
The Hound of Abaron

Gunner was known as the hound of Abaron city. The ruins of what was once a beautiful city had fallen to the demonic beasts that plagued the world. His lover, Vampire Prince Clyde, was the one who held a tight leash on him. However can Prince Clyde keep his confidence in the love he feels for Gunner when the demon, Apollo, takes an interest in him as well? Gunner finds himself caught between the two of them as the fight to survive in the ruins of Abaron City. WARNING: Contains BL Content, this is a warning for anyone sensitive to such.

VonirComics · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Chapter 32

All the buildings shook from top to bottom as a loud roar of a wyvern rumbled throughout the air above the safety zone. Wind could be felt from the people as they all scattered in fear of the beast. It's white body began to lower above the safety zone as many guards ran for their bows. Those who did not require a bow in order to shoot an attack up at the beast naturally stood at the ready in case order was called out to fire at the massive beast. No orders were given, however, as Prince Clyde glared up at the beast above and could see the form of Gunner and Apollo being held within the claws of it's feet from the ground below.

"Cease your actions now!" Prince Clyde demanded General Tao who stood to his right. He was not about to put Gunner's life on the line for his men to shoot the wyvern from the sky. When it came to dealing with the wyvern he was not worried about taking it down. If it had been an elder breed of dragon he might have considered panicking but being a mere two legged dragon they called a wyvern in name left him less worried. Wyverns were a younger breed of dragon that were not known to be as strong naturally as their great ancestors who were born of four legs and carried much more power within themselves.

"Prince, if we do not prepare for the incoming dragon it could destroy the entire zone here." General Tao spoke up as he worried that leaving the wyvern to fly straight for their safety zone would put the entire populace among it at high risk. He could not see Gunner and Apollo with the beast like the prince could so he could only wonder what Clyde was thinking by letting it head straight for them.

"I wont put Gunner in harms way." Prince Clyde's eyes were cold as ice as they shot quickly in General Tao's direction silencing the man on the spot. It felt as if someone had stepped on a landmine and if looks could kill General Tao surely would have died on the spot.

"Look! It just dropped someone from the sky!" A man with canine ears shouted as he ran up behind General Tao in order to ensure they saw what was happening. The general had not expected the sudden shout from the man and could only reflexively jump as he felt startled for a second.

"Larka, you bastard, don't do that!" General Tao scolded the man as he knew him well.

"Tsk." Prince Clyde clicked his tongue against his teeth as he saw the bodies of Gunner and Apollo falling from the sky above. His teeth were grinding aggressively together as he tried to keep his mind set on ensuring the safety of the one he wanted with everything he had. In his sharp vision he could even see Apollo desperately trying to hold on to Gunner with his tail to help ensure the safety of Gunner as well. Even though he knew Apollo was trying to aid in saving Gunner from the fall as they fell the fact that Apollo was touching him at all still made him quake with fury.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

His heart could only feel panic at the sight before him. There was no time for others to speak before Prince Clyde could be seen dashing across the streets of the safety zone towards the two falling from the sky. Even if he was a vampire and held a speed unable to be reached by natural mortal humans it was still a sight to those who knew him to see him putting in so much work to push even his own limits in order to reach them. Many people gazed at the sight in the sky and did not even notice the rushing Clyde at all because it was impossible to tear their eyes from the fact that a wyvern had tossed two men from the sky.

Jumping from one roof top to another as they fell downward he lessened the distance in mere seconds. Pressing off his feet from the rooftop he had last jumped onto in order to send himself hurdling up into the air. Under the light of the sun above his figure almost seemed like a valiant knight as his arms stretched out and pulled the body of Gunner in close like that of a newly wed bride and groom while they were all three in the air. The force his his launch into the air to catch Gunner had pulled him away from Apollo's grasping tail separating him so that he fell separate from the both of them. Prince Clyde knew he was probably being petty but in his mind he felt he would not care if the demon fell to his death though he knew the man was capable of handling his own fall himself.

"If I knew you were going to catch me when I fell I would-" Gunner was to say something he felt was important but Clyde interrupted him.

"I will always catch you when you fall." Prince Clyde said before clearing his throat. The feeling of holding Gunner in his arms while they jumped through the air. Racing fast in his chest his heart felt as if it was going to explode. As angry as he felt with the idea that he had got himself into danger yet again he could not shake the pure joy at just knowing the man was safe and sound with him once again.

"As nice as that sounds.. I meant to say if you were going to catch me I would have asked for a different landing place." Gunner laughed slightly.

Looking down below Prince Clyde's face went white. He had been so worried over the safety of Gunner falling from the sky that he had not realized the wyvern had dropped them where they would have fallen into the waterway that ran through the safety zone. The deep water would have made it easier for Apollo to protect Gunner when they fell so Clyde's aid had not been needed from the beginning. He did not know how to react to realizing it all as his own body plunged into the water while holding Gunner in his arms.