

"Do you need assistance?" Ezra approached her door and noticed that she was struggling to zip up her dress. "Should I fetch your handmaiden?" he offered. Esmeralda retorted, "It's just my zipper," unable to meet his gaze. Esmeralda's shyness was overwhelming; the mere thought of him had previously left her feeling aroused. She was plagued by intense paranoia, fearing that he might overhear her explicit thoughts about him. It had been a while since she had heard her wolf snarl. It seemed as if her inner wolf was on the verge of breaking free from her human skin, driven by her overwhelming desire for Ezra. She grew hot and flustered. "I may not be an expert in dresses, but I can handle a zipper," Ezra replied with a smile, stepping into her room to assist her. Esmeralda and Lily are two separate girls, completely unaware of the mysterious thread of destiny that connects them. Esmeralda, the wolf princess, is destined to inherit the throne until she discovers a deadly family secret. Fleeing her home, she stumbles upon further family revelations that shatter the very foundation of her identity. On the other hand, Lily is a half-human/half-shapeshifter hybrid who embarks on a journey to Esteria to learn magic and refine her abilities. In Esteria, she uncovers ancient and dangerous mysteries that threaten both Esteria and Earth. With the aid of the exiled princess, Esmeralda, and other companions, they must confront great evil and strive to bring peace to both worlds. **Mature content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Episode 4

After getting ready, Esmeralda made her way to the dining hall to have breakfast with her father.

"Good morning, Esmeralda," he greeted her.

"Morning, Father," she replied, taking a seat opposite him in the dining hall as they began to eat.

"How was your time in school?" he asked, attempting to start a conversation.

"It was okay," she answered tersely.


An awkward silence hung between them, and Esmeralda stirred her tea, avoiding her father's gaze. Eventually, he broke the silence.

"Esmeralda, I am sorry I wasn't able to pick you up from school. Unfortunately, you've arrived at an unfortunate time. There is a war between the wolves and the vampires of the Sangre Order."

"I understand that," she responded, her voice tinged with bitterness. "But what possible excuse do you have for abandoning me for ten years? You never called, never wrote to me. I had to reach out to Principal Halloway just to get to you. Every full moon since I triggered my werewolf powers, I've been left alone to roam the forests and transform into a wolf. I wished you were there to help me, to guide me through it, but you weren't. I needed you, and you weren't there."

He remained quiet, unable to provide a satisfactory response.

"Don't you have anything to say?" she pressed.

"I'm sorry," he finally uttered. "I wasn't aware that you had triggered your wolf."

"You're sorry? After ten years, that's all you have to say?" her voice wavered with disappointment.

"I can't talk to you like this. We will speak when you're much calmer," he suggested, attempting to diffuse the situation.

"Calmer? Father, this is me being calm," she retorted, her frustration evident.

Her father looked at her and then got up from his seat.

"I have to go," he said, making his way towards the door.

"I'm not done," she protested.

"Esmeralda, now is not the time," he replied firmly.

"And when will the perfect time come?" she demanded.

"You're being difficult, Esmeralda."

As he reached for the doorknob, she swiftly moved, shutting the door with lightning speed. She stood between him and the exit, her eyes glowing with intensity, one green and the other dark brown.

He took a step back, taken aback by her display of power.

"What happened to you? Since Mother died, you shut me out," she confronted him, her voice quivering with emotion.

He remained silent, unable to find the words to respond.

"You hate me because she died. But I did not kill her; you make me feel as though I am to blame for her death," Esmeralda confronted her father, her voice filled with anguish.

"My Esmeralda, I don't hate you," he replied, his voice filled with pain.

"Then why are you so distant and cold?" she questioned, desperately seeking answers.

"Because I could not bear to look at you," he admitted, his voice trembling.

"What is that supposed to mean, father?" she asked, her confusion evident.

"You look too much like your mother. Every time I look at your face, your eyes, I see her, and I am reminded of the love I lost. She was my light in this dark world, the pleasure of my pain. The day to my night, and she was ripped from my life by those blood-sucking scums," he explained, his voice filled with both bitterness and sorrow.

Her father sat back down on the chair, tears flowing down his face. This was the first time she had ever seen him cry. Even when they found her mother's lifeless body, he had not shed a tear. Even during the burial, not a single tear escaped his eyes. And now, like a baby, he wept.

