
The Hitman’s Sunshine

Lily gulped, it's the 'devil'. She said in her mind with her hands still trembling. Raven picked the phone from the girl's hand, turning it off, he said, "You don't want to do that. Now run along and forget everything that happened here, little girl." His voice low and chilly to the bone. _ _ _ Sunshine Meets Grumpy He's a hitman, a hacker, a serpent slithering through the city's underbelly. Not a hero, not even close. The mafia's ghost in the machine, shadows his only companions. Then, there's her. Bookish, buried in debt and dreams, juggling endless shifts and late-night study sessions. Sunflower yellow amidst the grimy alleys, oblivious to the danger lurking beneath her hopeful smile. "Plain," they call her, "basic." But her light, it's undeniable. One fated night, a muttered curse, a stolen glance. Their worlds, oil and water, are destined to collide. Can sunshine melt the frost around a killer's heart? Or will their tangled destinies ignite a storm that consumes them both?

Pluma_W143 · Ciudad
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352 Chs



Raven grunted after letting go of the man's neck he had just hit on the vital spot, making him unconscious. He pushed the man away, got to his feet, found a bottle of water close by, and remembered that Lily was thirsty.

Picking up the water, he walked to where he had left the girl, but she wasn't there. He raised his eyebrows.

"Puffin?" he called out, but there was silence. Raven stood still, his ears listening to see if he could hear even a faint sound from the girl. She couldn't have gone far.

"M-master.." he finally heard her tiny voice. It was not far from him but sounded muffled, like she was inside a box or something.

Raven started walking in the direction of where he heard the girl's voice, but he was intercepted by more attackers, these ones holding weapons aimed to kill.