
This Is a Real Monster

 Silvia Went into the forest to find a goblin for Esu to fight. However, while she was out Esu had woken up earlier than usual. He walked outside to find Silvia but couldn't find her. He climbed up on top of the house to get a better look around the forest but no luck. Till he saw some sort of movement in the distance. Not sure if it was Silvia or not, he stood still and tried to get a better look. Then he saw it that was definitely not Silvia it was a forest Ogre! Esu stood there shocked for a moment and then it started to move towards him. Esu scared fell off the roof scrapping his arms and legs. A loud roar came from the ogre as it began charging at Esu who was on the floor injured. 

 The ogre was only feet's away from Esu when out of nowhere Silvia swooped in and blocked the ogres strike with her sword. She was forced back a bit and quickly turned to Esu and yelled "Get back now!" This was the first time Esu has seen her make such a face of concern since he first encountered her. Esu got up and stumbled away as quick as he could which gave Silvia some more freedom to move and fight. Although her magic wasn't for combat her sword skill were considerably great. Esu looked in shock he's never seen her fight with such power before. Silvia went in slashing the ogre's ankles knocking the beast on his knees. This gave her an opportunity to go in for the kill and with one clean strike the ogres head rolled on the floor. 

 Silvia quickly looked back at Esu running to him and hugging him as well as looking at his injuries. Esu only had scrapes, cuts and bruises. She let out a Sigh of relief. "Thank goodness your safe" she said "Come on let's go get you cleaned up and cover those cuts." They both went back inside, and Silvia made something to eat really quick then took Esu back out. Silvia to Esu to the corpse of the ogre and handed him a skinning knife. Esu looked at the ogre closely and thought to himself "this is what a real monster looks like". Silvia then showed Esu how to harvest the body parts from the ogre. She then separated the parts into what's useful and what could be sold then taught him what each part is for. She explained that every part of any monster has its uses and that nothing should go to waste. 

 Esu stayed all day finishing the rest of the ogre and separating the parts then help Silvia with properly storing them. Before they knew it the sun was setting so they both went inside after finishing. Silvia asked Esu "Are you hungry?" in which he replied with "Yes" She went into the kitchen to make some rabbit soup. Esu walked to the window and looked outside while she cooked Silvia finished and called for him to come eat. "Wow it looks so good" Esu said with such an excited expression. Once the two of them finished eating they went to bed for the night "what a day" Esu said before knocking out sleeping soundly. (Two hours later) In the middle of the night Silvia stood up and walked outside for some fresh air. She thought to herself about something then looked concerned she turned to face Esu. She gently kisses his forehead to not wake him and goes to bed. 

(what was she thinking...)