
The Begining of Destruction

 Esu gathered the Silvia, and all his sibling's bodies laid them next to each other and froze them to preserve them for eternity. Esu finally realized why he suddenly had control over his magic. It was so simple all along he was never meant to restrict it and control it. His magic was meant for destroying everything in his path. He began laughing hysterically while tears went down his face, he looked at the body of the man that killed his family and tore it apart scattering his body everywhere. Esu no longer felt remorse for others, and he wanted to release his anger upon the world. Soon after he started spreading his icy domain across the former Ashfall territory Killing everything that comes into contact with the ice.

 After engulfing the whole territory everything within it died, Esu returned to the former capital and wiped everything out clearing a space for him. Esu moved the block of ice that held his family's body and placed it underground inside a cavern. After of which he built himself a castle of ice that towered high into the sky. He knew he would need an army if he were to attack the whole world in one go. Then all of a sudden, he collapsed on his thrown and fell into a deep sleep for 300 years during that time his man kept growing and his body was changing. Meanwhile outside his icy domain for 300 years people from the outside grew Curious about the land and why it suddenly froze. Surrounding Kingdoms sent scouts into the lands, but they never returned their bodies lay dead somewhere within the borders due to extreme snowstorms. Over the years many people have gone in and not one came out even the wildlife died within. Then after 300 years he awoken once again his anger and hate still burning intensely.

 During this time a group of people were standing at the border of the frozen lands forest. They knew not to go in, but they tried to look through the forest in hopes to see what was beyond the trees. There were rumors about the place and some who knew how to use flying magic couldn't get close. Though they swear they saw a tower deep withing the core of the land this made others more curious and want to explore it but still none who entered survived. The group that was at the bored saw movement within the trees and were scared due to the fact that nothing lives within. Well, that's what they thought fear struck their eyes as they saw that whatever it was is coming towards them. The group stood there in fear then he emerged it was Esu his eyes were a very clear yet light blue color his hair long and beautiful colored in blue with a hint of white. He was 6-foot-11 he towered over them. His mana turned into clothes for him that were also blue with white mixed with some black and gold outlines. His mana constantly pours out into the air making it cold around him at all times. He wielded a magnificent staff as tall as him as he walked out, he saw the group and thought to himself for a bit. He then gave them the chance to serve under him which would allow them to enter his domain without dying. 

 The group were no more than 16- to 17-year-olds with no homes so they talked about it a bit and agreed knowing that this would not only give them a home but also allow them to enter the frozen lands. Esu walks up to them and slams his staff into the ground near them then they were covered in ice. The group panicked but when they realized that all injuries, they've gotten in their lives were healing. That wasn't all though after came the part where they began to scream in pain, he was forcefully removing their magic that they had and recreated it into Ice magic. The four boys felt every bit of it but eventually the pain went away. They officially became a frost born and residents of the newly formed Ice Kingdom.