


As evening arrived, Lily finally closed for the day. She decided to meet with her best friend before going home. Without Fred at home, she felt alone and always worried about him. Reaching the clubhouse Victoria worked as a part-timer, Lily called friend to step outside. After Lily's visit to Shera of the night, she had a phobia for places like this. To her, clubhouses flowed with negative energy.

"Lil baby!" Victoria shouted as soon as she spotted Lily, who stood far from the clubhouse, kicking the air mindlessly.

Lily turned to meet her free-spirited best friend, "Tori, how are you?"

Victoria paused for a second before hugging her, "Did something happen? You don't look happy, is it about Fred?" She asked worriedly.

Lily shook her head, then she pointed at a convenience store that was just close by, "Let's go eat noodles there; I'm famished." She said with a smile.

Victoria stared at her best friend suspiciously for a second. She had known Lily for a while, and she knew when something was not just right. She shrugged her shoulders and agreed. "Sure, let's go, noodles call!" She shouted excitedly, holding Lily's shoulder as they walked down to the store.

Lily walked in and got them two cup noodles and two cans of beer. Then she stepped outside where Victoria was sitting under one of the umbrellas that was set outside for customers.

"You bought beer? That's it? Who pissed you off... I think I'm going to jail for murder tonight." Victoria cracked her knuckles ready to fight whoever it was that got on Lily's nerves.

Lily finally laughed, "Stop Tori; I just felt like having beer, you know? Things haven't been really okay lately." She tried to lie.

Victoria narrowed her eyes, "Lily, I might act carefree, but we both know you only take beer when you are pissed off. What happened, tell me." She asked.

Lily sighed tiredly, then she narrated everything that happened back at the shop with the couple earlier in the afternoon.

"I had to threaten them with the surveillance camera; that was how they left," Lily completed.

Victoria hit the table angrily, "The slap was not enough; you should have added one on the wife's face too. Human beings can be crazy sometimes; I can't imagine! I'm so sorry you had to go through that Lily," the girl consoled her friend.

Lily twitched her lips, "I guess it's what everyone who serves the public meets once in a while." She remarked, raising the ring on the beer can before pulling it up to open it properly. Then she pushed one to Victoria.

Victoria grabbed her own drink and nodded in agreement to what Lily had said, "You're right; sometimes serving the public is like a curse. You get to hear people speak to you like you aren't just a human like them." Saying this, the two girls clinked their beer cans and drank from them.

"Speaking of serving the public, how is Officer Jeffrey...?" Victoria asked, giving Lily a knowing look.

Lily blushed at the mention of the man's name, "He is fine, just there. Why do you ask, thought you hated him?"

Victoria nodded, "I still hate him; it's just you I like, so I'm asking because of you." The girl replied plainly, taking another sip from her beer.

Lily chuckled, so Victoria, always saying what she wanted to say regardless. "He is fine; actually, I'm going on a date with him tomorrow. I'm going to ask him out properly." She informed.

Victoria almost spilled her beer when she heard this, "You won't!" She shouted, looking at Lily with surprise written all over her face.

Lily nodded, "I will, tomorrow." She repeated.

Victoria clapped her hands, "I didn't know you had it in you! Go, girl!! Cheers to your new relationship." The ginger-curled girl clinked her beer can with her friend's own.

"Thank you, Tori, but I'm scared. I don't know if I have the right to enjoy all these while my brother is still locked up." Lily said out the thoughts that worried her.

Victoria exhaled, pushing her two legs out; she stretched them properly as she looked up at the starry sky. "You have the right to happiness, Lil baby. You don't have to waste your youth pleasing your younger brother. If you ask me, I'll say you've really tried for him. And the lawyer said he would come out soon, yes? Why not enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy."

Lily nodded in agreement, then she looked at her best friend. "Uhh... what has got Tori speaking so wisely? Did your boyfriend break up with you again?" She nudged her friend jokingly.

Victoria grinned, "I broke up with him; he calls me too much, I got tired." She replied nonchalantly.

Lily stared at her friend worriedly; at this rate, she might end up not getting married. "Tori, don't you worry about marriage? You treat dating men as a game." She said to her friend.

Victoria blew a raspberry with her lip, "That's the gift of being young; all these are what I can enjoy while we are young. If I miss out now, I won't have the chance again, and you never know life can be very funny." She replied, but then she noticed Lily being silent.

"You're scaring me Tori," Lily said looking at her best friend worriedly.

Victoria sat up on her chair, then she said. "All I'm saying is, I'm making my heart ready for my husband. I've seen him, you know?"

Lily furrowed her brows, "Who?" Deep down she knew the answer Victoria was going to give.

"The gentleman that drove us home that day. Because of him, I'm willing to venture into this cage called marriage." The young girl remarked.

Lily sighed, "I was a fool for thinking you're finally getting a hang of life. It's still you, a wise spirit didn't possess you. It's Victoria!!" Lily shouted, causing her friend to join her in laughing.

"Lily look, it's a shooting star," Victoria pointed with a smile.

Lily looked up to catch the beautiful image in the sky, "Wow... let's make a wish." The girls brought their hands together and made a wish.

The girls continued to enjoy the night while talking about random things that made them smile.

"Tori." Lily called her friend in a small voice.

Victoria answered, "Hm?"

"Give up on that gentleman we saw that night and always run when you see him; you're too good for him." Lily gave her a piece of advice.

Victoria nodded, then she said. "Lily, if the officer asks to kiss you tomorrow, push him away." Her words laced with pure sarcasm.

Lily chuckled; her friend was obviously playing with her. "You're just too stubborn." She remarked.

As the night progressed, their voices became distant as they enjoyed each other's company before going home.