
The history of a certain anti-scientific cultivation

I immediately say my main language is Russian, so expect that my English will be bad. And now the synopsis: this story forever tells about an ordinary person who just wanted to be like the hero of all those novels he read, but he managed to surpass them a little (too much) by force. The images are not mine, I say right away. I can delete them if they require. I don't own anything here except MC.

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I already regret coming here.

In the underground shopping center in the Seventh Ward of Academic City, a man with short black hair, about six feet tall and thirteen years old (think of him as the scientific equivalent of Stiyle Magnus), dressed in a white tracksuit, could be seen in the crowd-it was our protagonist Ren Sato.

|I already regret that I dared to enter this world and right into this city of psychopathic scientists, where everything is under 24-hour surveillance.| With a dejected expression on his face, Ren hesitated and started looking for the nearest grocery store.

|Today my IDEAL plan finally failed, because I forgot about the idol theory and that it is very undesirable for an esper like me to use magic, which is exactly what Taoism is.| Accidentally almost

uttering this, he approached one of the many stores in this network of underground Laberint called the mall.

Walking among the racks of this small store in search of the cheapest refrigerated can of soda. Ask him why the cheapest, but because he didn't want to spend his already paltry money on expensive groceries. You see, all he has is the money his family sends him, and instead of working, he's constantly training to accumulate potential and improve his flexibility level and finally bring it up to the agility score in (Bright Form).

(1-person view.)

-"It's exactly the same as the upper price tag so no change"- Turning away from the cash register I finally decided to walk out of here instead of looking for lower prices on items.

|I just can't stand this town, and I need to, because only here I can normally raise my Rank [Accelerated computing], although through all these experiments that were conducted with me since 5 years and I do not know how they are not sued for such treatment of children though most of the children almost went for it themselves, including me, so I do not judge them| Several times I threw the can of soda from hand to hand, I finally decided to open it to hear my favorite sound fizzing.

|What's up with the potential point.|I move my gaze to the side to focus on the transparent orange panel flying around me.

Name: Ren Sato

Age: 13

Level: 9

exp: 890/3000

Class: - [Missing up to level 10]

Potential point: 608

Passive skills:

Accelerated computing [Expert++] ~ [Legend+], Absolute potential [???], Absolute talent[???], Superhuman Abilities [Expert],Artificial modification fake [Intermediate], Weapon Mastery [Intermediate+]

Activ skill:

Imaginatior [Heavenly] (mechanism name: Final mechanism): Bright form (beginning of the end): - Left hand - along with the sound of "breaking glass", energy escapes from the left hand, which erases everything within a radius of 50 meters. The right-hand controls the temperature. It is able to generate a temperature that turns the environment into plasma or freezes everything. Shadow form (Reference Point): - The right-handed form is used before reaching the real [legend] rank in Accelerated Computing. Zero Infinity (Final mechanism): - closed until reaching the [Heavenly] rank in Accelerated computin.

Mechanical accuracy [Legend++] - thanks to the activation of the mechanism, a person significantly increases its accuracy, eliminates unnecessary movements, unnecessary energy costs and accelerates the calculation speed to the rank of [Legend+]. Respiratory rate, pulse - all this is done automatically with the accuracy inherent in a machine, not a human.

Esper Level 4~5(DARK MATTER)[Expert ~ Legend]: his esper ability, which allows him to create and control unknown material that he uses to attack. It should be noted that the term "DARK MATTER" should not be confused with the true "Dark Matter", which is one of the components of the Universe. In addition, "unknown matter" here does not mean matter that was not discovered by people, but matter that did not exist until Ren (Kakine) created it. Sword Techniques from the Palace of Killing Techniques - set of 4 sword techniques [Intermediate]: Thunder Sword Technique, Sword that Moves Mountains, Water Sword Formation, Sword without Light.

Strength - 78 ~ 234(×3 Bright form)

agility - 92 ~ 276(×3 Bright form)

Willpower - 600

Perception - 440 ~ 1760(×4 Mechanical accuracy)

Endurance - 75 ~ 225(×3 Bright form)

Flexibility - 68 ~ 272(×4 Mechanical accuracy)

|I can't even look at the statistics without crying and what's all this *sound of breaking glass* in the status of my mechanism who decided to write the sounds in the description of the abilities and the right arm is copied from (Bright form) Ryoga although I admit the thermoregulation is excellent but why do I need his ability if I can just use his mechanism and in the second form of his mechanism to start But the main problem is not that, I have nowhere to use his mechanism so I can live normally, not with fear of an Evil Mage coming to cut me open for nothing, as my mechanism can never exist, and is a paradox in itself, holding onto Orpheus' concepts with his endless power, Ryogi and his ability to change the code of reality, Mari with ignoring the concept of roost or Ray's power to create an infinite number of worlds with infinite possibilities. And it's all sealed up to [Zero Infinity] except [Bright Form] but even here Orpheus has gone much further and also requires [Zero Infinity] be able to use it, and even so I'm not sure I can harm Majin's true bodies without his mechanism.|

Finally distracted, I found myself walking out of the mall with an unfinished can of soda. "Well, meet your last relatively quiet year Academic City, because, I'm finally going to be a level five." With a goofy smile, I finally decided to finish the can of soda that had opened my summer of this last relatively quiet year.


Esper 4~5 (DARK MATTER) (experience points requirements: 6980054/1000000)

Accelerated computing [Expert++] ~ Legend+] (experience points requirements: 6980054/1000000)