
The Idol Life

Park Jun-ho, he was a successful song producer but he dreamt of being on stage singing the songs he had wrote and produced but he didn't have the talent to sing nor dance alas he continued on despite this. As he grew older he became more successful but with each passing day his regret overcame him thus he retired early from the business with all the money he had saved he gave half to set up orphanages and donate to charity with what he had. Then on his last day he closed his eyes surrounded by his family and the children he had taken care off at the last leg of his life but when he woke up he returned back to where he started. "Was that all a dream?" [ Soul Successfully Transferred Beginning Host's new Life! ]

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I loved you

"Thank you for taking the time for meeting with me."

Lee Ji-Eun or most commonly known as 'IU' said to Junho as they were in LOEN entertainments building, it had only been two days since their agents meeting.

"I'm honored to meet you as well Sunbae-nim"

Junho bowed and then shook her hands as they were seated apart, currently he was with Min-joon.

"It's an honor as well, you know we were thinking of casting you as part of 'Dream High' back then since you were recommended but we didn't since you were at 'NEXT'"

"I heard that news as well, I think I would have held back everyone since I was still green and still learning."

"I think you would have done fine! Anyway I heard that there will be a 'Dream High 2', the director and producer asked me if I could do a cameo if it really were to happen."

"Ah that sounds great but I don't think with my current schedule It can't fit."

"You must be very busy, you also have a movie correct?"

"Yes, we're starting filming next month, then I still have Inkigayo to do."

"That's pretty good if you ask me, anyway what do you think about starring in Dream High 2?"

"I'd pretty happy but with my current schedule for the next eight months I don't think I'll have the time."


"Promotion for the upcoming films and such."

Junho didn't want to reveal the fact that they were already planning to redebut, it would be best that it would be kept under the wraps for quite some time, although the promotion part of the film was true it would only take a month at most depending on the film's success.

"I see, I almost forgot about the promotions."

"This is the file, can we go directly to the studio?"

"Yes please!"

Lee Ji-Eun face lit up as she was curious what Junho had planned for her, she too wanted to do a collaboration as such she was excited, she guided them to the studio and Junho plugged in the USB.

"So what is the name of the song did the Nation's Brother give to me?"

"It's called 'Nakka', it has a pretty simple meaning, It's about how no matter how we fall or hard we fall we have to trust, trust that someone will be there for us when things get hard, falling is inevitable."

Junho continued as he located the song on the computer while the rest of the people behind him continued listening to him, it was rare for them to listen to Junho talk about his music as no interviewer asked about the process and or why he wrote the song in the first place.

"Trust that they'll be there for us and be with us, so it's okay to fall sometimes its part of life and we can't do anything about it but I believe that no matter what happens other than yourself, there will always be at least one person who'll catch you when you fall."

Junho took a sigh and played the song.

"So trust, Trust that everything will be okay."

'I told you that'

'I would never'

'Leave you on your own'

'When someday, a day like this comes'

Junho knew this was a song that really featured IU, but this time he made sure that it was a track worthy of being a title track even though it was only going to be a B-side at least that was what he thought.

As they continued listening Junho was satisfied, the song was already good, but he remixed it, he always felt like it missed something when he first heard it, from the strong bassline and synths of synthwave it was good but this time he doubled down on the bassline.

'Just close your eyes and fall'

'Trust me close your eyes and fall'

To IU it had a different feel, it felt like if she added it to her album it would give her album a different feel yet it was too good to listen, out of all the tracks this would be an outlier but.

"It's very good! I like it very much!"

"Thank you, I made it with the you in mind, though I don't know what your album contains I hoped it would blend in well."

Junho was lying he knew what her album had contained, and he purposefully used this track since he and IU had the same thought, it would be an outlier but a pretty good outlier that will make it even shine more since it would be different from the rest.

He also knew with his name and reputation, despite it not being the title track, people would immediately be curious it was a win-win for him and for IU.

"Can we record this already?"

"Yeah, Min-Joon Hyung, please give her the lyrics while I get ready to record and mix, I already have the files needed."

Min-Joon nodded and gave IU the sheet music she immediately and happily accepted it, the recording then immediately began as Junho used his life's previous skill to remaster it to be the best.


"Ah so I'm starting my shooting earlier?"

Junho was on the phone with director Jang Cheol-soo, it had been a week after recording with IU, the track was a success and it would be released as a stand out single.

It was just a single and then in an album late October or September since they wanted to measure its success first and Junho agreed as well.

"Yes, we're going to need you, apparantely Soo-hyun has tons of shoots by next month and that would make it near impossible to shoot you two together since he would be tired and we don't want to risk his health."

"I understand, so tomorrow?"

"No, the day after tomorrow, just come to the studio."

"Alright, do you need anything else?"

"Anything else? I'll think of it just come with the same energy and enthusiasm"

"I understand Director!"

Director Jang Cheol-soo then hang up the phone, Junho smiled and looked at the three members, Eunwoo, Minhyun and Sungjae.

"You guys did well but continue on practicing, we're almost there."


"I'm in a good mood today, so you guys can take a rest, there's still five months left, I hope by the time the calendar hits July we'll be ready."

Junho then gave them the lyrics for the new songs he added, currently there were four and he thought it was best to give it to them now.

He gave them 'Our Summer' 'Hug' as well as 'Everything'

"I'm giving it to you guys, ah right, 'Hug' is a track that I want you all three to practice with Jinyoung, there's no need for choreography since it focuses on vocals."

"What do you mean Hyung?"

"What I mean is that the four of you along with Jinyoung will be compromising the vocal sub unit, so its a track that will be just the four of you."

"But what about"

"Relax, if there's something for you four then there's definitely something for the three of us, its track three, so when you guys decide to stop practicing the choreography and practice 'Hug' be my guest, I won't always be there you to guide you"

"We got it Hyung!"

"Good! Now who wants to eat? It's my treat!"


The three of them jumped as they immediately took their belongings and followed after Junho, for them it was a really good day as not only were they able to cheat their diet but they discovered they had a track dedicated for them.