
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 1: The fall

It was a very good start for Lobion Hiradin and his family. His father Orro Hiradin got up and came to see him and asked him to join him on his first hunt.

The first hunt on the island is a baptism, it is said that when you make your first hunt you become a man according to the traditions that have been present for several generations already. After saying goodbye to his mother Dina Hiradin and his two little sisters Ira and Alia Hiradin they set off.

They leave their house and head in the direction of the forest. Their house is a small house made of wood, it has a thatched roof and a stone floor. It is a house that has two bedrooms, one for the children and one for the parents. The house also has a dining room and a kitchen. There is also a small room with a potty next to the house.

To wash, you have to go to the well on the left side of the house. On the right hand side of the house is a small field of different types of berries which allow their little family to feed themselves during bad hunts or to feed the Dodo. The dodos are in a small enclosure behind the house. There are about 5 dodos in total in their enclosure.

In their tribe, the number of dodos we have is considered to be extremely high as normal families normally only have 1 or 2 dodos.

A dodo is a creature that stands three feet tall and weighs approximately 9 to 14 kilos. They can come in all colours but are usually white in colour, with yellow spot on their body.

The forest where they are heading covers about 1/3 of the island. This forest is made up of large trees that allow some dinosaurs to hide but also allow dinosaurs such as T-rexes to pass through the forest.

The vegetation in this forest is also very dense, so their tribe named it GreenForest.

The island is a large rock with the forest covering 1/3 of its surface, in the middle is a volcano that is currently in hibernation, to the north of the island is an icy area and to the south are warmer areas.

His father is a man in his late thirties. He wears clothes made of feathered wolf skin and triceratops. He is over six feet tall. He has short brown hair. He has a normal face, however, he has green eyes that have a hidden ferocity in them. To be more precise absolutely all the people of their tribe have this ferocity in their eyes as if they were wild animals. Indeed, for the tribe to survive it had to adapt to the outside world and its dangers which are the dinosaurs and the other tribes!

His mother is a medium sized woman, about 1.70m tall. She has yellow hair, green eyes and a delicate face. She also wears clothes made of feathered wolf skin. However, she wears these skins in a different way than his father.

She has a kind of dress that goes down to her knees. Lobion father has two pieces of clothing which are his trousers and his coat.

His two sisters are twins who are not yet old enough to leave the village on their own. They have black hair and green eyes. They are small in stature as they are about 1.40m tall. They both wear the same clothes as their mother. But they both have bunches of flowers on their hair. The flowers in their bouquets are beautiful pink flowers with snow cocoon petals.

Lobion appearance is almost the same as His father, he has short hair as it is the norm in their tribe. He also has green eyes but He have a face that is closer to his mother's than his father's. He wears the same feather wolf clothing as his father. He wears the same feather wolf clothing as his father.

In fact, it is an elder of their tribe who makes the clothes of almost everyone in the tribe. She is an old woman who lost her husband in a surprise attack by a carnotaur.

The original tribe of Lobion Hiradin and his family has a special feature that all members have green eyes. No other tribe on the island has green eyes except their tribe.

Their tribe is a small village by the beach. The location of the tribe allows them to have relatively little danger because the only predators there are raptors in groups. So there is relatively little danger. However, the tribe is considered one of the weakest on the island.

Indeed, the tribes are ranked by location, number of inhabitants and military power. There are three ranks for the tribes on the island, rank 3 is a tribe that has little military power capable only of fighting a lone carnotaur, few inhabitants around 30 to 150 and a location that is not very dangerous.

A rank 2 tribe is a tribe with medium military power capable of fighting a lone T-rex, between 2000 and 5000 inhabitants and a relatively dangerous location.

A rank 1 tribe is one of the best tribes. These are tribes that have large populations of around 5,000 to 15,000 people, a military strength capable of attacking or dealing with a group of T-rex and carnotaurs at the same time. However, they are in extremely dangerous locations on the island.

After leaving their home, everything goes very well, his father explains to him how to spot these prey, he shows him how to use all his senses to make the tracks of these prey appear. The moment he started to concentrate on all his senses, he started to make tracks appear which became clearer and clearer with the passing seconds.

Indeed, when a human trains enough he can unlock a power that allows him to make the tracks of his prey appear on the ground. However, to learn this technique, one must be taught by the elders of the tribe to have the manual to learn this technique.

