

I stood in the kitchen, cooking myself some breakfast, humming my favorite tune my mother use to sing to me. I missed listening to that tune, and I seriously missed hearing her scolding me all the time. I think back to those days now, and it makes me wish that I were still a child. With everything I am experiencing now, I did not know what to do with it. I sighed, scrambling the eggs while they cooked. It had been a couple of nights since that guy showed up, and for whatever awful reason, I felt rejected because of it. I know I should not feel like that – no matter the reason – but I do, and I could not help it.

I put the eggs on a plate, and walked over to the counter with it, sitting down to eat. Never in my wildest dreams, had I thought I would brood over this annoying kind of situation. I spent my teenage years avoiding this kind of ordeal because I wanted to be the best queen they ever had, and I got stuck in that situation anyways. I felt more stupid now then I ever have before. Now, I was going to have to try to forget those feelings, because from the looks of it, the feelings are not mutual. That thought made me growl in the middle of chewing my eggs almost causing them to fall out. I covered my mouth with my hand quickly, setting my fork down on the plate. Right at this same moment, Callan walked into the kitchen, stopping in the doorway, staring at me with his eyebrows raised. I looked at him in return, glaring as if he is the one who made me angry.

“What is your deal?” He asked, making his way over to the fridge. Him asking that question, only made me want to slap the smile right off his face.

“Nothing.” I spoke, voice as cold as a winter storm. He eyed me cautiously for a moment and went back to what he was doing. ‘Maybe he would not try to start another conversation with me. Right now, is just not the time for it because of my very thin patience.’ I thought to myself. For a long while, it was quiet as he made his food and I continued to eat mine. With Callan coming in and distracting me, I was able to clear my mind from all thoughts related to mysterious guy. It gave me a chance to breath and relax for a moment. I had been so wrapped up in myself that I did not realize Callan had came and sat down beside me to eat.

“Are you sure your okay? You seem distracted this morning.” He spoke, making my jump and made my bite of eggs drop back onto my plate. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in and slowly let it out to try and keep myself calm.

“I told you it was nothing.” I spoke through my teeth. He obviously cannot take a hint, and that irritated her to the core. He shrugged his shoulders, looking at his plate once again.

“Fine, if you don’t want to talk about it, that is on you. Anyways, what are your plans for today?” He questioned. I stared forward, not wanting to bother myself with looking at him. I also shrugged my shoulders.

“I have a job interview this morning.” I spoke, taking another sip of my coffee. I guess the idea of not having a conversation was out the window. I could feel Callan’s eyes now on me, but I did everything I could not to look back at him. It would have been likely I would have gone off on him.

“That is really good. Where at?” He questioned. ‘Does he want to know where I go to the bathroom too?’ I thought to myself. Next, he will want to know what days I am working.

“Bartending at sams.” I spoke, leaving it at that. I still wanted this conversation to end.

“Why a job there?” He questioned. I let out a long, drug out sigh.

“Because the intel we need could come from places like that, and it give me the weekdays off. It fits into my…. Character.” I spoke. I should not have had to explain that to him. He should have already known. He nodded his head, taking another bite of his food.

“Makes sense, so what about during the week?” He asked yet again, another question. This was getting very annoying, very quickly.

“I plan to stay busy by taking the chance to explore and do my own searching.” It was a good plan in my head anyways. He nodded his head, saying nothing else. I quickly stood, put my plate into the sink, and leaving the kitchen before he could start another conversation. I did not want to talk anymore about anything.

I left the house – after dressing – and made my way to sams, to hopefully get this job. It would give me something to do and get me out of the house at the same time. It would be something I could look forward to. During the week, I would also make sure that I am not home, besides at night, by exploring more and investigating to not think of mysterious guy, I would, must lock my window. I did not want to hope anymore. I just wanted to let it go. I glanced around me, as I made my way into town and the sidewalk, into the direction I should be going. I kept getting this odd feeling someone was watching me, but I chose to ignore it. Knowing how alert I am, it could just be a part of my imagination.

Rounding the corner to same, I paused my walking and looked behind me. I looked around for a few moments and frowned when nothing was there. I am being to alert again, that is exactly what that is. I rolled my eyes, turning back around to start walking. I took a step and collided into someone, falling on my butt on the sidewalk. ‘This always happens to me.’ I thought as I looked at the man now standing in front of me, holding his hand out to help me up. I glanced at his hand, then at his face, debating if I wanted to let him help me or not. ‘I could just go off on him for being in my way.’ I thought, looking at his hand once again. I rolled my eyes and placed my hand in his, as he pulled me to my feet.

“I do apologize for stopping in front of you like that, but I had been trying to get your attention for ten minutes now.” He spoke. I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. That would explain that feeling I had been getting.

“Oh, have you now? And for what?” I questioned. I was not trying to get suspicious, but I was. It is not something I can help.

“Well…. It’s kind of hard to just come out and say it.” He spoke. I could see the faint blush that was now tinting his cheeks. Whatever it was, it is embarrassing him. I found it rather humorous.

“Do not let it embarrass you, just say whatever it is.” I encouraged, getting a little impatient. The boy glanced at her for just a second, then looked back down. It seriously could not be that bad.

“Okay, here it goes,” He paused, taking a deep breath in, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and I was wondering, if maybe I could take you on a date sometime?” He finally got it out and under one breath at that. I could not help but to smile at the boy’s bravery and kindness.

“That is exceedingly kind of you, and I thank you for the generous compliment, but I am currently on my way to a job interview. Is there anyway that I could maybe just take your number and think about it?” I asked politely. I did not want to be rude since he was not rude to me. The boy smiled and pulled his phone out. I gave him my number so he could send me a text with his, and then we smiled at each other.

“Thank you. Hopefully, we will talk soon.” The boy spoke, and then walked off somewhere behind me. I glanced behind me and could not find him, so I continued walking. I do not mean to be a heartbreaker, but I will probably never call that boy. I neared the front door of sams, and sighed. ‘Finally, maybe nothing else will stop me.’ I thought as I reached for the knob. I paused, glancing behind me once again. I still had a feeling someone is watching me, which means it was not that boy. I shrugged, walking inside the building, paying it no mind. It was probably nothing anyways.