
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasía
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68 Chs

Stolen Her First Kiss

Ava turned and saw those beautiful blue eyes staring back at her and for a moment she almost lost herself in them, but a voice bought her out of her daze. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever set my eyes". Logan said as he felt mesmerized by the beauty of his mate.

"Why are you still here?" Ava asked softly, but as she remembered Serefina, her eyes were filled with disgust for a second.

Even though it was for a second, Logan notice the brief looked of disgust that flashed at Ava eyes and he felt hurt, it was as if someone was forcefully removing his heart from his chest.

Ava saw the hurt expression on Logan face and felt an unexplained feeling in her. She stood still as Logan walked towards her and held her chin making her look straight into his eyes, before Logan could say or do anything Ava closed her eyes and blurted out "Please don't eat me".

"Ava open your eyes" Logan commanded. Ava couldn't help but opened her eyes she felt he had control over her body and as she stared into his eyes, the color of his eyes changed into a darker blue as he said " I would love to eat you up Ava but not in the way you are thinking."

"Wha... What do you mean?" Ava couldn't help but stammered not only by his words, but as he bought his face closer to her and placed his forehead to hers , it was as if she became short of breath and she couldn't stop her heart from pounding.

Placing his forehead on hers Logan said with desires in his eyes "I would like to bite every part of you, then use my tongue and lips to make it better". Ava eyes widened at his words but not with fear, she looked at him as if she wants him to do with his promises.

"Don't look at me like that Ava, you are already driving me crazy as it is."

"When did i...." Ava felt his cold lips on hers swallowing the rest of her words. He kissed her so softly and gently yet so passionately, that Ava couldn't control the moan that slip out of her. Logan almost went crazy when he heard her moan and knew he needed to stop before he completely devourers her. So he reluctantly separated his lips from hers and asked her "Go on a date with me"

"Uhm" Ava was still dazed from the kiss.

Seeing her dazed expression Logan couldn't help but leaned down to take a taste of pink sweet lips but ended the kiss quickly and chuckle as he says to her huskily "You are so cute, say yes baby, please"

Ava just nodded her head and didn't say a thing.

Logan was so happy when Ava agreed and rewarded her with a bite in her ear lobe. Ava gasp from the shock she felt from his bite, and before she could complain, she let out a moan as Logan uses his tongue to smooth the pain.

"Logan, please...." Ava said softly not knowing what she was even begging for.

Hearing Ava plead, Logan stopped his sensual action on her and whispered in her ears "I will pick you up tomorrow evening. Dream of me" He gave her a peck on her cheek then he turned around and left.

Ava stared at his back in a daze as he left her in a mess. She placed her thumb on her lips and thought of how the wolf has stolen her first kiss and she hated herself for liking it so much to the point she wished he did not stop. 'No I can't develop feelings for a wolf much less him, I can't have feelings for someone who is related to the people who had hurt my godmother' , after Ava came to a decision in her mind, she used both of her hands to tap her cheeks then she left the garden heading to her room.

Outside the castle gate, Logan stood there waiting for someone and then he saw his beta Jack walking towards him.

"Were you able to find anything" Logan asked.

Jack who had been ordered to monitor Ava, inorder to ensure that she was alright when Logan entered the king chamber's replied "I saw her sneaking out of the castle and followed her"

"And where did she go" Logan asked impatiently.

"She went to a small village not far from the castle, stopped by a small cottage and...."

"And what?" Logan asked when he saw a look of hesitation on his beta face.

"And the woman who came out of that cottage was Serefina" Jack replied watching Logan expression carefully.

"What, Serefina?" Logan had a shocked look on his face. He couldn't believe his mate was with the woman who had ruined his family.

"Logan I am saying this to you as a friend, Maybe this whole marriage and treaty stuff is a trap"

"Even if it is a trap, it doesn't matter." Logan said thinking of Ava.

"Why?, I don't even understand why you agreed to get married to the king daughter"

"Because she is my mate, Jack" Logan said loudly. He walked up to Jack and said to him " Even if it is a trap, Even if it's all a lie, it does not matter because I would do anything for Ava."

Jack saw immense love in Logan eyes for his mate and at that moment he thought, maybe Logan marriage to Ava could be what save his Alpha from living a life of emptiness, but deep within him he vowed that if Ava were to harm Logan then regardless of the consequences he would kill her.

Ava lied on her bed while thinking of the kiss Logan gave to her and she smiled unconsciously until she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in" Ava was a little surprised when she saw Elizabeth coming into her room. She changed into a sitting position as she invited Elizabeth to sit with her on her bed.

"I came to see if you were alright" Elizabeth said with a look of sincerity.

