
Chapter 14 [The Almost Forgotten Object]

After the fiasco with Midori attempting to take a peek at Kiara's lyric composition notebook, Risa couldn't help but feel a bit flushed in the face as Kiara expressed her gratitude for her help.

They were now at an empty area of the campus's main school building where both of their classroom had been located.

"I-I only agreed to do it because I wanted to help... You looked like you didn't want to be bothered, after all..." Risa looked away, her face getting for flush for every second that she spends near the person that she had idolised ever since she had transfered to her now current school last year.

While all of her classmates who were from either rich families or one of their parents was a foreigner that moved to japan after marrying a local, she was only enrolled on a scholarship due to her skill in painting.

"Well, thanks anyway." Kiara showed a bright smile to her, showing her gratitude.

I don't think only thanking her would be enough... Well, I'll just do something for her when the time comes!

N-No, I musn't! I can't show such a embarassing face to her!

Risa turned her face away from kiara by reflex in-reponse, trying her darn best to not to smile from the happiness that she had felt upon seeing the girl that she admired giving her a smile.

What is she looking away for...? The heck?

"I-I... Um... Have to go..."


Risa quickly ran off, not even giving Kiara the chance to say anything back to her with still the same red face.

Her timid side got the better of her.

I-I can't... My heart is beating to much... W-Why... I don't understand... I only admire her and yet... Why is this happening to me...

The next day, Kiara attempted to approach Risa the next day but it resulted in the said classmate to get up from her desk and leave the room after her presence had been noticed.

Huh? Was it something I said..?

The other students in the room could only whisper among themselves- including the ones that admired her.

Some started weird rumours and some only watched the event unfold before their eyes, not wanting to get involved with their "problem."

I should apologize... Even though I don't think I did anything to her.


During the lunch break, she attempted to do what she had planned a few hours prior...

"Miss Risa?"


Risa's seat suddenly moved as the girl attempted to get away from Kiara which caused the whole class' attention to be attracted to the both of them one again.

"I know I did something, and I apologise."

Huh? Why are you apologizing to me...? You didn't do anything wrong...

Risa didn't her say thoughts at loud but instead only shook her head, attempting to tell Kiara that it was just a misunderstanding instead of something that she had done.

"Is it a lover's quarrel?"

"Don't tell me their gonna fight here?"

Some where thinking but that wasn't exactly what was going between them. This was actually just caused by Risa not being able to contain her embarrassment from being directly thanked by Kiara, not what they thought it was.

"W-What are you apologizing for...?" Risa sighed, she spoke as if nothing had happened between them.

"..." Kiara just noticed that she had made a mistake, thinking what she had thought was the cause of the whole situation.

"W-Well... Nevermind... hahaha...."

Ahhh! God dang it! I can't believe that I thought that I did something to her... Kiara screamed internally, trying to put on a decent expression.

"Miss Kiara, D-Did you perhaps..."

Aaaaaah! Don't saaaaaay iiiit! I know that I messed up, ok? So you don't have to say it!

"..." Kiara couldn't utter a single word out of her mouth, she could only move it as if she was lip-syncing a song.

This was one of most embarrassing mistakes that she had made during her highschool life.


"It sounds even better now, thanks Mother."

Kiara finally managed to get over her "slump" and finished the song right on time for her to finish her homework before going to bed for the night.

The next day was a day off according to her schedule:

Mon - Fri = Day Off

Sat&Sun = Idol Activities

Ever since the day when Risa corrected the misunderstandings, the rumours around Kiara's school died down to just a rumour about the timid girl getting to "close" to the pink-haired.

Her school, being the "international" kind; did not have the only day off only being on the sunday of every single week.

It followed the western kind of day off instead....

"What time is it...?" Kasumi groaned, trying to check the time on her alarm clock which was placed on her nightstand.

With the sunlight coming through a small gap in the closed curtains, Kasumi slowly got herself to get herself up from bed to check the time.


"Oh... Time to get... up then...." She slowly got to her feet upon seeing that she only had about an hour before she had to head to the talent agency for her weekly-scheduled idol activities.

Her preparation was quite fast, getting changed out of her pajamas to her casual clothing consisting of slim jeans, sneakers, and a casual-in-appearance printed shirt under her coat.

I have a feeling I forgot something... But I can't quite remember...

She thought, looking through a average-but-casual looking backpack that she had started placing some neccesary items into the previous night. It's size was around the middle to kind of large, it had a design that clearly tells you that it was for traveling around a city with.

"If I don't hurry up and remember, I'm gonna be late!"

She checked a wristwatch that she had on...

Five more minutes until she needed to head to the agency.

"Crap! Come on! What was it!"

She began tapping her left foot out of frustration as she looked around her room for the "thing" that she had forgotten to placs in her bag the previous evening.

This current dilemma was a first for her, not having something like this happen to her when she was younger- when she was still back in England, living and studying as a student there.

She couldn't believe that she had turned into the forgetful type of person, considering she was good at memorizing things like the first hundred sheets of music that she had to practice multiple times in order to perform at the social gatherings that her parents had hosted back in England.

Knock, Knock

The sudden sound coming from her bedroom door interrupted her thoughts, which caused her to jolt for moment as her mind registered what that sound was.

"Kiara, It's about time to leave."

It was her mother, speaking in a business-like tone- which Kiara knew the meaning of...

It meant that she needed to leave ASAP or she'll get a scolded if she had gotten at her destination a minute later than what was written on the schedule.

"Y-Yes, Mother. I'm just reviewing my agendas for today, I'll be right out."

Tap, Tap, Tap...

Her mother did not answer back, but instead the sound of her high-heeled shoes were heard by Kiara slowly fading away as her mother walked away from her bedroom's door making the wooden floors of the said part of the mansion sound like it wasn't wood at all but concrete.

"I think I managed to fool her for now..."

Wiping the sweat that appeared on her forehead from the nervousness, she started looking around once again to see if she could find the object that she had been seeking.

[End of Chapter]