
The heart of the lycan king

Maxine_Inkoom · Adolescente
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1 Chs

1 Chapter 1 A New Beginning


In a world 🌎 full with mysteries a world where creatures of all kinds exist but the most powerful of them all are the werewolfs

Meet Renessme Young . A 19 year old teen who had just entered the university of Pennsylvania. She's ala kind, gentle and angle oriented teen without parents, she grew up in an orphanage but thank to her high IQ she got a scholarship into the university. And the good part she gets the nickname of the most beautiful and attractive every where she steps a foot .

Meet Allistor Winthrop the Lycan king of the half moon pack who had been crowned as the king for 10 years but has never been able to find his mate. Ow and he's 28 years, handsome and the strongest among all the werewolfs because he's the only Lycan among them.

What happened when Allistor and disguises himself as a senior student in Renessm's school to find a rough wolf who was once a member of his pack .

What happened when he find out Renessme is his mate but he hates humans but he still can't let her go

Let's all grap our popcorn as we go on this ride to find out the mysteries of the werewolf kingdom. ☺️

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Renessme Young stood at the gates of the orphanage, her heart pounding with anticipation and nerves. She adjusted the strap of her backpack, the weight of her dreams and aspirations resting heavy on her shoulders. Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life as she prepared to embark on her journey to the University of Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Mary, the warden of the orphanage, watched Renessme from the window of her office with a mix of pride and sadness. She had watched Renessme grow from a timid child into a confident young woman, and now it was time for her to spread her wings and fly.

As Renessme stepped out onto the bustling streets of Panama, the vibrant energy of the city engulfed her. The sun cast its warm rays upon her face, illuminating her path forward. She hailed a taxi, her excitement bubbling over as she gave the driver the address of her new school.

Meanwhile, Allistor Winthrop, the Lycan king of the Half Moon pack, paced restlessly in his chambers. His senses tingled with the knowledge that one of his own had betrayed him, and he vowed to track down the rogue wolf and bring him to justice.

In a bold move, Allistor decided to disguise himself as a senior student at the University of Pennsylvania, knowing that the rogue wolf had ties to the area. Little did he know, fate had other plans in store for him.

As Renessme entered the gates of her new school, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Unbeknownst to her, Allistor had caught sight of her from across the courtyard, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her beauty.

Mrs. Mary watched Renessme disappear into the bustling crowd of students, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips. She knew that Renessme was destined for greatness, and she silently prayed that the young girl would find happiness and fulfillment in her new life.

And so, as Renessme and Allistor's paths unknowingly converged, the stage was set for a tale of love, betrayal, and destiny to unfold in the halls of the University of Pennsylvanian.

" There's something more powerful than anything in the world -Love-"

Maxine_Inkoomcreators' thoughts