

"Do you need assistance?" Ezra approached her door and noticed that she was struggling to zip up her dress. "Should I fetch your handmaiden?" he offered. Esmeralda retorted, "It's just my zipper," unable to meet his gaze. Esmeralda's shyness was overwhelming; the mere thought of him had previously left her feeling aroused. She was plagued by intense paranoia, fearing that he might overhear her explicit thoughts about him. It had been a while since she had heard her wolf snarl. It seemed as if her inner wolf was on the verge of breaking free from her human skin, driven by her overwhelming desire for Ezra. She grew hot and flustered. "I may not be an expert in dresses, but I can handle a zipper," Ezra replied with a smile, stepping into her room to assist her. Esmeralda and Lily are two separate girls, completely unaware of the mysterious thread of destiny that connects them. Esmeralda, the wolf princess, is destined to inherit the throne until she discovers a deadly family secret. Fleeing her home, she stumbles upon further family revelations that shatter the very foundation of her identity. On the other hand, Lily is a half-human/half-shapeshifter hybrid who embarks on a journey to Esteria to learn magic and refine her abilities. In Esteria, she uncovers ancient and dangerous mysteries that threaten both Esteria and Earth. With the aid of the exiled princess, Esmeralda, and other companions, they must confront great evil and strive to bring peace to both worlds. **Mature content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Episode 5

"Please stop doing that," Lily firmly requested.

"Doing what?" Aiden questioned innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean. You keep flirting with me as if we are..." Lily hesitated, searching for the right words.

"As if we are what? It's harmless, and I genuinely find you beautiful. It's a natural reaction," Aiden defended himself.

Lily blushed, attempting to conceal her flushed cheeks by turning her attention to the scenery outside the window.

"My prince, I have searched the entire train for you," a man named Fabien exclaimed breathlessly as he entered their cabin.

"Calm down, Fabien. I was just keeping my new friend here company," Aiden replied, trying to ease the tension.

Lily glanced up at Fabien, who was scrutinizing her with his massive green-skinned presence. She knew it was impolite to stare, but she couldn't help but be fascinated.

"You always had a talent for making unlikely friends, which is precisely why your father assigned me to guard you," Fabien stated as he took a seat beside Aiden, who frowned.

"You're a prince?" Lily inquired, trying to process the whirlwind of events.

"Not just any prince, I am the prince of Esteria," Fabien revealed.

Lily's blue eyes widened in astonishment. She had unknowingly been in the presence of royalty all this time.

Aiden remained quiet, directing his gaze out the window, attempting to ignore Fabien and Lily's conversation.

"I thought the crowned prince never left Esteria?" Lily wondered aloud.

"Well, he isn't supposed to," Fabien responded, casting a sideways glance at Aiden.

"I'm not a child to be told what to do. I am ten thousand years old and can do whatever I want," Aiden declared as he abruptly stood up and left the cabin.


Esmeralda found herself in her father's office, rummaging through his drawers and exploring every corner. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Princess? What are you doing?" Ezra's voice startled Esmeralda.

She jumped, caught off guard by his presence. "Um, nothing. What are you doing here?" Esmeralda deflected, attempting to divert attention.

"Your father asked me to fetch something for him," Ezra explained as he walked towards her father's desk and retrieved an envelope from a drawer.

"Right! Well, I'm going for a walk. See you around, Ezra," Esmeralda replied hastily, making her way out of the office.

Ezra looked at her, perplexed by her strange behavior.

The train came to a stop, and Lily could hear the doors opening.

"We have arrived," Aiden announced as he and Fabien stood up.

Lily gazed outside the window in disbelief. Everything in Esteria appeared marvelous, adorned with vibrant colors she had never seen before.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Lily. I'll be seeing you around," Aiden said, taking her hand and kissing it. She blushed, and he winked at her before leaving, followed by Fabien.

Lily headed towards the front of the train and located her luggage among the many others lined up outside. As she surveyed the area, she spotted what looked like a giant butterfly with a large saddle strapped to its back. A winged creature held up a sign that read, "Academy of Mystical Arts." Lily boarded the giant butterfly, which would transport her to the school.

