
First interview

On Sunday, José picked Ace up at home at 1:00 p.m., before leaving he left a copy of the CD on the table for his mother along with a note, during the day the duo distributed copies of the single and some gifts to radio DJs and at parties, these gifts were sometimes some money and sometimes some snacks. During the night, Arthur had to be present when recording the clip ended.

He said goodbye to Beyoncé now that they had finished their collaboration and would only meet in some time to promote the single. As soon as he entered the house his mother came running towards him giving him a tight hug, his song "Yeah" was playing loudly throughout the house. After she calmed down he promptly explained the whole situation to her, that night they had a good conversation that they hadn't had for some time.

During that week he was completely busy, after school he would immediately help distribute his music together throughout NY. On Wednesday in the middle of the week he saw the first results of this work. 

Arthur and José were in the car returning home completely tired while listening to the radio.

"Hey guys, the moment you like most has arrived. Now we will listen to the songs you request, just call here. Let's see what the public is enjoying listening to. We already have the first connection." 

"Hello, you can now place your order! "

" Hey man, this is Adonis and I want to hear "Yeah" by Ace, that's the song of the moment bro. "

"It's become normal for you to order this around here this week. Let's do it then. "

During this week the two have been so busy that they haven't even been able to check whether the effort and money spent are yielding results.

" Hey Arthur, did you hear that? "

"Of course I do man, hahahaha. "

" I think it's time to change our strategy Ace, when I get home I'll look for more about the popularity of your music, from what I understand, the public is really liking it, if it's true I'll try some radio interviews for you. "

"I like this idea José, but you should still continue distributing the songs. Furthermore, we need to promote it online too, make some posts on the internet in a controversial way. "

"Beauty Ace."

With the news it seemed that the two had completely recovered the vigor worn out by the long day of work, the discovery had the same energetic value for them as a good night's sleep.

José quickly left Arthur and headed to his own residence.


The other day Arthur was in José's car on the way to the first interview of his career. The two were talking about his answers to some questions that would probably be asked. After a few minutes they were already inside the building where the radio station was located.

Arthur sat in the chair at the table facing the station's DJ, with his microphone positioned in front of him.

"We're going to come here at the end of "Yeah" guys, get everything ready. " Said one of the "producers", at that moment the rush around the studio increased, but everything flowed perfectly among the staff due to the habit of always doing this.

The radio station where Arthur would give his first interview, it wasn't a big deal, it was just another radio station for the black public in NY, it was only chosen because it was one of the few that called him and was in the Bronx. It was Bob himself who presented his music here.

Despite giving the interview, no one saw him as someone different, he was just one here among so many. Countless people have already been welcomed here and therefore treated it quite naturally, but for Arthur this was definitely a special moment.

"Okay, let's start in 5 seconds, when this red light changes to green. Be ready Ace."

The producer was sitting in a chair a few meters away signaling the time with his hand.






" Hey my brothers, this is DJ Shadow for another one of our weekly conversations, what did you think of the music you were listening to now? I'm sure everyone liked it, this is simply the song you requested most this week, it will definitely be on the Billboard Hot 100 Songs of the Year. So to find out a little more about today's song, we'll talk to its creator. We welcome Ace, singer of "Yeah". "

"Hey guys, I'm Ace and it's a dream come true to be here today, I hope this is the first interview of many in my career. "

" So man, can you tell us a little about yourself? "

"I don't have much to say about myself bro, I'm 16 years old and I'm just another black guy from the Bronx, son of a single mother and passionate about music in general and especially hip hop culture. "

"Fuck man, are you 16? That's definitely a lie, you look 18 easily. If you're really only 16, how did you record "Yeah"? To record a song as realistic as that you need to have experienced it, given your age you haven't even set foot in a club, man. "

"Hey man, what's up? We are in the Bronx, every teenager has a fake ID to get into the clubs, in fact some money is all you need to get in. The inspiration for "Yeah" came last year after listening to "Get low" while I was in a nightclub, at the time the basis for "Yeah" came to my mind, I got home and the same morning I wrote the song completely. However, the opportunity to record it only came this year. " During all of his speeches, Arthur made a point of including mentions of his music in the hope of engraving her name in the public's mind.

"That's awesome man, I think I'm in front of a musical genius then. How did this opportunity arise? "

"So it came about when I went with some friends to a rhyme battle that was worth a studio session, all I had to do was crush all the MCs that battled me. "

" Man, freestyle MCs have really fallen a lot, are they losing to kids now? "

" Their mistake was the same as yours, if my age deceives me, I'm young but I have more experience, history and respect on the streets than many. Just wait for my next songs, you will definitely be surprised. "

"Hey man, you're being too arrogant, your music is definitely good. In my opinion the best part of it is the R&B, I think you have a lot of potential in it. "

" Just wait, soon my participation in Beyoncé's album will be released and later this year I will release my album, composed purely of gangsta rap. I like going against what the public expects of me"

 The interview continued without any problems, with diverse topics, but focused on music, Arthur's personal life and his opinions.


On some NY avenue inside an all-black BMW was 20-year-old Sarah.

She was studying business at Fordham University and was a complete black beauty. Even at that moment she listened to the radio while driving to college.

She was playing a song that came out of nowhere this week but quickly became a very common song on the radio. She really liked the song, its rhythm and its explicit lyrics. Despite not being much in the social environment where rap and R&B were more common, she was a fan of them.

Suddenly the song ended and she was left wanting more, but then it cut to the voice of the DJ at the station. She quickly found herself trapped in that interview with a 16-year-old boy, whose face she didn't even know, just his voice. He had a different transparency than so many other rappers who try to force an image of a thug.

After 10 minutes she arrived at the college, with the interview still going on, so she found herself completely trapped inside the car, no matter how much she had to attend today's classes, the interview trapped her completely. It was a sequence of factors that caught her attention, ranging from her age to her way of speaking.

She stayed in the car for approximately 25 minutes, standing there. In the end, the only certainty she had, when she heard the boy's announcement on the radio, was that on Saturday she would buy Ace's single, "Yeah"