
The Hound of Abaron

Gunner was known as the hound of Abaron city. The ruins of what was once a beautiful city had fallen to the demonic beasts that plagued the world. His lover, Vampire Prince Clyde, was the one who held a tight leash on him. However can Prince Clyde keep his confidence in the love he feels for Gunner when the demon, Apollo, takes an interest in him as well? Gunner finds himself caught between the two of them as the fight to survive in the ruins of Abaron City. WARNING: Contains BL Content, this is a warning for anyone sensitive to such.

VonirComics · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Chapter 15

Later that day, at Abaron's Tree, Apollo was standing quietly in his home while sipping on a warm mug of tea. His ears twitched at the sudden sound of someone breathing. With a flick of his tail he turned around slowly to see Prince Clyde standing inside the room. The man had came into his home without making the slightest bit of noise. It was not shocking to him to see the prince so soon after sending Gunner off in the morning.

"That was faster then I expected." Apollo spoke calmly before taking another sip of the tea he held firm in his hands. He did not need to ask why the prince was there because he was already aware that it was because of the man.

Prince Clyde's hand tightly grasped hold of Apollo's neck as he slammed him down into the floor. The mug of tea was sent flying before landing with a loud thud to the floor. Tea was spilled everywhere from the sudden toss. A look of disappointment was in Apollo's eyes as he felt bad for the tea being wasted. He held no fear over how he was being threateningly held down.

"Ah.. A pity.." Apollo sighed to himself over the tea while the prince glared down at him with pure hatred in his eyes.

"I warned you to stay away from him and not get involved!" Prince Clyde shouted down at him with his sharp fangs out. Every ounce of him wanted to end Apollo with his own hands. He was even considering the thought of draining him until there was nothing left of the man.

"Do you really think I would listen to you, my dear Prince Clyde?" Apollo's ears pinned back against his head as he smiled up at him with a smug expression. Reaching up his hands to point at Prince Clyde's chest while he spoke. "Who's the one who left him so open to ask questions because he refused to admit that he was asking for aid from his ex fiance. He practically came running to me for answers you refused to give."

"You didn't tell him about-?" Clyde thought for a moment out loud.

"Don't worry! I didn't tell him about that little secret of yours. Though I have to say I can see why you're so interested in the man." Apollo chuckled as he watched Prince Clyde release his grip on his neck to stand back up. Sitting back up as well he glared up at the prince.

"He may not belong to me.. but he will never belong to you. I won't warn you again." Prince Clyde turned to leave as he heard Apollo climbing his way back up to stand as well. The man's tail flicked about as he grit his teeth. The prince was refusing to even look back in Apollo's direction as if he was disgusted by the very sight of the man.

"We'll see who he belongs to in the end! What would you do then? Could you really kill me if it would destroy him as well?!" Apollo shouted at him as he tried to understand why the prince would go so far for the man. Even though he knew that Apollo had already befriended the man he was showing up and threatening to have him killed. He wondered if he had even considered the fact that killing him could upset the very man he was trying to protect.

"If it meant I could protect him and make him happy.. I'd burn you and this entire city to ash! To end your life he would never even have to know it was me who did it. If he's happy to know you.. I'll let you live. But the second I hear or see something from you that could risk his life and that bit of happiness he holds.. I'll end you myself." Prince Clyde responded without looking back.

Apollo shuddered where he stood as he believed the prince really would end his life on the spot if he felt the sudden need to. Wrapping his tail around himself he tried to relax as he gazed at the back of the prince. His ears were tightly pressed backwards against his head as he could only hope the prince would remain calm. If it came to a fight they were about even so he wanted to avoid the unnecessary wounds if he could.

"Tell me one thing.. Are you serious about him as well?" Prince Clyde asked the question that was bothering him more then anything. He knew in his heart what he felt himself but now that Apollo was roping the man in he could only wonder how bad it was for him.

"Serious? I only wanted to piss you off in the beginning but now you could say I simply find him.. interesting." Apollo responded with a slight smirk on his face. Thinking about the man made his heart thump hard against his chest. He was not certain what he felt when it came to the man but he knew that in his eyes the man was something interesting and it made him feel curious.

After listening to the words that Apollo spoke he left the Abaron Tree. Once he was gone a large breath of air escaped Apollo that he had not even realized he had been holding back. He knew the prince was crazy about the so called hound of Abaron but he had never imagined it had reached the point to him admitting to him he'd burn the entire city down if it would please Gunner. It almost felt to Apollo like the man was really living up to his title as a Demon Prince. However, when it came to surprises it was not the first time he had seen something catch him off guard when it came to Clyde.

As his thoughts trailed off he wondered how Gunner would react if he realized just how obsessed the prince really was with him. If he found out just how deeply Clyde was drowning in his desire for the man would he welcome that obsession or would he try to escape from it? This was a question that made Apollo curious and yet afraid to learn the answer to. He could not understand why he felt so strange as to want to hold that secret to himself with Clyde from the man they were both so interested in.