
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantasía
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71 Chs

Chapter 33

"Sweetheart, wake up. We have to go!"

It was almost dawn when Nixx woke her up. Wait! Why was she asleep? Moments ago, she was talking to the Seer, and she was about to find out who Uzriel was.

Ayla sat up fast and looked around the camp, searching for the woman. For the Seer. Where was she?

"Are you alright?" Nixx asked Ayla.

"Where is the woman?" Ayla asked.

"What woman?"

"The Seer. She was here just moments ago."

"There was no other woman here, sweetheart. I think you had a dream," Nixx replied.

Ayla felt silly. Of course, it was a dream. She had only seen that woman in her dreams.

"Time to go!" Scar said in a raised voice.

Only then Ayla realized that Nixx and Scar were getting ready to leave. She frowned but followed Nixx to his horse.

"It is still dark. Why are we leaving now? Is something the matter?" she asked.

"Nothing for you to worry about. But Scar says we need to leave."

Scar was already on his horse, waiting for Ayla and Nixx.

"Move faster," Scar said impatiently.

Ayla was silent while she mounted the horse, but once the horses were running, she asked Nixx, in a low tone, "What's going on?"

Nixx shook his head, "I am not sure. I was asleep when Scar woke me up saying that he heard some animal close to the camp."

Ayla frowned, "An animal so close to the camp?"

"A snowcat, if I heard it correctly."

Ayla would have fallen from the horse if not for Nixx. A snowcat? What were the odds that it would be Kerra?

'Could it be that the King is still looking for me?' she asked herself.

"Nixx!" she hissed. "Remember when I told you I got separated from my companions? I think it's them."

Nixx was silent for a few moments before asking, "How do you know?"

"The snowcat. The K –. One of my companions has a snowcat, Kerra. I think it is her."

"You can't be sure, sweetheart. It could be another snowcat."

She wanted it to be true. She needed it to be true, but the truth was that Ayla did not believe that it was Kerra. What were the odds? It's been days since the blizzard. Plus, Scar took her far away from the place he found her.

"But what if it's them? Please, Nixx! I need to get back. You can come with me!"

Nixx swore under his breath while the horses raced between the trees.

"Please!" Ayla insisted.

"I can't, sweetheart! And trust me, I want to come with you, to see the world. I want to be free with you because you are the only one that sees me. I want to ride that dragon. But I can't!" Nixx said in a defeated tone.

"Why? Look, you could turn Spirit around and go back to the c – "

"I have sworn a blood-oath to Scar! I can't turn this horse around because I have sworn on my blood, on my life, never to betray him. If I do, I will die."

Ayla knew that a blood-oath was the most powerful oath that a person could make. It was an oath that could be broken only by the person who made it. In the case of Nixx, it was Scar that could break the oath.

"Why did you do something so foolish?"

Nixx inhaled sharply, "I had no choice. Reva, my little sister, she – she was dying. Scar was the only one that had the money for her treatment. So I had to give up my freedom for her life."

"Addanos! We can find a way to release you from your oath, Nixx. We have to try," Ayla said as the horse took her farther from the camp.

Scar kept looking behind him as if to make sure Ayla and Nixx were still following him.

"Only Scar can free me from the oath. That or his death," Nixx said.

"So you won't help me?"

"I can't, sweetheart."

Ayla wanted to scream in frustration. If Nixx didn't help her, she would find another way to run. She had to. And it had to be today because if Kerra was out there, Ayla had to find her.

Hours later, when the horses were tired, Scar finally gave the signal to stop. Nixx tied the horsed to a tree while Ayla looked around. They were near the border of the forest, next to a small river.

"I am going to scout the area for a while. Maybe hunt something," Scar said while taking his bow with him. "See if you can cut some wood and start a fire."

Nixx nodded, pulled out a small ax, and went to inspect the trees.

Scar looked at the half-elf, "Can I leave the witch with you and be sure she does not escape?"

The half-elf looked at Ayla, who was sitting next to a boulder, "She won't escape. Am I right, sweetheart?"

Ayla looked at both men but said nothing. If Scar were leaving her alone with Nixx, it would be the opportunity she needed.

Scar looked at Ayla for a few moments, then said to Nixx, "You can't help her escape or let her escape!" And then he left.

She waited for about five minutes before talking to Nixx. Her heart was pounding fast, and she hoped that Nixx, even if he didn't want to help her, would let her leave.

The half-elf was already cutting down a tree, her back at her.

"I have to go!" Ayla said to Nixx, and he stopped for a moment.

"I can't let you go, sweetheart!"

"I will fight you if I have to!"

Nixx laughed, "I know you would."

"Please, Nixx! He wants to sell me to a brothel. Please!"

When Nixx said nothing, Ayla added, "I have a brother. He – he is not like you. He never cared about me. Not like you cared. Not like you care. And I see you as a brother. If you to see me as a sister, please, Nixx, you have to let me go!"