

"Do you need assistance?" Ezra approached her door and noticed that she was struggling to zip up her dress. "Should I fetch your handmaiden?" he offered. Esmeralda retorted, "It's just my zipper," unable to meet his gaze. Esmeralda's shyness was overwhelming; the mere thought of him had previously left her feeling aroused. She was plagued by intense paranoia, fearing that he might overhear her explicit thoughts about him. It had been a while since she had heard her wolf snarl. It seemed as if her inner wolf was on the verge of breaking free from her human skin, driven by her overwhelming desire for Ezra. She grew hot and flustered. "I may not be an expert in dresses, but I can handle a zipper," Ezra replied with a smile, stepping into her room to assist her. Esmeralda and Lily are two separate girls, completely unaware of the mysterious thread of destiny that connects them. Esmeralda, the wolf princess, is destined to inherit the throne until she discovers a deadly family secret. Fleeing her home, she stumbles upon further family revelations that shatter the very foundation of her identity. On the other hand, Lily is a half-human/half-shapeshifter hybrid who embarks on a journey to Esteria to learn magic and refine her abilities. In Esteria, she uncovers ancient and dangerous mysteries that threaten both Esteria and Earth. With the aid of the exiled princess, Esmeralda, and other companions, they must confront great evil and strive to bring peace to both worlds. **Mature content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Episode 16

"Good morning princess" said the maid as she waltz into Esmeralda's bedroom.

" must you be so loud in the morning?"

" apologies your grace but your father asked to get you ready as you are expecting a guest this morning."

"A guest?" Esmeralda realized what that meant. It had to be lord Tristan and his son Damian. Esmeralda was dreading this day before it already began.

Meeting her betrothed sent her nerves on a tizzy. She had promised Bruce and her father that she would give her intended a chance. She hated it , she hadn't told Ezra yet, she didn't know how to break such a news to the man she was inlove with. This would break his heart, but she knew she had to fess up soon or she might lose Ezra and he was the only thing that made sense in her world. This week was going to be a long one. Her birthday was in three days and she was to under go her initiation ritual infront of all the important dignitaries of the Effiong empire. Her tummy twisted into a knot just thinking about it. She hated being the princess, she just wanted to go explore the world with Ezra far away from here and every one of her responsibilities. Her father had been kind enough to leave her to her own device since she returned from school but she knew soon that it will all change once she underwent her initiation, every thing was about to change and she had this aching sense that things would only get harder for her from here on.

"What would you like to wear princess ?"

"I don't care, pick anything." Esmeralda replied as she got out of bed and made her way to her bathroom.

"Oh I know this gorgeous Thierry Mugler dress said the maid excited as she brought out the yellow evening dress from her closet. The material glittered and shined.

"Lord Damian will lose his head once he sees you in this." The maid added as she searched for shoes to match the dress.

"I'm sure he will." Esmeralda muttered under her breath exhausted by the idea. From what she remembered about Damian he was an annoying child who bullied her and her friends when they were younger. He always thought he was their leader and would make them play the games he wanted. She had fought with him on several occasions having to be separated by Bruce and even her mother had to intervene once. She didn't get along with him when they were kids and now she had to marry him as a man. Esmeralda imagined him to be every bit as insufferable as he was when he was younger. After taking a bath the maid styled her, she had her Afro gelled down and pulled into a bun away from her face. Her wild red coils defiantly fought but eventually succumbed to the pull and tug of the rubber band. She didn't even have an appetite all she knew was break fast was going to be long and tedious. The last time she saw Damian was at her mother's funeral, he had consoled her given that he too knew too well the pain of losing a mother. That was the only time he had been nice to her and she never saw him again because she was shipped off to boarding school.

She was dressed and exited her bedroom making her way downstairs to the dining room to greet her guests.

The doors swung open and all three men got up from their seats. Ezra was already standing at the corner close to her father. Her heart dropped, she had no idea he would be present. She hadn't even told him yet and from the displeased look on his face, she figured he knew now.

"Your grace," said lord Tristan and Damian as they bowed. Damian walked towards her and took her hand and kissed it.

"It's an honor to make your acquaintance princess after so many years." Said Damian with a warm smile on his face.

"The pleasure is mine as well," said Esmeralda as she bowed.

Damian escorted her to the table and they all sat down.

"Good morning father esmeralda greeted."

"Good morning princess, I trust you slept well?"

"Yes father." She turned to lord Tristan and greeted him as well. "Good morning lord Tristan, I trust your journey here was easy?"

"Oh my dear these roads are treacherous your palace stands on very isolated lands but for you the journey was worth it." Replied lord Tristan with a glimmer in his eyes. Lord Tristan was the happiest person in the room, no doubt because he was about to advance his power in the empire with this marriage between the future queen and his son. The fate of his family hung in the balance until this marriage was consummated and finalized. Esmeralda dared not make eye contact with Ezra who stood motionless glaring at her. She finally let out a breath of relief once her father discharged him from the room. She felt so bad and would have to find him later and explain everything. She wished she had communicated with him earlier, she could only imagine how shocked he was to find out that she was to marry Damian.

"My king you honor me beyond words, gratitude for welcoming us into your beautiful home." Said lord Tristan as he raised his glass. The man was grinning from ear to ear. His happiness over flowed and his cup ran over.

Damian on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off her, she was a sight to behold he never imagined the annoying little girl her knew would grow up to be such a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. Esmeralda felt the same way, Damian was truly handsome. He had the most piercing blue eyes she has ever seen. His blonde hair fell to his shoulders, and his lips were smoldering and sexy. Marriage to such a man didn't seem like the death sentence she had imagined. But it didn't matter how handsome he was, she was smitten by Ezra and inlove with him. She wanted to marry Ezra and explore the world with him. She and Damian spoke for a little as they ate and got a bit acquainted. Once breakfast was over she excused herself and went in search of Ezra. Both Tristan and Damian said their thank yous and good byes and made their way out of the palace.

"She smells weird father, why is that?" Asked Damian as he and his father were walking out of the palace.

" Behave your self Damian, this is the princess soon to be queen. It is a great honor to be her mate."

" She is beautiful but she smells weird father, Is that the smell of royal female wolves?"

"We have never had a female princess before perhaps that how they are supposed to smell."

" it is very uncanny father, I have known many Female wolves they do not smell like her." Damian added.

"Like I said she is a princess, Ofcourse she wouldn't smell like the commoners you bed. Given your many conquest and bed mates I'm sure you would know what a female wolf smells like. May the goddess Celeste have mercy" lord Tristan replied as he rolled his eyes at his son. They exited the mansion and got into their cars and drove away. Damian was right, Esmeralda didn't smell like other wolves even though she was one and it perplexed every wolf that came into contact with her but they dared not say a word. Even Ezra had noticed her smell was different, but he guessed it was because she was royalty and a woman.