



The air between the guys was so tense and I didn't get why then before I left Oliver's class i reminded him about the meeting he told me about during the party and I apologized for leaving early.

I have been happy since I and Chris kissed on that Friday night and I seem to like Chris' jealousy whenever I talk to guys. He is so cute.

I told Blessing about us and she didn't stop ranting about it, it was like she's the one with a boyfriend, she was super excited.

While i was in the cafeteria with Chris he said "Stay away from him, Oliver likes you" I widened my eyes with shock and looked at him, his expression was so serious. "What do you mean he likes me, he is just a friend Chris, are you jealous because I touched him in class?" I smiled and he let out a sigh

"I am not kidding Sam, its obvious and you need to clear the air that you have a boyfriend now. I don't like the way he looks at you and I will be your tutor from now on" I listened to him and said " then clear the air between the two of you, my eyes pointing towards Kay who is coming behind Chris. Immediately, I left them alone and went over to Blessing.

After school that day, I and Oliver met and he confessed he had feelings for me and he saw us kissed, deep down I was sorry for him because I knew what it felt to like someone without telling them. The both of us hugged and promise each other ever lasting friendship.

One Months Later, it is Chris and I one month anniversary and my mum invited him to our house. "What's taking him so long, have you called him" my mum asked because Chris is running late and we are wondering why he isn't here and he isn't picking my calls too. Has he backed down from our relationship, I thought and I got a call thinking it was Chris but it was Blessing "hello, what's up"

She responded " did Chris call you, he said the both of you broke up that he never had feelings, he just played you" then she hung up the phone. My head unable to process anything, I fell to the ground and stated crying.

Then the ring bell of my door rang ,mum opened it and I saw Chris,Kay, Blessings and John smiling as they entered, "surprise!!!" They screamed and I sobbed harder as Chris came to hug me. I thought I lost him some minutes ago. While I hug him too, I hit his shoulder and he laughed and everyone laughed too.

I hope our love last.

I hope yours do too

I hope you and your crush ends up together

The End.