
The High Priestess & The Silver Alpha

[Mature Content] Lilith is the daughter of the Fae King and the first Witch. She was powerful and beautiful. From the moment the Moon Goddess proclaimed her to be the mate of an alpha wolf, she has been fighting them throughout the centuries. Miguel is a Silver wolf and the Alpha of the Silver Lakes pack. He has been alive for over 250 years, waiting for his mate to finally surrender to him. After finally pin pointing her location, he finds her in New York City. Will Lilith finally stop running and surrender to her mate or will she finally reject him? This is book one of a series that I am currently writing. I have started book two and three. The book "Their Human Goddess" is book Four of this series. ************************************************************************ “I love you Lilith Santana of the Silver Lakes pack.” He said to me with a smile. Then he took a drink from the absinthe bottle. I could feel his sexual energy get stronger as the liquor hit him hard. “I love you too Miguel Santana.” I said to him. We kissed again as I felt him slide his erection up and down my wetness. He teased me with it before taking another shot of the bottle. “I’m ready papi.” I said to him in my anticipation.

Bronx_Lyran718 · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter 18

Lilith's P.O.V.

After getting the group of rogues from Blue River together in my condo in Manhattan, it was three in the morning over here. But it was midnight in California. A group of young wolves, they ran away from one of the worst packs I had the displeasure to know existed. I was wide awake so I snuck over to the women's single building to find Taylor and Gloria hanging out with Cakes.

"Our future Luna is gracing us with her presence." Gloria says smiling. They all get up to give me a hug.

"Sorry. I didn't want to get trapped in Miguel's room. Ya know how he is." I said as I sat next to Cakes.

"So Miguel wants us to go to party together. I told him he needs to chill." Taylor says. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ugh! I need my space from Gary too." Cakes said. She was in a lavender colored night gown with butterflies on it. She was shorter than me with long curly brown hair and green eyes. She was skinny with 36 DD breasts. I knew her mother a long time ago. She was beautiful but she was murdered by humans.

"Witches mated to fucking wolves huh?" I said smiling.

"So how was it for you growing up among wolves and being a human?" I asked Gloria. She put her long straight brown hair in a ponytail.

"I was five when we came here so this compound is all I know." Gloria said. Miguel's father met their mother in the 80s so soon after she got here, she found out she was pregnant with Taylor.

"Did you decide on your dress?" Taylor asked me.

"I don't really know. I was thinking about something slutty. You know to tease the fuck out of Miguel and Carlos. I enjoy doing that A LOT!" I said smiling. They all started laughing.

"Seriously? You are trying to kill my brother of a heart attack." Taylor said.

"I have a collection of sexy dresses if you guys want to go through them?"

"Lilith. We love you but we are missing something only you have." Gloria said as they all look at me.

"Your ass!" Cakes says before laughing.

"Okay. We can go shopping. My treat." I said to them.

"I never turn down a shopping spree. So does Miguel know you are here?" Taylor asked.

"No. I just wanted to chill with ya before surrendering to him." I said.

"Does the time difference take a toll on you?" Gloria asked.

"Not really. Just had a lot to do since Tuesday afternoon. I don't mind helping but this group was an all-male group. I didn't want to house them with the women so I had to get my condo together for them. They were young, the oldest being 21 years old and the youngest 15 years old. They stood up to their elders and were made rogues for it." I said to them.

"If you ever need extra help, don't hesitate to ask us." Taylor said.

"We admire all the work you have done." Gloria said.

"Yes! You have inspired a lot of changes among the different communities." Cakes said.

"I just want to help bring balance back to our world." I said.

I hung out with them for another two hours before I headed out. I decided to walk back to the main house so I could look at the stars. I was listening to my music on my phone when I realized that there was a silver wolf with grey eyes, a light golden wolf with blue eyes, and a grey wolf with green eyes staring at me from the woods. I knew who they were and I flashed them a smile before I ran.

"Damn that ass looks so fucking juicy in those leggings!" I heard Miguel say through our mind link. I didn't say anything as I ran. They chased me as I headed to the main house. Then I disappears and showed up behind them.

"Where are you going?" Miguel asked me through our mind link. I flashed him a smile. Jason and Gary changed back to their human form and headed into the building while Miguel ran behind me.

I started hopping from tree to tree as I lured him deeper into the woods. Then I stopped in an open field. Suddenly Miguel jumped up and knocked me down to the ground. I started to laugh as I watched him change from wolf to human on top of me.

"Fuck! You are so fucking beautiful." Miguel said as he caught his breathe. I looked up at him and brushed my hand on his beard.

