
The Hunter's Guide to Monsters

He was weak, he was depressed, he was a loser. He wasn't even Lvl 10 in the game when Earth was destroyed in the Quake and the players of Redlands were transmigrated to the fantastic world of Zushkenar. But he lived, learned, and died again. Now, he was back on Earth, one year and three months before the Quake. Deciding to rejoin the game earlier and with greater focus, what changes would he bring with his actions? What life would he live? * There's a map for the lands of Zushkenar posted on the DeviantArt website: https://www.deviantart.com/kilrain/art/Hunters-Guide-map-cities-grid-b-877682076 It's not complete, but it'll give an idea of the general geography. * The background image for the cover is part of a landscape by moinzon taken from pixabay.com

Jin_Daoran · Juegos
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136 Chs

The Road Back (2)

A snapping sound sounded to the right. 

Krow pivoted, quickly sending five bullets into the shadow in the bushes.

[You've eliminated a Lvl 12 bandit and gained four (4) silver serpens! 1/10]

They really were bandits.

He half-thought it was just the leader mocking him.

Then his eyes stuck on the last symbols.


He only saw five.

Where were the others? 

A small crackle of dread bounced down his spine.

He glanced at the Map, expanded to a local view.


The spirit-bird must have only passed above. Enough to mark the group, but not the individuals.

He called the ghost-snake back. "Find the enemies nearby."

The snake dove into the undergrowth.

A few seconds, and a red dot blinked into existence on the Map.

That worked.

Several more dots glowed into being.

The leader must really be confident in his people. He was still on the road with one of his group.