If there was one thing that made Ava slightly jealous of her sister was her fiery red hair, that matched her hazel eyes. To Ava, Elizabeth is a direct copy of their mother, while she being a brunette with her brown eyes made her look like her father but nevertheless, Ava has always loved Elizabeth and she knows Elizabeth loved her too.

"I'm fine" Ava said reassuring Elizabeth

"You don't have to get married to him if you don't want to"

"Why do you say so? Do you have an idea on how to stop this marriage from happening?" Ava asked with an unexplained feeling in her chest at the mention of stopping the wedding.

"I could talk to Father and convince him to use me to fulfill the treaty instead of you." Elizabeth suggested.

"There is no need for that and besides Father is right, as a princess I have a duty to the people of this kingdom and if marrying Logan will bring ease to the people then so be it" Ava firmly said.

"You've changed"


"You were so repulsive about the idea of marrying him yet it's as if you can't wait to do so. Was it because he kissed you in the garden?". Ava was shocked that her sister knew of the event that happened in the garden.

"How.... How do you know that? Were you spying on me?"

"I followed Logan to the garden thinking maybe I could change his mind and he would agree to get married to me instead, but then I stopped myself from approaching him when he stared at you for a while before saying you were more beautiful than the moon" Ava blushed as she remembered his deep voice when Logan called her beautiful.

"Did you just blushed?" Elizabeth teased Ava and sighed dreamily as she continues "He must be a very good kisser if he is able to make you change his mind about him with just his lips"

"Elizabeth stop saying those things" Ava cheeks were beet red, as her sister kept teasing her


"I'm glad, because I think he would make you happy and maybe, be the only person that can tame your wildness."

"I am not wild".

"Do not ever let Mom hear you say that"

Ava laughed at Elizabeth statement and said "It's not my fault she is so strict"

"At least I don't have to worry about you giving her an heart attack anytime you go against her, which is practically everyday" Elizabeth smiled as she spoke those words to Ava.

"I will miss you Ava"

"I will miss you too, and i am not going far away, I will still come for visits" Ava said hugging Elizabeth with tears in eyes

"I think i need to go to my room before I start crying" Ava gave a short laughed as she told her sister goodnight, she finally went to sleep after Elizabeth left.

For the first time in a long time Logan woke up with a smile on his face as he joins his beta and delta for breakfast.

"Someone woke up in a good mood today" Brian, the delta of the Crystal pack teased as he saw the smile on Logan face.

"That's because he has found his mate" Jack replied.

Logan ignored the men as they chatted among themselves and ate his breakfast.

"So when are we meeting our luna?" Brian asked.

As the third in command, Brian has always been serious when it involves pack business but otherwise he likes been mischievous and love teasing his friends which are Logan and Jack.

"Speaking about your Luna, I want you to help me plan a date for her" Brian choke on his juice as he couldn't believe what Logan just asked of him.

"Did you just asked me for dating advice? I thought you said I should learn to keep it in my pants, now you see why dating all those women were important."

Brian said with a smug look on his face.

"Brian you don't date them, you give them cheesy picked up lines, then you sleep with them and never see them again"

"Brian incase you haven't figured it out but, you are what did world call a manwhore" Jack added.

"And besides me telling you to keep it in your pants is for your own good, after all I do not want you to be rejected by your mate all because you ended up with an STD" Jack couldn't control his laugher at Logan words and Brian smug look have already disappeared from his face when Jack called him a manwhore and it was finally replaced with a scowled look as he watch both of his friends making fun of him.

"You guys have fun I have a date to plan" Logan said as he stood up after finishing his breakfast.

"Somebody is in loveee" Brian sings.

"Shut up Brian" Both Logan and Brian replied him.

After Logan left, Brian finally said with a smile "He seems happy, reminds me of old times. I can't wait to meet the woman who has made our cold Alpha bearable again".

"Something bothers me about Ava"

"And what's that?"

"I saw Ava with Serefina and they were so close to each other" Jack said looking worried.

"It could be Ava is being manipulated by that old witch Serefina, after all have you forgotten what happened to Uncle Xavier?" Brian said looking so serious that all signs of playfulness has left him.

"You are right, perhaps am being worried for nothing after all once Ava and Logan get married, the mate bond will unite them forever." Jack said looking more relaxed.

" And besides the person you should be worrying about is Thea, imagine what will happen once Thea finds out that Logan has a mate" Brian said with shudder.

"What? What do you mean by Logan has a mate?"

"Shit" Brian couldn't help but cursed.

Jack and Brian looked at each other anxiously and then turned back to the figure that just walked in.

Sorry guys for publishing so late but I wasn't feeling well today so I could only write one chapter but I will make it up to you guys with three chapters tomorrow. I am already working on a cover for book and please guys don't forget to leave a review and vote for this book. Thank you.

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