
The hush-hush behind werewolves.

The dark secrets behind the creation of Ruby the werewomen and the undeniable curse put on her and her entire family.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1, The inauguration of the mulish village.

Around 800 years ago there was a strange culture amongst the eastern Europeans, which led to strong beliefs and indecorous behaviors. They had to perform several harsh activities like killing the innocents, black magic and other harmful incidents took place due to wrong belief. None of these were stopped by any of the people with great reputation. The ones who did these were very old and stubborn, their intension was to live forever. They strongly believed that by sacrificing a virgin on a full moons night they will gain the great gift of living forever. Thereby, their hunt for virgins began in an astonishing manner. They were so brutal with all the villagers who opposed them. But only a few stood against them and that too was not enough at all. The village of "Teruzaki" is full of greed at this point. It is surrounded by old aged men and women, both wanting eternal life. Nevertheless, it was not new for this village to go through this cruelty. It all began with person called Nomba. Nomba was born in Teruzaki in the 6th century, in a poor family. He was born with great difficulty at that time. His father was an ordinary farmer who use to work miles away from home, and his mother worked in at a milking farm, looking after the cows and clearing all the feces.

<font _mstmutation="1" _msthash="20488" _msttexthash="83525">Nomba's</font> mother did not know that she was pregnant until the 4th month of gestation period. As this was her first time being pregnant; she was totally uncertain. Months passed and it was time for delivery. As Nomba's father was not there in time for delivery, Nomba's mother had to do it all by herself. It was around 1:30am, she was sleeping at the cottage, when she suddenly screamed for help. Nobody was there to help her out as it was midnight and also in those days cottages are quite far apart. After a huge struggle she finally gave birth to a baby boy who is now known as Nomba. Unfortunately after several hours Nomba's mother passed away due to excessive bleeding and infection. Nomba was luckily spotted by the villagers in the morning around 7:00am. He was taken care by his neighbors until his father reached home. His mother's body was kept aside as well. Now the son waiting for father's love and mother's body waiting for her love's last visit.

It almost took 2 days for Nomba's father to arrive as he was quite far away as i already said. When he had come he firstly went towards his wife's grave as she was already buried by the villagers. In those days it is advised to bury a dead person as soon as possible. He knelt and cried out loud feeling very sorry and guilty for not being beside her. After a while he carried his baby and gave him a kiss in the forehead. It was very strange when Nomba did not cry from the day he was born. When all the neighbors said this to his father; he too was very confused. Nomba's eyes was wide open which happened to be awkward for a new born. Days passed, Nomba is now 6 months old. He was pampered by his neighbors most of the time as Nomba's father use to go out of village every now and then. Nomba was a very calm baby, he does not even cry if he is hungry or if needs something. Most importantly he does not sleep properly like an ordinary baby does. Talk of the town in Teruzaki was Nomba in the 6th century and what not? even in the 8th century it is Nomba.

This baby had grabbed all the attention ever since he was born. When Nomba turned one a brutal event happened which shook everyone in the village. Do note that Nomba's father was also there with him. Birthday parties was not a big deal back in those days, in fact people did not even know of how to throw a birthday party. But the day was remembered at Nomba's cottage as it was not only his birthday but also it was his mother's death day. In remembrance Nomba's father had arranged for lunch for his neighbors in a way of thanking them for taking care of Nomba. He was able to save a lot of money for this event as he did work very hard. For lunch he bought 2 whole goats, rice and vegetables. He had also hired 2 peoples to cook the entire lunch. The priest had also come for some rituals for his wife. Nomba was able to walk properly which was also pretty unusual for a one year old. As babies take several attempts when walking, Nomba was unique. The goats were cut by the cooks at the backyard of the cottage, when Nomba came nearby. The cooks were too busy cutting and chopping the goats when Nomba literally ate a raw flesh from the wastage basket. It was an intestine which he had eaten. The cooks didn't notice this but one of neighbors did......