Upon arriving at the School of Mystical Arts in Esteria, Lily was shown to her room and settled in. Later, she received an invitation to dine in the massive hall and socialize with other students. Feeling out of place as the only human or half-human present, she sat alone at a table and began eating once her meal was served. Aware of the lingering gazes, she quickly finished her meal and hurried back to her room to sleep.

The next morning, Lily woke up excited about her first class—alchemy, where she would learn to turn copper into gold. She still couldn't believe she was in Esteria; it felt like a dream. She arrived at her class and took a seat.

"Vaga Lahaie mtog," a blue-skinned girl with beautiful blue wings sitting next to her said.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand," Lily replied.

"I said welcome to Esteria. I'm Mikka, and we should be friends," Mikka introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Lily, and of course, I need new friends," Lily responded, smiling at her pretty blue-winged companion.

"I'll help you learn our language. I've never met a human before, and you smell different," Mikka said, smiling.

"Is there anything you would like to share with the class, girls?" the instructor asked, looking at them.

They both nodded.

"I will not tolerate distractions during my lecture. Do you understand?" Miss Hugga sternly stated.

"Yes, Miss Hugga," Mikka replied.

"Now, take the copper in front of you. We're going to channel our inner Ramava and transform it into gold."

Lily raised her hand.

"Yes?" the instructor acknowledged.

"What is Ramava?"

"Are you kidding?"

All the other students began to snicker.

"No, I'm serious; I don't know what that is," Lily insisted.

The instructor sighed. "It is your lifeforce, the well of magical energy inside of you."

"I see," Lily responded, taking a deep breath.

"Now, all of you, concentrate, call forth your Ramava, and change the copper to gold," the instructor commanded.

Closing her eyes, the instructor held the copper in her hands. Suddenly, her hands began to glow. She opened them, revealing a shiny yellow gold. The students cheered in excitement and eagerly attempted to transform their own coppers.

Lily felt a bit intimidated. She had never intentionally performed magic before. She had discovered her powers accidentally when she made a classmate in primary school, who was bullying her, develop warts all over her body. The second time was when she made water levitate in her bathroom, which had freaked out her mother.

While other students successfully turned their copper to gold, Lily struggled. She exerted all her might but couldn't achieve the transformation.

"Miss Ivanovna?" she called out.

"I just can't do it. I keep trying, but it won't change to gold," Lily admitted.

"Relax and clear your mind. You're trying to think your way through it. Instead, you should feel your Ramava deep within yourself and call upon it," the instructor advised.

Lily exhaled and closed her eyes, aware that the whole class was watching her. She delved deep within herself, attempting to tap into her Ramava. Suddenly, the entire class, including the instructor, gasped as gold rained from Lily's hands. She opened her eyes, stunned by what had just occurred.

Miss Hugga was at a loss for words. "Oh my."

Lily was equally surprised. Not only had her Ramava transformed the copper to gold, but it had multiplied it. She smiled from ear to ear and looked at the instructor, who had a mix of surprise and terror on her face.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Miss Hugga inquired.

"Nowhere. I... I just tried reaching deep within to my Ramava, and it happened," Lily explained.

"That will be all for today, students. You may all leave, except for you, Miss Ivanovna," Miss Hugga announced.

"Good luck," Mikka whispered as she got up and left.

Lily and the instructor were now alone in the classroom.

"Where are you from?" Miss Hugga asked.

"Virginia, the United States," Lily replied.

"No, I mean your parents, the ones you inherited your powers from. Which realm are they from?" the instructor clarified.

"My late father was a witch, and my mother said he was from Lysteria, the realm of witches."

"Your father was Lysterian, and he is dead?" Miss Hugga questioned.

"Yes, ma'am."

"That is impossible, given that witches have immortality, unless he gave up his immortality to live in the human realm. So, you've never received any magical instruction before?" the instructor pondered.

"No, ma'am. Did I do something wrong?" Lily asked, concerned.

"No, not at all. It's your Ramava; it is powerful. Okay, that will be all, Lily. You may go to your next class," Miss Hugga concluded.

Lily smiled, stood up, and exited the classroom.

***New episode updates everyday***