
Young Prodigy

Traductor: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

This particular Weibo post caused mass controversy. 

  ——[Well spoken, a doctorate nonetheless!] 

  ——[Being cultured is so different, I only know how to call people a dumbass...] 

  ——[My god, so the Vase Fairy is cheating our Dr. Xiang? How could she do that!] 

  ——[I want to cry again. How can the PhD gege trust her so much? If he knew he was being lied to, he would be so sad...] 


Netizens who wanted to follow the drama began forwarding and liking one comment after another, sending the search term to trend on Weibo. 

Several people continuously harassed the bigwigs of the scientific research community, wanting them to come forward and make a statement. 

However, the strange thing was none of these experts said a word.