
Happy Birth day Esu

 Some time has passed since the incident with the ogre. Esu has grown stronger since then and has even slain his first goblin. Esu's sword skills have improved greatly to the point where he could hold his own for a while in a fight. Although Silvia hasn't gone all out on him, yet his skills are already that of a new adventure. He would train all day and even throughout the night sometimes. His skills with a sword improved since the day he first saw what a real monster was. More and more as time goes by his sword skill were reaching the peak of what his body could handle at such a young age. Soon it would be a special day for Esu though it seems like he has forgotten due to only focusing on his training. 

 His birthday was approaching, and Silvia had a Suprise for him. She had gone out to their little farm to gather eggs and some other materials. Silvia also made sure to get him a gift to mark the occasion. Silvia called Esu into the house that night and told him he should sleep early tonight. Esu did not question her and got ready for bed. He went to bed then fell asleep Silvia however was in the kitchen preparing the food for the morning. Very early in the morning Silvia woke up and began to cook she made all of Esu's favorite dishes. With a bright smile on her face, she finished and set up the table. Soon Esu woke up smelling the delicious food he rolled off the bed and hit the floor. Silvia chuckled and told him "Come and have a seat I made your favorite.

 Esu ran up to the table excited and said, "Whys there so much yummy food?" With a smile on her face Silvia said, "Happy Birthday Esu." His eyes widened "My birthday?" he said " Yes" replied Silvia smiling. Without time to spare he went right into eating while smiling brightly. "I have a gift for you Esu come here." Esu walks up to her, and she turned around reveling the gift it was a new sword with both his and her Initials engraved in the hilt. Esu said nothing and just hugged her tightly the moment was special to them both. Silvia however looked down at him hugging her and a tear fell from her face. {She could see it within} She wiped her tears then told Esu if he would like to go outside and test it out. Esu of course said "YES!" and ran out the door to try out his new sword.

 Silvia set up a log for him and immediately he went in for a swing cutting the log in half. "It's imbued with the core of the ogre to make it stronger" Silvia said to Esu. It truly was a sword of his own one that was made for him and only him to wield. They both had a sparring match to see just how strong the sword was. Esu was pushing Silvia back a bit, so she decided to give it more of her strength. Esu fell over in defeat as his sword was knocked out of his hand. Silvia helped him up "You made me have to use more strength then usual". Both of them looked at each other and laughed Silvia grabbed Esu by the hand as they both walked inside. 

{such a shame it will be once he's all grown up} 

[Let them be for now]

(His time will come just wait)

 ........... {We will wait K.E} ...........