
The Hitman’s Sunshine

Lily gulped, it's the 'devil'. She said in her mind with her hands still trembling. Raven picked the phone from the girl's hand, turning it off, he said, "You don't want to do that. Now run along and forget everything that happened here, little girl." His voice low and chilly to the bone. _ _ _ Sunshine Meets Grumpy He's a hitman, a hacker, a serpent slithering through the city's underbelly. Not a hero, not even close. The mafia's ghost in the machine, shadows his only companions. Then, there's her. Bookish, buried in debt and dreams, juggling endless shifts and late-night study sessions. Sunflower yellow amidst the grimy alleys, oblivious to the danger lurking beneath her hopeful smile. "Plain," they call her, "basic." But her light, it's undeniable. One fated night, a muttered curse, a stolen glance. Their worlds, oil and water, are destined to collide. Can sunshine melt the frost around a killer's heart? Or will their tangled destinies ignite a storm that consumes them both?

Pluma_W143 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
352 Chs



"What is it Lily? What did he say?" Victoria who didn't hear the phone call between Lily and Jeffrey asked worriedly and this was because of Lily's reaction after the call. But Lily didn't answer, she stood there like she was in a trance, her hands trembling.

Victoria got on her feet and tried to shake her bestfriend out of her dazs, "What is it? Talk to me Lily. What happened, is it about Fred?"

Lily finally blinked, "Fred.." her voice trailed, the next moment she ran towards the door just the way she was dressed, Victoria ran after her friend, grabbing her handbag to chase after the girl.

In that very moment, Lily didn't notice the jacket that was lying on the floor, and she stepped on it. Slipping her small feet inside her sneakers as ran out of the house without locking her door.

Victoria followed Lily behind, making sure she didn't fall. As she didn't know what news she heard that got her panicking.

Their cab stopped in front of the police station, the whole place was already crowded with reporters and an ambulance that was blaring nosily. All this made Lily drowsy, the flashes of light and the crowded place. She couldn't understand exactly what was going on, then she heard a reporter saying to the camera.

"We are live now at the station, a drug smuggler got into a fight with one of the detained inmates and he stabbed him with a pen. Do you think it's a gang fight? Or someone who knows his secret? Let's find out." The female reporter said elegantly, with a sense of professionalism in her job.

Lily gulped, killed...it won't be Fred right? He wouldn't even hurt a fly. Maybe it was a mistake, she nodded in her head.

"There they are!" The female reporter shouted as they pointed at the culprit who was now held and dragged outside to the waiting van.

Lily's leg turned cold, she couldn't process everything that was happening. She wetted her dry lips with her tongue, and said to Victoria.

"That's not Fred right? Haha they really look alike, let's go in and see Fred." She muttered.

Victoria rubbed her temples anxiously, "Lily..." Her voice trailed.

With slow steps Lily walked forward, staggering as she pushed her way in the crowd. If this was some kind of nightmare she wanted to finally wake up, with each step came drops of tears. Lily watched as cameras flashed on her brother's face with reporters at every place reporting that the 'murderer' which was her brother was now out.

Lily didn't mind when she was shoved to the side, she continued to walk trying to reach to her brother who was also looking scared. His hands covered with blood, Lily shook her head.

"The murderer looks young, a psychopath, maybe. Let's find out.." Lily turned her head to see the reporter that was calling her brother a psychopath and without thinking it through she held the young man's neck.

"My brother is not a psychopath, he is not a murderer!!!" Lily shouted heartbreakingly as tears flowed freely from down her pale face.

The reporter pushed the girl away, "She must be crazy, get away from me." The man huffed.

Lily crawled until she got her balance steady on her feet, "My brother is not a murderer, Fred! Fred!! Your sister is here, tell them you didn't do it." Lily shouted as she cried sadly.

The small commotion attracted other reporters, and every other person at the scene.

"Lily.." Fred called his sister's name, "Lily!!" The young boy shouted, his body trembling in fear.

The reporters turned their attention to the girl who was now crying her eyes out. And one of them shouted,

"That is the culprit's sister right there, let's question her and find out if her brother was born with such psychopathic trait or he developed it gradually."

Soon cameras flashed in Lily's eyes, almost making her blind temporarily. She wasn't able to say anything at the moment, she couldn't get her focus on one person, Lily turned her head here and there, blinking her eyes as the reporters bombarded her with questions.

"Is he your brother? What about your parents?"

"Did you know about your brother's lifestyle? Why are you dressed like that do you take drugs too?"

The questions were unending as these reporters closed in on the girl without mercy, Lily staggered back, more than her brother's predicament; these people who thrived on it were scarier. In the process of moving back, she missed a step and landed on her bottom. Lily winced, bringing her knees closer she covered her face between her legs and cried.

"Make it stop, please..." Lily cried but the reporters didn't listen.

"Seeing how the sister is acting she must be having withdrawal symptoms, or she might also be a psychopath." One of the reporters said to the camera.

Victoria pushed herself through the crowd, and walked to cover Lily while helping her to stand. "Get away from her!" She yelled, before dragging Lily inside the station.

Lily was still trembling despite being away from the reporters, she couldn't raise her face or say anything. She stood there like she was mute.

Victoria raked her fingers through her hair, and sighed with frustration. "The forensics are here, I can't find officer Jeffrey. Lily you need to go home. I'll bring Officer Jeffery okay?"

Lily didn't say anything she nodded her head, Victoria got a cab for Lily following a path that was free from reporters. Then she paid the driver and told him the direction, seeing that Lily was too shocked to speak. She ran back inside the station to find Jeffrey.

Lily sat inside the cab, tears wouldn't stop streaming down her face, when the cab stopped in front of her house. Lily staggered out and walked like her soul was lost until she got to her door where all her neighbours and landlady stood waiting for her.

"There she is, she's back! Look at the murderer's sister!" One of the tenants pointed out and soon everyone's attention was on Lily.

Lily walked like she was not understanding what they were saying, when she reached for her door to open it, someone pushed her to the ground.

"Where do you think you're going to? I can't let you stay in my house any longer. Pack now and leave, my tenants are already scared as it is, we don't know who your brother might come to kill next. " The landlady scowled.

Lily shook her head in a small voice she said, "My brother is not a murderer, Fred did not do it " she muttered.

The Landlady chuckled, "Just like every murderer's family would say." And this caused Lily to glare at the woman.

"Look at those murderous gaze, killing definitely runs in the blood." The woman continued for other tenants to nod in agreement.

Lily shook her head and stood up, turning away from where the crowd was. She left the place as the landlady shouted behind her.

"Make sure you take your things with you!" The woman yelled.

Lily didn't stop walking until she left the house, as she walked aimlessly on the street. Soon it started drizzling, until the rain poured heavily drenching the girl without mercy. But Lily didn't care as she walked aimlessly on the streets.


Lily raised her face to see her boss standing in front of her with an umbrella.

"Mr Adolf?" She called the man.