

In a vast wilderness, a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes was walking holding a rapier in her hand.

She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest.


Yes, this woman is none other than Esdeath. The empire's strongest general, and also known as the Ice Queen.

She didn't know where this place is and how she came here.

The last thing she remembered is that she died in her battle against Akame of Night Raid.

I don't know what really happened, but since I'm alive, I will continue living.

Suddenly, several icicles appeared in the air and fired towards the trees around her.


Series of screams rang out around her as she approaches where the screams came from.

"You can hide your presence, however, you can't hide the thick killing intent coming out from your body" she saw that there was a man lying on the ground with an icicle embedded in his right shoulder.

Around the man, multiple bodies were also on the ground with several bloody holes in their body. All of them are dead, and only one of them was alive.

Esdeath approaches the man and asked with a smile on her beautiful face, "You will give me an answer for all the questions I have"

After that, continuous cries of pain and suffering echoed in the whole forest.

- - -

A couple of hours later, Esdeath was finally outside the whole wilderness.

A new world

This is what she immediately thought after she 'kindly' interrogate or question the man earlier who turned out to be a bandit living in the forest.

According to him, the wilderness where she appeared was called Great Magical Forest. It is a very famous forest which divides the lands of many nations.

It is also the home of many dangerous magical beasts.

Base on her understanding of what the man said. The magical beasts are also just like the Danger Beast that she knew. They are also divided into different ranks.

The man also mentions that the land where she is at right now is part of the Evovia Kingdom. One of the strongest kingdom in the Sword and Magic Continent.

The Evovia Kingdom is a very vast and large kingdom. Its territory spans countless kilometers, and it has many different large cities. But the most famous of all cities is, of course, the capital city.

"Mages, I want to see what they can do" staring at the distance with a faint smile on her face. Esdeath started to imagine the thrill of witnessing something new.

From what the man said, the nearest city is called Sunwell City, also known as the City of Riches.

Because the city itself was built in a major way. Many merchants who wanted to buy and sell goods go to this city. The trades brought by these merchants make the city very prosperous for many years.

With a horse that she got from the bandit camp, she immediately heads towards the direction of the city.

There is also one thing she's curious about. And that is the so-called adventurers from the Adventurer's Guild.

Just after several hours of traveling, the Sunwell City is finally in front of her.


When she was about to enter, a spear blocked her way and a guard said, "Two silver coins if you want to enter"

Of course, she also knew about this from the bandits. That's why after finishing her interrogation, she 'borrowed' some of their money.

Tossing two silver coins to the guard, Esdeath finally enters the city.

"She's very beautiful" the guard who blocked Esdeath said. A vicious smile formed on his lips as she thought of something.

Not long after that, the guard runs away and headed to the city lord mansion.

Esdeath knew that the way the guard looks at her earlier, he is up to something not good. However, she ignores it as she wanted to see what kind of play he would present to her.

"So beautiful"

"This is the first time I saw someone this beautiful"

"She must be a traveler, this is the first time I saw her"

With her beautiful appearance, Esdeath gathered the attention of the crowd, especially the male ones.

Their eyes shine in many different lights but most of them carried a hint of greed and lust.

While the ladies look at her with envy and jealousy in their eyes. Saying to themselves why they are not born as beautiful as her.


Esdeath stops her horse and turned to the direction where the shout came from.

A group of people who appeared as soldiers or knights based on their appearance stops in front of her.

"Riding on a horse inside the city is prohibited!" one of them took the helmet off and said seriously.

A man with a stern face appeared in front of her staring down at Esdeath. The man has a huge and wide figure and just by looking at all of this, he should be a very trained individual.

The man was called Van, and he is the guard captain in the whole Sunwell City. Van is a very famous individual in the whole city.

With his talents in swordsmanship, and great strength. He had already become a guard captain just after years of training. Now at the young age of 22, his future is very vast.

But when he stares at this unknown woman in front of him. He couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. There was a strange feeling rising in his heart that this woman is very dangerous.

"I see, then I apologize for that" the woman just simply answer and jump down the horse before leaving.

Van watches the woman leave and didn't say anything which surprises his subordinates.

One of them asked, "Captain, didn't we need to take her back with us for violating the rules. Why are you just watching her leave?"

The one who asked Van is his female subordinate, Noah. He could feel that she was dissatisfied with her voice. But he couldn't tell her that he felt that he will be killed if I stop the woman again.

So he just waves it off and said, "She must be a traveler and didn't know the rules. Let her go this time"

After saying that, Van turned to leave with the other following behind him.

Noah had a distasteful feeling inside her as she looks at the direction where the woman has gone. Her eyes were burning in jealousy as she thought that Van fell in love with the woman because she was very beautiful.

'Don't let me see you next time, or else' Noah whispered inside her heart before running back to Van.

Esdeath finally arrived in front of a huge building with a clear huge sign.

Adventurers Guild!

Esdeath comes here for only one thing, and that is to get an identity card. Which can help her create her own identity, and also see her own strength.

Because identity cards have a function that lets you see your own strength. Then she will know how her power will be in this new world.