
Starting Cultivation

Reisel screamed with all his might, hoping that the pain would stop, the pain was unbearable making him feel that every minute that passed his soul would shatter, until after a few hours he felt that the pain finally stopped and he heard the voice of the system

[soul refined and strengthened now I will begin the fusion of the soul with the Celestial body]

after that Reisel felt that his soul was being sucked into something unknown and all his senses were deprived the only thing that remained with him was the extreme pain he was feeling in the process of fusion

During the melting process something unexpected happened, Reisel was sucking the energy of emptiness at an exorbitant speed without until the system noticed it

[He is sucking energy uncontrollably without it he will break this space quickly] saying that the system quickly teleports the site and takes it to another isolated and Reisel again begins his energy suction again

And so the time passed ... 1 day ..... 15 days .... 1 month passed quickly and Reisel was still in the middle of the fusion between the soul and the body sucking energy, only that after 1 month Reisel still continues sucking energy so that with each passing minute increases the amount in an indescribable way and the speed if said fast will be insufficient

Seeing that the system still not interfered the sent to another place again because they are not in a realm where people lived, they are currently in the Kingdom of the celestial God where the energy and the purest exist but also more difficult to be absorbed because you need to be compatible with it

even most of God can not absorb such pure energy completely without injury

so one day passed and he showed signs of stopping the absorption

[Finally he is stopping, with this amount of energy it will take about 20 years to refine it complete.better I seal his energy leaks so that not be wasted nothing] said the system with a little shock

after stopping to absorb Reisel unconsciously sits in a lotus position with his new body and begins to refine the primordial energy. With that happening 1 day ... 1 month ..... 1 year .... ..2 years ..... 4 years ...

And quickly 6 years have passed and Reisel continues to cultivate without losing his attention and ignoring everything around him.

after six years cultivating without stopping Reisel had an aura around him, a sacred aura that would make people want to kneel and worship him

Until finally he finishes cultivating and opens his eyes. His eyes were deep purple color, his short messy hair was silver, his skin was white and smooth, and his face was handsome ... not handsome enough to describe himself, only for the his appearance would reverence him as a deity

[he finished refining all that colossal amount of energy in only 6 years, unbelievable] thought the system incredulous by the event

[then it's finally over?] the system said

''Well, yes! Where are we now, and what happened, 'he asked reisel, looking around the place that was overflowing with vital energy

[we are in the Kingdom of the Heavenly God where only those he allows can enter in well and this and the result of his aura after cultivating all that pure energy and full of vital energy]

'' I cultivated those novels and other things, but how, I never learned to cultivate? '' asked Reisel confused but excited.

It's because I helped when your merger was happening. I adjusted it so you could start to absorb energy together and then cultivate it because I do not think you would be able to do it all alone. system with a mocking voice of Reisel

'' Well, anyway, since I have a body now, can I finally get out of this place? '' Reisel asked, unable to hold the animation.

[well you can, but think about it, do you really want to go outside?] said the system with serious tone [you have no control of your energy and can not even protect] continued the system


[you do not have any farming technique, going it now is just throwing your life away ... the world now for you will not be like before, here the strong dominate while the weak obey] says the system with a cold voice

Reisel after hearing all this goes into deep thoughts with himself until he speaks with the system ''You're right, I can not even defend myself for that I ask you to teach me, to make me stronger than anyone''

[As soon as Mestre is spoken, then without losing time let's start] the system said with excitement after hearing Reisel says [This and the Manual of Celestial Cultivation and it will be these techniques that you will be learning from today until dominalas you do not can leave that kingdom] said the system

With the system speaking this appears a huge and huge book in front of Reisel emanating a Sacred Aura leaving Reisel surprised.

''So let's start''