Esmeralda didn't know what to do, torn between her own pain and her desire to comfort her father. In the end, she followed her instincts and embraced him, joining him in tears.

"I am so sorry, my beautiful girl," he sobbed.

"It's okay, father. We lost someone we loved so dearly," she whispered, her voice filled with empathy.

"Forgive me for all those years. My grief consumed me, and I was not able to be the father you needed," he pleaded for forgiveness.

"It's okay, father," she reassured him, her heart filled with compassion.

Her father gently wiped the tears from her delicate face and kissed her forehead, a silent gesture of love and remorse.


"Bring them in, Sean; I'm hungry," Antonio commanded from his throne.

"Yes, your highness," replied Sean, obediently leaving the throne room.

Moments later, Sean returned with a man and a woman, both bound in chains, their faces filled with fear.

"Please, let me go. I have a family and children. Please let me go," pleaded the woman, her voice trembling.

"Who are you, and why have you taken us against our will?" questioned the man, eyeing Sean warily as he was dragged towards Antonio, who sat upon his throne.

"I love chatty food; remove their chains. I like to give my food a fighting chance," Antonio declared with a devilish smile, revealing his sharp fangs.

"Who the hell are you?" the man persisted, undeterred.

"Since you ask, I am Antonio, King of the Sangre vampires," Antonio announced, rising from his throne and bowing, his long black curls cascading forward, veiling his face.

"Vampires? Listen, you freak. Release us. I don't know what kind of sick game you are playing, but I want no part in it," retorted the man defiantly.

In a flash, the man's head was severed from his body, thudding onto the floor. The woman let out a piercing scream as she watched Antonio drink from the blood gushing from the man's headless neck, his body slumping to the ground.

"Shhh, my lovely, I'll make it quick and painless," Antonio whispered, raising a bloodstained finger to his lips and smiling.

"No, please, no!" the woman begged, her voice filled with terror.

Antonio sank his fangs into her neck, clasping her lifeless body tightly as he drained her completely. She joined the man's lifeless form on the cold floor.

"Delicious," Antonio murmured, licking his lips, now stained with the blood of his victims.

"How many times have I told you, Antonio, it's bad enough we have to feed on their blood? But to make them suffer before killing them is cruel. I taught you better than that," scolded a disapproving voice as Antonio's aunt, Athena, entered the throne room.

Antonio rolled his eyes, annoyed at his aunt's chastisement.

"I feel everything they feel, every high and low in their short human lives. Every sad and happy memory, and every experience they have lived. I enjoy it. What are you doing here, Athena?" Antonio retorted, his voice tinged with irritation.

"So, you enjoy experiencing their fear as you steal the life from their bodies?" Athena questioned, her tone filled with concern.

"Did you come here to aggravate me, Auntie?" Antonio snapped back.

"I came to visit my favorite nephew, of course," Athena replied, unfazed by his impatience.

"I am your only nephew," Antonio pointed out with a hint of sarcasm.

"Shall I have the servants draw you a bath, my lord?" offered Sean, attempting to defuse the tension.

"Yes, a milk bath to soften my skin for the ball tonight," Antonio responded, accepting the suggestion.

Sean bowed and swiftly carried the lifeless bodies out of the throne room, leaving Antonio alone on his imposing seat.

"How may I help you, Auntie?" Antonio asked, his tone slightly softened.

"The girl has been found, the heir to the Effiong empire, next in line to the throne. We must move quickly and secure her before the next full moon, or she will be lost forever," Athena conveyed urgently.

"After ten years, we found her, and on my birthday? Today must truly be my lucky day," Antonio remarked, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"You will stay and celebrate with me, Auntie?" he invited.

"Of course, my king," Athena replied, bowing respectfully.


Lily groaned as she opened her eyes, finding Aiden's gaze fixed upon her. His captivating purple eyes followed her every movement.

"Don't do that," she complained.

"Do what?" Aiden inquired innocently.

"Stare at me while I sleep. It's rather creepy, Aiden."

"I apologize, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Aiden responded sincerely.

"Are we in Esteria yet?" Lily asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Unfortunately, no. We still have two more days before the train reaches our destination. It's best to make ourselves comfortable," Aiden explained.

He winked at her playfully, flashing a charming and dashing smile.

***New episode updates everyday***