He and his father are equipped with a spear and a bow each and a quiver full of arrows.

It was at this point that his father's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Son, look ahead to your first prey in a long line. I hope so..."

He turns and looks, saying, "So it is a parasaurus that will be my first prey?

His father, happy to have identified the species of animal in front of them, replies jovially, "Exactly, you have to be careful, they are not the fastest in terms of speed but they have a survival instinct that allows them to flee as soon as they feel they are being attacked or simply threatened.

The parasaurus is a creature that is herbivorous and has a fearful temperament. It is about 1.60m long and 1.20m high when stooped but can grow to 1.60m when standing. Its skin is light blue on the lower part of its body but dark blue on the upper part of its body. It has an inverted spade-shaped head to defend itself from small predators.

He begins to understand the difficulty of hunting the parasaur and tries to get as close as possible by crouching with his bow where there is already an arrow ready to be strung to be shot at full speed at its target.

He finds himself 10 meters away from his prey, he starts to string his bow but suddenly the parasaurus raises its head, turns it from left to right as if it had heard something. Lobion turns to look at his father behind him and nods to tell him that all is well.

Following his indication Lobion bends his bow and aims at the back of the parasaur's neck where its heart is. The moment he finds it motionless, Lobion fires the arrow. However, it was at this moment that the parasaur started to run in their direction. This shocked them because normally they are supposed to run away from danger and in this case they were running away from danger.

It was just after the parasaurus started to run in their direction that the ground began to shake, announcing the arrival of one of the most dangerous predators for their tribe, the T-Rex. The moment they confirm that it is indeed this dangerous predator, his father yells to him "Hurry up and run in the opposite direction to the tribe so that it doesn't fall on us the moment we run for our lives".

Lobion quickly understands the reasoning behind these words, if he and his father flee in the opposite direction they have a greater chance of encountering other predators but on the other hand they avoid giving the T-Rex a chance to feast on their tribe and the family within.

The t-rex, a creator made to kill! From its stature, spectators can quickly feel the despair invading their bodies. A body that is more than 4 meters high and 13 meters long. A head as strong or stronger than a rock, a jaw that can tear a piece of meat from a triceratops with a single fang. A dark green skin colour with feint black spots all over the body, this is the image that is engraved in the memory of all the people of the tribe thanks to the drawings transmitted from generation to generation in the tribe.

These drawings allow future generations of the tribe to have an idea of what this horrible predator looks like and to avoid it at all costs if ever seen!

Lobion decides to go in the opposite direction of the village to the left and his father to the right. This is to disorientate the senses of the T-rex and to have at least one person who can survive. The T-Rex seeing them split up screams "ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR".

His howl is so loud that it makes the earth at his feet tremble slightly.

The moment the T-rex roars, its jaws let them see all the sharp teeth hiding inside the T-rex's mouth.

After a few seconds, Lobion regains his senses and runs with all his strength in the direction he had chosen earlier with his father. He doesn't know if he's lucky or not because the T-Rex starts chasing him and lets his father live a little longer. He made a 180 degree turn to follow Lobion, he knows he still has a chance to survive as this predator is not known for its fast acceleration but for its top speed.

After turning towards him, the T-rex starts to run faster and faster to catch up. Lobion knows that the only chance of surviving this predator is to hide

Lobion knows that the only chance of surviving this predator is to hide under a rock or between large rocks that can only let something his size pass through to prevent them from chasing and eating him.

Lobion continues to run as fast as possible, taking as many detours as possible and avoiding running in a straight line all the time to limit his top speed. However, this proves futile as all the trees and rocks that are large to Lobion are just fragile leaves to this T-Rex that crushes them and knocks them from left to right as if they weigh nothing.

Lobion begins to despair as he sees it getting closer and closer to him, but that's when Lobion suddenly starts falling into a hole. As he falls, Lobion tries to slow down his fall by trying to hold on to the edge of the pipe he has fallen into.

But alas, it was in vain, Lobion could not slow his fall, his hands and feet had lost the skin covering them. "It hurt, my hands hurt like hell."

It was at this point that he began to think, 'Am I seriously going to die like this? It's impossible to survive a fall like that, especially at the speed I'm moving.'


A huge noise can be heard, as if a large rock had been thrown into a lake filled with water.