Durendal exploded, and so did Alex's body. But instead of a blood rain, it instead rained debris.
"He failed," Procella spoke sorrowfully. Despite Alex's tortuous efforts and overflowing determination, he wasn't able to embrace the Pendragon Domain, a power capable of matching the heads of the 8 Great Forces if fully mastered.
If Alex managed to master the Pendragon Domain… however long it took–perhaps a few years or decades–he would be at the apex of Telos Dou Dromou.
Or, at least among the top dogs of the world.
'But that's not your final goal, is it?' Procella said inwardly, caressing Alex's cheek. She revealed a faint smile when the amethyst-eyed boy groaned, despite being unconscious at the moment. 'Your goal is much higher.'
It was something even Procella couldn't measure.
'Something as high as the heavens?' thought Procella, continuing to caress Alex's cheek. 'Yes, that's it. But fate… it might take him even higher.'