
The Potential

 Esu woke up in the morning excited to begin his training. Esu walked outside and saw Silvia standing in the open field a little past the trees. He ran over and approached her Silvia looked at him and smiled. She then handed Esu a sword and said "first you'll need to learn the basics of the sword. Esu was mainly learning how to hold and swing a sword at first and it was obvious he was gifted with strength and stamina. After an hour Silvia told Esu that's enough for now and said, "let's have breakfast before continuing". Esu nodded and went back to the house where Silvia began to cook. Silvia looked at Esu and said "come here you'll need to learn how to cook just in case" Esu without hesitation went up to her and helped out. 

 Esu began learning basic survival skills such as cooking hunting and butchering/Skinning. Within a few days his basic skills were very impressive especially for someone his age. Silvia was also teaching Esu the sword in between his basic skill classes. Silvia woke up early in the morning to go out and catch a weak monster known as a slime in order for Esu to fight. up till now he's only hunted animals that don't normally fight back. This was meant to be a test for him in order to see what he needs work on. Of course, being only 6 Silvia still saw great potential in Esu and his skills. 

 During one of his sword training sessions Esu had accentually used his magic again. Silvia took notice to it and whispered something to herself. Esu had frozen his sword which actually made it stronger but with no control over it his sword went back to normal. Silvia staired for a second and then told Esu "Maybe it's time to also teach you how to also use magic or at least control your mana." Esu's mana was unstable, and Silvia wanted him to at least control it, so it doesn't randomly release. Silvia has a bit of mana, but it isn't very much used for combating others the magic she uses is called silver eye. The main use for it is to see mana and its stability as well as control over magic in general its perfect for teaching others to use mana. 

 Using her magic, she was able to help guide Esu to stabilize his mana. Of course, it takes a bit of time but due to his natural skills it only took him a month to stabilize his mana. During this time, he had random burst of magic and many errors. Esu looked up at Silvia and smiled when he finally learned to stabilize his mana and greatly thanked her. With this he was soon ready to face off against a stronger monster then a slime. Which at first, he did struggle but is now able to slay them with no problem. Silvia told Esu "That's enough training for now head to bed and we can train more in the morning."