, but I didn't know that she got pregnant. It was not intentional because I was not in my senses." Sebastian said, and Hazel give him a slap. Hazel was really disappointed with Sebastian, and also angry at the same it was her fault because she spoiled him so much and now this.

"Did I raised you to be like this? To rape a woman, don't you have any respect for women? Answer me." She grabbed his collar and ask. She was burning with rage , she know that this will damage her son's reputation, but in a way she thinks he deserves it. She was not in support of him raping anyone.

"Am sorry, mom , my drink was spike and she was rejecting me too much, while I loved her so much. I couldn't control the urge , I swear I didn't mean to do that, Elizabeth, I am deeply sorry." He uttered and turn to Richard.

"Son, I'm sorry, I didn't know that I have another son." He tried to touch Richards face but he pushed Sebastians hand and before giving him the coldest glare and walked away with his mom.he didn't want her to be stressed by all this drama she has suffer enough. Alex was also trailing behind them.

Rosamond, Sebastians wife looked at the guests and said" the party is over and we are sorry." The guests start to leave. Once they were gone and the only ones left were the family and the servants.

"Shame on you." Hazel said and went to her room.

Sebastian left to follow Elizabeth and his son. While Rosamond and her children retired to their rooms with shock written all over their faces.

Richard, his mom and brother went home, when they reached home. Richard take his mom to her room." Mom, am sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you, but I had to do it so that I could humiliate him in front of all the people that respected him." He uttered and embrace his mom for a while.

"Baby, for how long have you known the truth about your father." She didn't remember telling him about Sebastian . She was trying so hard to hide it from him but see now he found out, she know that her son is very smart.

"Not long ago,mom. I went to your room, when you went out, I found your dairy and reed it. But you should have told me, I would have understood you. Anyways that doesn't matter anymore, because what is important is that he was humiliated in front of everyone at the party. Am sure he will be the headline tomorrow." He smirked at the thought of tomorrows news.

"Okay, baby, if you said so, I will be sleeping so good night." Elizabeth went to sleep, she was very exhausted from what happened today. What Sebastian did to her wasn't right. But he didn't deserved to be humiliated. She couldn't say anything because she didn't want to offend her son .

Richard kissed his mom's head and came back to the living room, he find Alex sitting he sat beside him and the butler came in and said

"Mr wright, there is a man asking to see you he said his name is, Sebastian walker. Should I let him in?

"Let him in." He said and ask Alex." What do you think he wants?" He know what Sebastian wants but he wants to hear his brother's thoughts.

"Asking for forgiveness, I guess." Alex replied. He know his brother can be cruel if he wants to, that's why he pitied the old man, but he deserved it for hurting his beloved mom. Although Elizabeth wasn't his biological mother she loves him more than a biological mother would. Alex was in thoughts when Sebastian walked in.

Sebastian walked in and kneel down in front of Richard, "Am sorry son, please forgive me." He didn't mind being humiliated as long as he gets his son's forgiveness, he has been living with guilt and emptiness since that day. He now understood why he always feel like something was missing from his life, even though he was with his family. Richard and his mom were missing.

"First of all, am not your son. So, don't call me son, you understand?" He uttered with no emotions in his eyes and voice.

"I understand you are angry with me, and I know it's my fault but believe me, I'm willing to do anything for you to forgive and accept me." Sebastian said still kneeling.his knees are hurting but it was worth it, as long as he was forgiven.

"Are you sure ? You are willing to do anything for my forgiveness?are you?" Richard ask with a smirk, 'is he trying to act pitiful in front of me, he didn't know that I don't piti jerks like him. So, he better drop the act because it won't work on me.' Richard thought

"Yes, my son as long as you don't condemn me, am willing." He said with so much hope in his voice. He was desparete .

"I want Walkers group of companies. Are you still willing to do that for my forgiveness?" He uttered looking at Sebastian with disgust in his eyes.

Sebastian think for a while and said. "Yes, son. I'm willing to give you everything." Sebastian know that his other son will be mad at him if he finds out about what he was about to do. But to him this is what's best. He still loves Elizabeth and he knows that she will never forgive him nor fall for him. But he wants to make it up to his son.

"Richard was stunned, but he didn't believe in what Sebastian was saying. How can a man give up his company just like that, for some forgiveness. Was he trying to act like a saint" he thought.

" Are you sure you are not going to regret your decision or are you trying to make a fool out of me." He was a little angry thinking that this old man wanted to test his patience.

"I mean what I said just now, give me two days and I will call you to come and sign the companies documents." He said with a smile on his lips, because he had a feeling that Richard will be more capable of handling the company than Raymond. Richard seems serious and intelligent but also cold.

"See you in two days, two days and don't show up in my house again. You are not welcome here." Richard said coldly and went to his room.

Alex was also surprised about Sebastians decision.he watched Sebastian walked out of the house, he sigh and left the living room.