
Episode 22: Crown Prince Evren, a Good OOC Vampire

PRINCE KYANITE TAPPED Crown Prince Evren’s shoulder and gestured on his temple. The latter understood and started their telepathic exchange.


You just said that Prince Chalcedony was OOC.

‘I said?! What the fuck??’

Yes, you fucking said that.

‘Holy shit… This is bad! Ever since I came here, no one knew about my real identity. Only when you came did I disclose it. Now that you said that I thought out loud, I’m afraid that my skeleton is out of the closet.’

Well, from where I am standing, I only saw one person who looked at you when you “thought out loud”—the Thirteenth Prince.

Crown Prince Evren’s deep red eyes met Prince Turquoise’s grayish-blue ones. The latter mouthed “I heard you” and then smirked.

His eyes darted behind Crown Prince Bowie, where Prince Kyanite continued to hide from Prince Chalcedony’s view. His brows furrowed for a while before he decided to brush his thoughts off… for now.