
The Hero is a Mixologist?!: Crossing Worlds and Saving It

We take on the eyes of the Former Hero and how he retired as a bar owner and his adventures before he retired. Erik, the Hero of Multiple Worlds. Tasked to saved each world he comes across with. And his adventure group named the Phantom Cat. Will he understand each world he comes across with? Or will his bartending skills get on his way as a now labeled hero.

Sandwich_Author · Fantasía
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6 Chs

A Holy Knight.

I head towards semi-finals as I face off this time a female knight. From the looks of it she's heavily armored. Seems like a stretch and might be another easy win for me. Let's not get too cocky, Erik, she might be as strong or stronger than Drac. We don't know after seeing him, finals might be a different story.

"The name is Grendel, a Holy Knight." As she introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Erik. Excuse me for a sec but how did you win your matches?"

"Well nice question there Erik. I snapped their necks." Said Grendel.

"Did not expect that answer but thanks I guess Grendel I hope we have a nice match."

I am so not gonna go easy on her. As the king once again introduce our names to the public and the bell rings the battle begins now.

She's one strong gal from the looks of it she's using her full armor and sword but the sword is oddly blunt. So far I've been okay just using my fists in this battle but against here I think I could still use my hands here.

Her sword is huge for her size which is surprising. I mean I shouldn't be surprised by the small details since nothing really make sense anymore like me in this situation. How the hell am I still fighting strong in this situation. I feel like the odds are both with me and against me.

"I heard you defeated the vampire I was hunting. I never thought a human could take down a vampire like him. I perhaps miscalculated my enemy today so I won't hold back if you don't mind." Said Grendel.

"I won't I'm always at my best when I fight."

"Well said for a fighter like you. I heard you're just fighting for survival here." Said Grendel.

"Yes, I am fighting for survival and I'm just here fighting for my life each round and now I'm near the finals I could leave this place and find my partner."

"I admire your decision but do you not wish for a rule or law made by you?" Said Grendel.

"I'm not really into it but I guess I'll take what I have once I win this battle of ours."

"Wise decision I must say anyways here I go!" Said Grendel as she rushes towards me.

Boy she's fast, I could barely keep up with my eyes. But I managed to block her attack. Her blunt sword maybe made for brute force instead of sharpness. I'll use what I managed to get from the dinner that the guard gave me.

It's a bit weird but hey it's what I could do. I've stuck some of the utensils from last nights dinner in between my fingers as I need to probably block her swings as much as possible. Again I need to prevent anymore killings from my end so I used spoons instead of the forks and knives.

Surprisingly with a bit of strengthening magic I could make these spoons strong to withstand her attacks. As simple as I put it, strong as hell from the looks of it. She swings her sword a bit slowly so I need a window on that and from the looks of it she has a window of between 2-3 milliseconds.

I managed to land some blows in between those windows but from the looks of it she's not aggravated or even flinched from that. Once again I am asking for more power. I just need that 1% over her.

"You're managing to block my sword with spoons huh. You're one creative fighter I'd say." Said Grendel.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Well it is dumbass. Anyways this is where I get serious." Said Grendel.

"Playtime's over then."

As we clashed once again and I can hear the crowds echoing their cheers upon two great fighters clashing with everything they got to offer. I think I have an idea to win this battle. Can I store energy into items?

As I channel my energy towards the spoons it glows white and I give a right hook on towards an upcoming big blade I managed to recoil her attack returning the favor of force. And there's an opening as I push forward and give a good clean left hook on to her I managed to push her back once more. I think I have a strategy now.

"That was a good one there. I could tell you're not just some human. You're one powerful fighter." Said Grendel.

"You too. I never thought my punches would connect like that. I guess I underestimated you as well. You're defense is good."

"Appreciate the kind words you gave but we need to end this now. How about a 1-hit showdown?" Said Grendel.

"I guess this is getting too long and I don't want it to be like my last fight. So I just need you to submit defeat anyways since I'm not targeting another kill. And I hate killing people."

"Show me how you make me submit defeat in this showdown then!" Shouted Grendel.

"Well then let's not get too hasty there lady, let's do this."

As I focus more of my energy on the spoons glowing them bright white and she focusing hers on her blade we begin the final showdown of our battle. A single-hit finale, I with your everything I will defeat you with my everything.

We run forwards to each other and with a loud sonic-boom we clashed our weapons into a single strike. Dust kicks off and a cloud of it covers the both of us. Everyone in the coliseum is in awe and silence ensues.

Both of us still stands but only one can win this battle. I can feel the power she gave it all towards that one strike. But... She fell onto her knees and passes out from the looks of it I won the showdown.

And everyone in the crowd cheered and loud noise bellows across. That was two tiring battles... I feel alive for some reason. I feel invincible for a second but I can feel the fatigue creeping up on me as I barely walk towards the elevator bringing me down back to my cell.

I can hear the guards down there cheering for me, congratulating me for my amazing win against that Holy Knight. I can't believe I was able to battle those two. It was a learning experience for me fighting two powerful beings I have never seen before. It feels nice and oddly comforting because of it.

"Congratulations kid on reaching the finals. I can hear everyone shouting your name out there. What a match too I never thought she would pose as a threat to our current champion here. Your food and bath is ready inside its the reward for coming this far into the tournament. You earned it kid." Said the guard.


Wow, I didn't expect such a nice treatment after reaching this far. But what can I expect I earned everyone's respect and I'm being called out as their champion. Oh crude, don't forget why we're doing so well.

We're here to survive and find our partner. But for now let's rest and relax for a bit. It's nice to reap your rewards that I fought for hard. Lea I just need one more round and we'll be out of here.

Thanks for reading the newest chapter!

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