"I just wanted to have some fun." I said to him.

"Do you normally do that? Walk around in the darkness with all the fucking perverts in the human world lurking?" he asked me.

"Yeah." I said before kissing his neck.

"I followed your scent to the single women's building. Why were you torturing me?" He said as he laid his head in between my breasts.

"I just wanted to chill with the girls. You told me to get to know your sisters so I am." I said to him as I ran my fingers through his beautiful hair. The beautiful Waxing Moon was in the sky and I wanted to enjoy the view.

"I know but you belong to me. I missed you so much. Thank you again for the suits and shoes. I put them in my closet." He said before biting one of my nipples.

"I mean to tell you all the things I've been thinking deep inside, my friend. With each moment the more I love you." I sang as I listened to "Crush" by Dave Matthews Band. Miguel pulls out one of my blue tooth headphones and puts it in his ear. I rewind the song so we could listen to it together.

"I take it we have the same taste in music?" Miguel askes me.

"I think so but I love hip hop too. This reminds me of those days I would sleep outside." I said to him.

"We don't have to go in the house now." He said to me as he sits up and pulls me between his legs. His erection at full attention. I didn't mind, it was for me. I sit up as he wraps his arms around me. We continue to listen to my playlist in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

I woke up to find myself asleep in Miguel's arms in our room. When I look at my phone, it was 10 am. I am pretty sure that Jason is taking care of all the morning errands Miguel had to do. I look over to see him completely naked. I smile as I climb out of our bed and head to the bathroom. I fill up the bath tub with hot water and mix in vanilla and lavender oils. I just wanted to relax before I face the day.

I strip out of my clothes and walk into the bathroom. I close my eyes as I get comfortable in the water. I take a deep breath to inhale the relaxing smells. After a few minutes, I smell French vanilla. It was Miguel and he was coming into the bathroom.

"Baby." He said before kissing me. Then I feel him climbing into the bath. He laid his head on my breasts.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Of course, I'm here with you." He said. I could hear Carlos fucking purring.

"I thought cats only purr?" I asked Miguel.

"We do when we are happy to be with our mate." He said to me.

"I have to go back to Manhattan. If you are not busy, you can come. Those young men need a strong alpha to guide them. I'm just a witch and fae princess. You talking to them will help them." I said to him. He looked up at me with a smile.

"You trust me to be your other half huh?" he asked blushing.

"Yes. I can guide women. Straight males are different."

"How so?"

"Well, they were taught from a young age that women don't have power. That young boy, he stood up for his mother. His alpha killed her." I said as tears fell from my eyes.

"Whatever you want baby. I don't mind." Miguel said before putting one of my breasts in his mouth.

"Really baby?" I moan. He looks up at me and I realize that Carlos took over.

"Please! I missed your touch and the way you moan my name." he said through his devilish smile.

"Okay but no anal. My butt just healed a day ago." I said to him. Then he started giving me puppy eyes.

"No. Or nothing at all." I said setting my boundaries. He sits up and pulls me close to him. Our lips meeting in a passionate embrace. He sticks his tongue into my mouth, trying to gain control of our kiss. I missed his kisses. I could feel his erection as it tapped my ass. We were caught in our moment when Jason walked in screaming for Miguel.

"Miguel! We have an emergency." Jason says from outside the bathroom.

"Okay. I will right there." Miguel says as his erection goes limp.

"I was about to suck your life out through your dick." I whispered to him before I moved away from him.

"What the fuck! What the fuck is the fucking emergency!?" Miguel screams as he gets out of the bath tub.

"The Blue Moon clan is requesting your presence. They are at our gates." Jason says as he follows Miguel to his closet.

"They are here because of me." I said to him through our mind link.

"The group of male wolves?" he asked.

"Yes. They kicked them out!" I said to him. I get out of the tub and grab my robe. I put it on as I open a portal in front of our bed to my condo. I see the male wolves there, all 8 of them sitting around the table eating breakfast.

"Hey you guys." I said to them as I waved. Miguel walked out of the closet to see me talking to the boys.

"Your ex-alpha is here." I said to them. I could see the fear in their eyes.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this." Miguel said to them before he gave me a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Okay. Let me go with my husband then I will come get ya. I said we were going shopping and I meant that. Just start getting ready, please don't be afraid. I will not let anything bad happen to any of you guys okay." I said to them. They nodded and then I closed the portal.

"Sis, their fuck face alpha is here." I said to Hera through a mind link.

"I am always ready for battle." She said flashing a smile. Hera has killed her fair share of wolves in her long life. I continue to get dress with a pair of red leggings, a black belly shirt, matching red and black uptowns.