
The hidden lines

Their world is sick, despite their different genders. It is not about the strong over the weak, but also the weak dominate the weak, and sometimes the weak dominate the strong, but the matter varies from one person's strength to another. What will Shane do with these things and what will he discover after he loses himself in a curve that he should have gone through

ooh_reeta · Fantasía
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38 Chs

A scientist in the shit

The more we advance, the more cruel the world becomes, the

more a person walks in the path of justice, his misdeeds are broken, and

the more he walks on the path of ruin and corruption, the higher his rank and the increase in his power.

But money is no longer the thing that gives you strength and value that satisfies you,

but rather ordinary papers, and it does not sum up the matter because they are just ordinary papers, but rather they are lines between lines

that no one can dive into without death or death,

there is no other choice.

"Is there really such a thing as hidden power between the lines?"

"I've always wondered, can such people really exist? And why don't we see them anywhere?"

"Why don't we know them, why can't we talk to them? Aren't the powerful ones protecting this world in this age?

" "Where are they?


He had nothing to do but stare coldly at the sharpness painted on the faces of the group of people beating one of them behind the walls of the school building.

"Tejon High School, let me tell you a little about it."

"It is a high school, and no one enters it without paying an unspecified amount of money throughout the high school years, and even in the summer vacation months, the students, or one might say, their parents, must pay the money for those three years."


It is a secondary school for boys only.

Wait a minute, that bastard who thinks about himself...

Shin's rope of thoughts standing in front of his handful of Crazy Wings was severed.

Their sharp eyes filled with madness

and his cold eyes filled with death were like the difference between autumn and spring.

Not only did Shane take a step forward to save the battered person and wait with teary-eyed eyes for someone to save him, but Shane took a step back, leaving behind his cigarette still burning.

He walked without caring for anyone behind him, as if he was watching a TV movie or a documentary about wild animals.

He continued his steps between walking, standing, laughing and frowning, as if the matter did not concern him at all.

He broke the barrier of his silence and fell asleep with himself. He wrapped his hand around Shin's neck and hit him on the stomach with his fist lightly. Then he smiled with clear enthusiasm on his body, which did not settle on the ground and wandered everywhere

. He began to speak in a loud, enthusiastic tone.

- Shane! You petty bastard, are you going to stay the way you are? Why don't we take a chance and you and the others go to that playground.

Shane turned to him as he walked quietly with his hands in his pockets and said in a very calm voice

- Pitch?

His friend replied with a strong nod of his head, with the same enthusiasm and leaps he had not stopped since he met Shin.

But his smile was broken by the response he received from his friend this time

- What do you expect? That you find that called the Banshee?

Are you still a child, Rogue? You have to grow up, these things are not true, they were invented by the rulers of the world just to frighten humanity and to take advantage of the chaos that humans make.

Rogue coldly closed his eyes and sighed after Shin killed the enthusiasm that was reflecting from Rogue's eyes and said to him.

I don't know what you're planning in the future, but I'm sure it won't be that important.

Your situation is monotonous, man.

Those words escaped from Rogue's lips but Rogue knew that Shin was not the kind of person to speak or could move an inch of him.

Shin sat on a bench in the garden in front of the large high school building with

his right foot on top of the other.

As for Rogue, he did not like to naturally sit on any chair, so he sat on the floor with his feet wide, his arms on his knees and staring into Shane's eyes.

- You have something to say right?

Shane sighed and answered among the birdsong

- Yes, there are only a few days left for high school graduation, and then...

Shin was silent when Rogue had a chance to speak, and he said with narrow eyes staring at Shane who was looking at everything but Rogue's face.

You're planning to marry that snake, right?

Don't speak ill of her, Rogue.

The cold expression on Shin's face changed as Rogue pressed his weak point.

Shane got up and walked away from him, followed by Rogue quickly walking behind him.

- I told you to stop dating that

girl and now to tell me you're going to tie your life to that mosquito?

"I won't tell you more about Celine," said Shane simply , "

you seem to want to get into an unnecessary fight."

Rogue stopped behind Shane and Shane suddenly stopped and turned around when he heard him calling his name in a way he hadn't done before and then said.

- Shane, I think I'll go look for my place in that stadium.

- Just wish me luck.

Rogue walked away through the front door alone, not caring what would happen to him.

As for Shin, he stared quietly as if he wanted to see something that would urge him to go there but he couldn't find it.

As he did before, Shane took a step back and returned to his seat in his classroom with headphones in his ears and looking through the window near his chair.

"Everything is getting sicker in this world, our parents in the previous world didn't get what they wanted, and it doesn't seem that we will get what our hearts really desire..."

"Sick world"

Everyone left at the end of the day and Shane left with his simple car, unlike his financial situation, which exceeds the concept of wealth itself.

Shane did not go home, but changed his way to his girlfriend's high school, where he waited in front of the door until a quarter of an hour for her to come out quickly and put him between her hugs hard while he smiled lightly.

Despite all those feelings he had for her,

his smile could never reflect it.

- How are you, Shane..

- I'm fine, how about you.

He spoke to her with a slight smile on his lips as he brushed her blonde hair from her eyes after she hugged him tightly.

I'm fine, I just want to eat some food with you before you take me home.

- It's okay, we'll eat and then I'll drop you off.

He was cold in his behavior like a wall of snow, although he smiled with her and petted her sometimes, even opening the car door for her when she got up and out of her.

Everything went between them as it used to be every day, and on his way to take her to her house, she surprised him by asking her and she said.

- I don't know but rogue it, I dislike.

He turned around a little while he was driving, then looked back at the road and said.

- Why? Is there anything that happened between the two of you?

I don't know, but he always annoys me verbally.

- What is he saying to you? Does he verbally harass you?

- No... How can I say that?...

She raised her index finger to her lower lip and said in a seductive manner, bright eyes

- it says I don't deserve you.

And this time he replied to her without turning around and his looks were devoid of expressions and feelings and said to her sharply.

- I've known Rogue since elementary school, he wouldn't do something like that, or to believe you, he might just be joking, he has that kind of personality.

- I want to talk to him, seriously.

This was the second time he had surprised him.

Shane didn't think about it and quickly changed the car's direction in the direction Rogue had already gone, knowing Rogue was still there, as his intuition tells him.